Fashioning Diasporas – International Conference
Friday 15 – Saturday 16 May 2009, Hochhauser Auditorium, Sackler Centre
This major international conference brings together some of the most exciting thinkers on fashion, culture and identity to explore the relationship of diaspora communities, objects and spaces to the processes of clothing production and consumption in historical and contemporary world cultures. The conference is part of the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded Fashioning Diaspora Space project.
£50 for two days, £25 for one day, concessions available
To book, call +44 (0)20 7942 2211
Friday 15 May
10.30: Welcome and Introduction – Professor Philip Crang (Royal Holloway University of London)
10.45: Refashioning the Islamic: British Islamic Fashion Designers and the Search for Culturally Relevant Dress for Muslims in the West –
Emma Tarlo (Goldsmiths, University of London)
11.30: Fashioning Ethnicities: Ghulam Sakina and the Commercial Spaces of Multiculture –
Claire Dwyer (University College London)
12.15: Style-Fashion-Dress: From 'Black' to 'Post-Black' – Carol Tulloch (V&A)
An opportunity to visit Moving Patterns at the Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR
14.30: Changing Alliances in Changing Diasporas: California Garment Workers in the 1930s and Now – Susan Kaiser / Lesley Rabine
15.15: The Long March West: The Conquest of London’s Fashion Industry by East End Jews – Andrew Godley (University of Reading)
16.30: Filaments of History: Lace, Movement, and Migration in 19th Century Culture –
Lara Kriegel (Florida International University)
17.15: Patterns, Place and Heritage –
Susan Roberts (Bridging Arts)
18.00: Wine Reception
Saturday 16 May
10.30: Global Threads: Textile Exchange and Material Culture in the Early Modern World – Giorgio Riello (University of Warwick)
11.15: Denim Jeans and Diaspora: Adapting to Living in North London – Sophie Woodward (Nottingham Trent University)
12.00: Territorial Tartan: Locating Conjugation – Jonathan Faiers (Central St Martin’s, University of the Arts)
13.45: Chinese Gowns in Western Interiors: Transitionality and Transformation –
Sarah Cheang (London College of Fashion)
14.30: ‘Indiennes’ in England? Tracking Textile Migration in Britain, 1850-1900 –
Sonia Ashmore (V&A)
15.45: Diasporas and Diffusions: A Contrast in Clothes – Robert Ross (Leiden University)
16.30: Response – Suzanne Kuechler
(University College London)
In association with
Royal Holloway, University of London and the AHRC