Lackawanna, New York 14218



GK Gene Mendrysa Editor Dave Schaefer

Phone 825-5150


Dear Brother Knights . . . May the blessings of Easter enrich us all! With Lenten Fish Fry’s and Wednesday BINGO in progress, it would appear, that our Home Corporation, the Lackawanna Catholic Club (LCC) is keeping its financial head above water. Well, maybe temporarily, but not in the long run. Unless aggressive initiates to reduce costs and increase sustainable income are undertaken immediately, it will only be a matter of time before our home (LCC) for 60 years will close its doors. The LCC faces challenges today unforeseen by earlier generations. Regardless of our home location, Council #2243will continue to focus on its core mission of Charity, Fraternity and Unity through programs that support the Church, Community, Family, Youth, Council and the Culture of Life. I agree with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson when he said: “Let us all as Knights redouble our efforts as men of Faith, and men of action based on that Faith.”

Our Lady of Victory – Pray For Us & the LCC! Fraternally, Gene Mendrysa, GK


Wed Mar 28th “Special” Meeting 3:45PM Fri Mar 30th Good Friday

Sun Apr 1th Easter Sunday Mon Apr 2nd Casino Trip 9:00AM

Tues Apr 3rd Bd Meeting 6:30 Thur Apr 5th Sr. Knights 1:00PM

Tues Apr 10th Bloodmobile 12:00PM Wed Apr 11th Council Meeting 7:00PM


The next assembly meeting isThur.,Apr. 5th, Fr. Baker Council, 7:30PM. The Exemplification Degree will take place on Sat., April 21, Niagara Falls, NY; still time, contact PGK John Sowinski. Hamburg Council’s Clergy Night will take place on Tues., April 17th, Illio D’Paolo’s, $20.00, Dinner and Open Bar; tickets available at the door or contact Hamburg Council for more information.


FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT – There are currently 3 vacant council officer positions: DGK, Outside Guard & Recorder. Descriptions of the vacant positions are available on the lounge bulletin board or by going to our website (fatherbakerkofc.org) and click on the “Members Only” link on the sidebar on the left side of the home page. Once there, scroll down and then click on “Access Council Documents” in the Council Document’s Library. In order to be a council officer one must be a 3rd or 4th Degree Member. Interested & eligible members should contact GK Gene Mendrysa (207-9036) before May 9th. Election of council officers will take place during the June 13th council meeting. ForCatholic High School Scholarships & Tuition Grant Applications: NY State Council is sponsoring both scholarship & tuition grants for incoming freshman in September 2018. For detailed information & applications go to: Completed applications must be received by NY State Council by April 1, 2018.The next scheduled degree ceremonies will be announced as soon as the dates have been firmed up. If we have your email address you will be notified as soon as the dates are known. Membersnot on our email list should send their email address to John Radwan (). Otherwise the events will be posted on the council website (fatherbakerkof.com).

Fr. Baker Council #2243

Knights of Columbus

2838 South Park Avenue

Lackawanna, NY 14218

DARTS – Thanks to all the Council Dart Player Members for being so flexible with their move from the lounge to the back room during Friday Fish Fry’s; different location but the same fun filled evening, that’s always a “given!”

ELECTION OF OFFICERS – This year’s election of officers will take place at the June 13th Council Meeting; remember, as mentioned, any candidate must be a 3rd or 4th degree member in good standing. Please consider a role as a council officer especially for DGK, Recorder or Out Side Guard; your participation would be most welcome.

WELCOME BACK – Fr. Baker Council would like to extend a warm welcome to returning member Michael J. Curtin; on behalf of the council membership may your stay be long and fulfilling!

BLOODMOBILE - The next American Red Cross sponsored blood drive will take place at the Lake Erie Italian Club, So. Park Ave., Lackawanna on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 from 12:00 – 5:00PM not at Fr. Baker Council. Special thanks to all who have been and continue to donate their precious Gift of Life.

INFORMATIONAL MEETING - On Wed., Mar. 28th, 3:45PM there will be a second, earnest attempt (since February) to gather together as many members as possible to share with them the present condition of the Lackawanna Catholic Club and Fr. Baker Councils continued presence at the same address. The last attempt lacked important first-hand information to create a complete analysis, hopefully this gathering will produce more of what’s require to paint a complete picture. Please try and attend your presence and input is most important, thank you!


MEETING: Next meeting is Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 1:00PM, lunch to follow after a brief business meeting.

APRIL BIRTHDAYS - Frank Adamaczyk, Gerald Barbic, Ray Beale, Tom Bystryk, Bill Dunford, Mr. James Bond (aka Ken Kovach), John Radwan, Jim Tighe and Martin Tobin. C E LE B R A T E !!!

CASINO TRIP - Monday, April 2nd (Dingus Day) is our council sponsor trip to Casino Salamanca seats still available. Cost $25.00 p/p, includes deluxe bus transportation, $25.00 Casino Credit and $5.00 food voucher. Bus leaves promptly at 9:00AM returning approx. 4:45PM. For reservations please contact event chairman Kevin Gilbride, 675-7972. All are welcome, always a most enjoyable trip (Win or Lose . . . !).

SENIOR KNIGHT’S DUES – If you are remitting your Sr. Knights dues by mail please send them to: Otto Johnson, 5680 Rice Rd., Boston, NY 14025, or you may leave them at the council lounge marked Sr. Dues, attn; Otto Johnson (if paying by check please make it out to Fr. Baker Sr. Knights). Or bring it when you attend the April Meeting. Please indicate if you want a card mailed. Final notices have been prepared and ready for mailing this will be the final notice.

SPRING CLEAN UP – Running a little late this year our Annual Spring Clean-Up will take place on Saturday, May 12th, 2018, 10 AM with a rain date of Saturday, May 19th. Later date due to scheduling conflicts. More in next month’s newsletter.

BROTHERS-In-Need. Please remember in the kindness of your prayers Kathy & Tom Bystryk, Jerry Gorman & Tom Whalen, illness. And for our recently departed brother Hon. Life 4th Degree Member Robert Joslyn (95) who passed away on Mar. 2nd; may the angels welcomed him home!

B I N G O – As mentioned previously we are in dire need of Wednesday Afternoon Bingo workers to help us through the absence of several of our BINGO volunteers due to winter travel. BINGO is very vital to our financial existence and your help would be greatly appreciated. From 11:00AM to approx. 3:15PM fill in where you can. Our BINGO includes Pull Tabs, Queen of Hearts, Game Balls and recently added Split Club. Tell your friends, lots to do along with just BINGO. Come early and check out the kitchen’s menu.