
Father’s Day & Ordinary Time XIISunday

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Phone: 251-865-6902
P. O. Box 417, Grand Bay, AL 3641 Fax: 251-865-1412
Email: Parish website:
Fr. Anthony Kadavil ()
Rev.Deacon Billy Graham
Parish Council President:
Mr. Steve Sema Jr. ()
Finance Council President:
Mrs. Paula Rials
CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Tiffany Teofilo
Youth Director:Mrs. Karen Day

CCD classes & Youth programendedon Sunday May 31st.

Prayerful Father’s Day Greetings:Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, grandfathers and stepfathers and Fr. Tony, our pastor.. We pray for each one of you and offer you on the altar during the Masses this weekend.

VacationBibleSchool starts on this Monday June 22nd, at 9 a.m. Please keep your children free to participate in our VBS program and write their names on the VBS list placed on the table in the church hall.

Televised Mass for the home bound and the shut inswill be filmed at St. Johns’ on Monday, June 22nd, at 5:00 pm. We will be celebrating the Holy Masses for the “13th” & “14th” Sundays of Ordinary Time. Please come and participate in these Masses and make them special for our homebound brothers and sisters.

Second Collectionthis weekend will be for Seminarians fund.

Second Collectionnext weekend will be for Peters’ Pence.

Special thanks toMr. Jack Wright for making the church campus beautiful by cutting the grass and Mr. Marion Ramsay for bush hogging the church field.

Remember your parish during summer holidays:Please have the good will and generosity to send your Sunday tithing contribution to St. John’s by mail even while you are going for Sunday Mass in some other parish during summer holidays. We need more money for maintenance as our buildings are getting older and we depend solely on your generosity.

Volunteers urgently needed:We need volunteers to help Mr. Jack Wright to cut grass in the extensive church compound. Please give your names to Fr. Tony.

Hearty welcome to our New Parish Council members:David Delmas, Tom Thornton, Carol Voss andJackie Price.

K&C Food Drive to help "Christ-N-Us" ministry:Knights of Columbus Council #15490 of St. John’s has received a request and agreed to support the "Christ-N-Us" ministry, located at the corner Potter Tract and Sager Rd. They house and feed up to twelve souls each night and they are in need to any food donations we can provide. As our Food Drive box is now completely empty we are asking the parish to support this worthy cause by placing food donations in the box so we can provide items on a regular basis. Please show appreciation for the blessings that God has given you by helping to feed the hungry.

Schedules for Ministers of the Massfor May and June are on the glass table in the church hall. Please take your copy so that you will know when you are scheduled.

Birthdays this week: June: 20th; Alice Ramsay: 22nd; Willie Thompson: 23rd; Elizabeth Swinney: 24th; Andrew VanCleave: 25th; Cathy Scott: 26th: Ethan Waters, Elias Wattier: Known Wedding Anniversaries:20th; Paullette & Ron Cauley: 22nd; Laura & Larry Davis: 24th; Martha & Paul Delmas: 25th; Lynda & Louis Jones: 26th; Chery & Joe Penton

Holy Mass Intentions of this week: June 20th to 26th

Sat. the 20th: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Jim Kimble the souls of all deceased parishioners

Sun. the 21st: ------For the Parish Community

The 20th: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Jim Kimble by Mickey Poirier

The 21st: ------For the eternal repose of the soul of Thomas Patrick Langan IV by Kathy Kirchoff

The 22nd, 23rd & 24th: ------For the eternal repose of the souls of relatives / friends of Ruth Riddick

To schedule a meeting or event using parish facilitiesyou must check the calendar or contact the office to be sure the date and room is available. You must have approval from the office for any scheduled events.

Confirmation Preparation classes:All students entering into the 9th, 10th or 11th grade and who have not received confirmation are requested to be present for the Confirmation Preparation class by Deacon Graham at 8-45 am every third Sunday in the Education Building.

