Fashion merchandiser job description

Fashion merchandiserJob Profile and Description

The Fashion merchandisers need to fulfill a very responsible job they generally work for the apparel production houses. He or she needs to study the latest market trends in the fashion world. There are also the duties such as analyzing the production costs. He or she has to find out the product direction manufacturers that will take every season. The other responsibilities which have to be fulfilled are the making arrangements of receiving and storing the apparel and may be become an in charge of creating visual displays to enhance the appeal of the store.

Duties and Responsibilities

There are a number of duties and responsibilities of a fashion merchandiser which have to be fulfilled and some of them are as follows:

  • A fashion merchandiser has the main responsibility to track the profits and losses properly.
  • He or she also has to large bottom line and needs to fulfill all the management responsibilities properly.
  • He or she has to analyze the change of the market trends properly.
  • It will be needed to work as a supervisor as well for supervising the sales, overseeing production costs and create income projections for their company.
  • He or she is also responsible for the conceptualization of a fashion line for the target consumer and for the current season.
  • It is needed to work as an in charge of the selection of fabrics and textiles.
  • It will be the responsibility to transfer the products from the designer and manufacturer to the consumers properly and efficiently.
  • It is needed to formulate the excellent marketing strategies and policies to increase the sales.
  • The merchandiser needs to oversee that the products are presented to the customers in an attractive manner to entice customers.
  • The merchandiser needs to be able to anticipate customer preferences properly.

Skills and Specifications

The required skills and specifications are as follows:

  • The person desiring to be a Fashion merchandiser needs to have the proper knowledge of the combination of the marketing and advertising skills.
  • He or she needs to be very creative and innovative to do the job. with the creative part of their work
  • They must be resourceful, creative, and confident and must be willing to take risks.
  • The person needs to very good with the numbers means should have the excellent mathematical skills.
  • The person should be very versatile in the work to adapt the profitable changes in the world of fashion.

Education and Qualifications

  • The person desiring to do the job in the sector should have done one of the fashion merchandising courses that are available through private institutions.
  • Besides that, a person can opt for a degree or diploma according to their preferences and choice of specialization.