Father James Doudican

At the time of his death, Father Doudican was the oldest priest in the diocese --- 97 years young! And, yes, I mean young, for Father Jim was so very young and so very alert mentally to the very end.

Father Jim was born in Ireland. He chose to serve the needs of the good people of Wyoming. Ordained in 1948, he spent his long life in priestly service here with great, great faith and devotion.

Father Jim was regarded as one of the holiest and saintliest priests in our diocese. He was very much a man of prayer. He prayed for the people he served – the sick, the aged, the handicapped. He prayed for all of us. His life was a life of prayer.

While serving as Jackson’s first pastor in the 1950’s, Father Jim provided the inspiration and leadership the community of Jackson needed to build their first permanent church. For many years his heart remained with the Jackson people as he saw their community grow into the thriving city it is today.

Father Jim’s lifelong hope and prayer was to serve the needs of the sick and suffering as a hospital chaplain. His prayer was answered in the 1960’s with his appointment as Chaplain of DePaul Hospital in Cheyenne, Wyoming where he served with such great devotion almost all of his priestly life. God only knows the literally thousands of patients who faced death with great peace and tranquility because of Father Jim’s compassionate and caring ministry.

Through the years Father Jim expanded his ministry to meet the spiritual and human need of the residents of the Veterans Hospital and the many nursing homes in the Cheyenne community.

Father Jim had a beautiful and legendary sense of humor. I remember that at gatherings Father Jim would keep very quiet for a long time and then he would come forth with a very sage and often humorous statement that put everything in perspective.

Father Jim will now bring great joy and happiness to the halls of heaven. May he continue to pray for the sick and suffering and for all of us. Our prayerful sympathy to his dear family in Ireland. They sent us the best! May Father Jim rest in peace with Jesus, the great High Priest Whom he loved and served so well.

Bless you, dear friend,

Msgr. James O’Neill