Items for Soldier’s Needs:Please don’t forget to bring items for soldiers’ needs: Shaving cream, disposable razors, solid deodorant, bars of soap/body wash, anti-bacteria cleaner, shampoo, tooth paste, dental floss, personal handy-wipes, personal hygiene items for women, foot powder, insect repellent, flea collars (they put them around their ankles), chopstick, athlete’s foot powder/spray, sun block lotion, sun shades, protective safety dust masks, socks, sweat headbands, batteries (AAA, AA, C), DVD movies, cards, writing tablets, paper, pens, envelopes, reading materials, snacks: cookies, gum, crest, life-savers, mints, pudding, crackers, sardines, chicken, tuna, salmon, jerky, peppermints, kool-aid, gatorade, tea/coffee. Put items in the designated box in the Parish Hall.

Help us keep flowers at the altar

The slotted wooden box on the glass table in the Parish Hall will receive donations for flowers. If you wish to give flowers for a specific remembrance or thanksgiving there is a sign-up flower chart on the wall to the left of the front doors.

New CDs

There are new CDs in the CD stack. Each CD costs $ 3. You can have 9 CDs for $ 25. CD on the revised Mass is now available.

June 14:2105. 00


Altar Care-June

Linda & Deacon Graham

Church Cleaning– June 27

Kathy and Steve Sema, Jr

Extraordinary Minister Schedule June 20-21, 2015
Mass / Altar Servers
(Green Vestments) / EMCH / Lectors / Ushers
5:00 PM / Jay Graham
James Graham
Daryl Kirchoff / Andrea Graham
Greg Keffer / Sam Clark
Steve Sema Jr. / Kevin Cauley
Steve Cauley
Chuck Pierce
Paul Pigorsch
10:00 AM / Jason Poiroux
Try Roberts
Ty Teofilo / Maria Switzer
Matt Johnson / Reggie Stewart
Autumn Bowden / Tom Thornton
Mike Courtney
John VanCleave
Matthew VanCleave

If you are scheduled to serve at Mass and find that you cannot serve, it is NECESSARY that you arrange for a substitute.Please take your responsibility seriously. If you are interested in serving as an Altar Server, Eucharistic Minister, Lector or as an Usher, please let Fr. Tony or the Office know of your willingness to serve. We especially need Usher/Greeters for the Saturday Mass.

Remember the sick in your Prayers our sick brothers and sisters:

John Ramseay, Joe Smith,Addie Thompson, Kayla Perry,Kristlyn Postle, Victoria Fontenot, Tiffany Fontenot,Kenny Kirchoff, Paul Delmas, James Cauley, Voncille Hulcher, Helen Powers, Raymond Lyons, Valerie Wallace, Holin Saucer, Peggy Hock, T. J. Stovall, Lucine Bryant, Mary Lou Ledford, Gavin Middleton, Laurie Middleton, Jerry Wayne Davis, Joyce Rudberg, Jennifer Patronas, Connie Stringfellow, Josh Ellis, Beth Gibson, Fr. Russell Biven, Cheryl Humphrey Thompson, Jay Stallone, Emma Barber, Ali Ray, Gerald Brannan, Hanner Gassaway, Rylyn Kuntz, Joe Ecker, B. J. Broussard, Clair Waite, Avery Collier, Julia Raleigh, Steven Butler, Sarah Butler, Chris Sassano, Tammy Asch, Mary Rambo, Delaine Pigorsch, Joel Rivera, Alice Bedwell, Susan Taylor, Wayne Seymour, Miss Pink Pridgen, Kim Pridgen, Clyde Shores, Glen Haab, Haley Holder, Lakeshia Johnson, Gary Sherman, Elizabeth Schmidt, John Atchison, Johnny Hill, Jared Hoken, Diana Abrams, Hinleigh Hall, Ryan Keith Malone, Linda Graham, Dave Matern, Virginia Gable, Andrew Taylor, Diane Watts, Daniel Dorriety, Tiffany Fontenot, Harrand Broussard, Katie Nielsen, Richard Arnold, Louis Poiroux, Homer Campbell, Jimmy Marchand, Arlene Wissman, Becky Thompson, Sally Thompson, Peggie Huber, Dale Thompson, Jane Thompson, Andy Thompson, Callie Massey, Angela Heardon, Rita George, Edgar Broussard, Lillian Broussard, Robert Broussard, Jerry Blair, Michael Stairs, Amanda Illingsworth, Ray Bribsey, Dorothy Barnes, Jared Horn and for all those serving in the Armed Forces.

Pray for the deceased dear onesof the parish:Pray for the eternal repose of the deceased members of the parish: Cody Driskell, Evelyn Robison, Jean Mitchell, Veretta Tulos, Jim Kimble, Lynn Poirier, Phillip Marchand, Sue Kirchoff, Mary Sanders, Margaret Jackson, Catherine Schnadelbach, Darlene Alexander, Patrick Marchand, Steve Sema, Sr., Mary Marchand and Sis Marchand. Former pastors: Rev. Monsignor Hugh Maguire and Fr. Strejeski. Other priests and deacons and Sisters: Rev. Msg. Joseph Jennings, Rev. Andrew J. Stauter, Rev. Walter Menig, Rev. William Gorman, Deacon John Cretaro, Sr. Maria Bernarda Kadavil and other deceased relatives and friends. Pray for our former parishioners serving in the Armed Forces: Travis Wilson, SPC Jackson Triston, Jr., Captain Will Hurd, Bryant Bailey & Zachery Bailey.

FATHER'S DAY Message: June 21, 2014: one page synopsis

Introduction: Happy Father's Day to all who are fathers or grandfathers or stepfathers! Five weeks ago, we observed Mother's Day and offered Mass for our moms. Today, on this Father's Day, we are doing the same – offering our dads, living or dead, on the altar of God during this Holy Mass and invoking our Heavenly Father’s blessings on them.

The observance most similar to our Father's Day was the ancient Roman Parentalia, an annual family reunion to remember and commemorate departed parents and kinsfolk. The originator and promoter of Father's Day was Mrs. Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Washington. Her father, William Jackson Smart, had accomplished the amazing task of rearing his six children after their young mother’s death. Mrs. Dodd's suggestions for observing the day included wearing a flower -- a red rose to indicate a living father and a white rose for a dead father. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge made the first Presidential proclamation in support of Father's Day, and in 1972, President Richard Nixon declared the third Sunday in June a National Day of Observance in honor of fathers.

The Father's role in society:According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the vital importance of the father’s rolecomes from the fact that, with his wife, he cooperates with God the Creator in bringing a new human life into the world. Children with fathers present have much lower rates of delinquency, drug and alcohol use, teen pregnancy, and so on, than those with absent fathers. The father's presence is also a significant positive factor in the children’s getting a college education, finding a satisfying job, and making a lasting marriage. A girl's choice of partner and satisfaction in marriage is often directly related to the relationship she has had with her father.

A day to remember our Heavenly Father and our Rev. Fr. Pastors: Father's Day is a day to remember, acknowledge and appreciate the "World's Greatest Dad,"OUR HEAVENLY FATHER (Rom. 8:15, Gal. 4:6) Who isour spiritual Daddy, actively involved in all areas of our lives. It is He on Whom we lean in times of pain and hurt; it is He Whom we call on in times of need;it is He Who provides for us in all ways--practical, emotional, and spiritual. Many of us pray the “Our Father” day after day, without paying attention to, or experiencing, the love and providence of our Heavenly Father. Let us pray the Our Father during this Holy Mass realizing the meaning of each clause and experiencing the love of our Heavenly Father. May all earthly fathers draw strength from their Heavenly Father! On this Father’s Day, please don’t forget to pray for us, your spiritual Fathers, – men who are called to be Fathers of an immensely large parish family through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


Video homily by Fr. Bill Grimm:

Introduction: The role of God in calming the storms of life both in the history of the Church and in the lives of Christians is the central themeof the readings for this Storm Sunday.

Scripture lessons: In the first reading, God addresses Job for the first time, questioning his right to challenge God's authority and leading Job deeper and deeper into the mystery of creation. We hear how the Lord speaks to Job whose life was devastated by storms of illness, the deaths of his dear ones and the total loss of his possessions. “Out of the storm,” God reminds Job that He is in control. Today’s Responsorial Psalm picks up the storm theme and tells us how the Lord saves the sailors caught up in the high waves of a tempest by “hushing the storm to a gentle breeze.” "They who sailed the sea in ships ... saw the works of the Lord and His wonders in the abyss." Paul who "rode the storm" of rejection, from his former friends also experienced storms of violent hostility from the Jews who refused to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah. So he explains in the second reading that Jesus died for us to make us a “new creation.” In order to receive this gift, we have to respond to his love by living for him in all situations of our lives.

In today’s Gospel, Mark assures the first-century believers that nothing can harm the Church as long as the risen Lord is with them. He describes how, by a single commanding word, Jesus stilled a storm on the Sea of Galilee, returned the sea to its natural order and saved his followers from drowning. The incident reminds us to keep Jesus in our life’s boat and to seek his help in the storms of life.

Life messages: #1: We need to accommodate Jesus in the boat of our life. We all experience different types of violent storms in our lives: physical storms, emotional storms, and spiritual storms. We face storms of sorrow, doubt, anxiety, worry, temptation and passion. Only Jesus can still these storms. Jesus can give us real peace in the storm of sorrow. When we are totally depressed with sorrow Jesus assures us of the glory of the life to come. Jesus consoles us at the loss of our dear ones with the assurance of eternal life for them in the Heavenly home of God the Father where we, too, will live one day. When the storms of doubt seek to uproot the very foundations of our Faith, Jesus is there to still that storm, revealing to us his Divinity and the authority behind the words of the Holy Scripture. Jesus gives us peace in a tempest of doubt, tension and uncertainty, provided we humbly submit to Jesus' guidance. He gives us peace in the storms of anxiety and worry about ourselves, about the unknown future and about those we love. Jesus calms the storms of passion in people who have hot hearts and blazing tempers.

(Visit our parish website: the full text of the homily).

Question of the week: Why should we dress properly in the church?Is there a dress code in the church?1) Jesus is present in our churches in the tabernacle, in the Holy Bible and in the praying community. We honor him in the church by wearing honorable dress (the Sunday best). 2) Jesus, with a whip in his hands, drove away the merchants and money changers from the Temple of Jerusalem for converting his “Father’s house into a market place.” Hence dress we wear for shopping or beach is not expected in the church. 3) Scanty, transparent or provocative dress gives distraction and scandal to the praying community. “Be careful however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling to the weak”(I Cor.8:9). 4) We come to the church to offer our lives on the altar and receive God’s blessings. Hence we must dress properly. 5)St. Paul instructs us: “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety.”(1Timothy 2:9-10). 6) People expect modesty and decency in dress and dignity in behavior in the church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (No. 2521-2524), reminds us that “Modesty is decency.” 7) If we wear formal dress for an interview or meeting a VIP but no for going to church, there is something wrong with our attitude in worshipping God. Appropriate dress is the mark of showing respect to God in the church. 8) Christianity teaches us that the sacredness of the human body as a gift from God, calls for thoughtful respect and privacy, not over exposure.

A real story:Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, papal nuncio to France (and a future Pope John XXIII), was once invited to a formal banquet. His dinner companion wore an extremely low-cut dress, which the prelate pretended not to notice. When dessert was served, however, he selected a plump apple and duly offered it to the woman, who politely declined. "Please take it, madam," he pleaded. "It was only after Eve ate the apple that she became aware of how little she had on." Do ushers and greeters at Mass require baskets of apple in our church in summer?