Mars Baseball Association
Farm League Rules 2016
(6U through 8U Divisions)
Unless listed or noted below, MBA Farm Division will be governed by the rules set forth by Pony Baseball.
Rules related to safety, good sportsmanship and the proper teaching of fundamental baseball skills should receive the highest priority.
Where applicable, for inter-league play with other baseball organizations, upon approval of the commissioner, after consulting with the Board, may modify the rules below to accommodate the rule differences between the multiple organizations, so the teams are all playing by the same rules.
The Mars Baseball Association Board reserves the right to modify the rules at any point during the season.
A copy of these rules shall be posted on the Mars Baseball Association website by March 31, 2016 and shall remain posted on the website throughout the season.
The 6U through 8U players are split between three Farm Leagues. A definition of each league is below:
Farm American 6U – 8U
This is a coach pitchleague for 6 to 8 year old players as of April 30, 2016 where a reduced injury factor (RIF) baseball is used. Batters receive 8 pitches from the coach and if they do not hit the ball, they will have the opportunity to hit the ball with soft toss. The entire season is coach pitch. Games are 5 innings in length with a time limit of 1.5 hours. The MBA recommends this league for all 6 year olds who are ready for coach pitch and any 7 year old who has not previously played coach pitch should play in the Farm American League.
Farm National7U
This is a coach pitch league for players who are 7 as of April 30, 2016 where a standard little league baseball that is harder than the RIF ball used in the Farm American league is used. Batters will receive 7 pitches from the coach. If they don't hit the ball or have 3 swinging strikes, the batter is out. The entire season is coach pitch. Games are 6 innings in length with a two hour time limit. The MBA recommends this league for all 7 year olds who have previously played at least one coach pitch season and are ready to handle the three strikes and you’re out rule.
Farm National8U
This is a coach pitch leaguefor the first 4 innings and kid pitch during innings 5 and 6. The league is for players who are 8 as of April 30, 2016 where a standard little league baseball that is harder than the RIF ball used in the Farm American league is used. When playing with a coach pitching, batters will receive 7 pitches from the coach. If they don't hit the ball or have 3 swinging strikes when the coach is pitching, the batter is out. During the kid pitch portion of the game, the batters are out after three strikes but a coach will finish pitching an at bat after four balls. Games are 6 innings in length with a two hour time limit. The MBA recommends this league for all 8 year oldswho have previously played at least one coach pitch season and who are ready to face pitching by players
- Team rosters shall be determined by the league commissioner. In selecting teams, every efforts shall be made to assure that the teams are as evenly balanced as possible.
- Only players registered or approved to play in the Mars Baseball Association are permitted to play in a league game or participate in a practice. This is for insurance purposes.
- All players shall be of league age on April 30, 2016. Players who are not of age may participate in an older league, if their Petition to Play up is approved by the MBA Board.
- Each team will be assigned a manager. The manager for each team shall be appointed by the commissioner with approval of the MBA Board.
- Up to ten (10) players may play in the field at a given time. All players on a team’s roster and present at the game shall be placed in the batting order. Every player at the game will bat in order. In the event that fewer than ten (10) players will be present at a game, the manager may utilize call-ups from a younger league to supplement the team’s roster for the game.
- The commissioner shall distribute a list of players on the call-up list to all managers prior to the beginning of the season.
- When using players on the call-up list, managers shall rotate those players who are asked to play-up so that the opportunity to play up is extended to as many players as possible.
- When using call-up players, the manager shall not utilize more call-up players than necessary to have ten (10) players present at the game. No member of the team shall be required to sit an inning in the field because of excessive call-up players.
- Call-up players shall bat last in the batting order. Call-up players shall participate in the normal fielding rotation as set forth below.
- A scorekeeper or parent must remain in the bench area at all times to control the bench area.
- Only players, managers, coaches, and scorekeeper/control parent, are permitted to be on the bench or dug-out area.
- All players are encouraged to remain in the bench area at all times.
- A defensive team may field a minimum of eight (8) players and a maximum of ten (10) players for a legal lineup. If using ten players, the team must use four (4) outfielders – no short fielders allowed. Use the call up list for players!
- All rostered players will bat in order regardless of their position in the field. Players who show up after the start of the game will be placed at the end of the line-up.
- Players cannot bat twice in any inning regardless of whether the 5 run limit has been reached or not.
- The Mars Baseball Association will provide all teams with a scorebook. This scorebook contains a player rotation sheet designed to ensure equal playing time and to provide all players an opportunity to play each position multiple times during the course of the season. THE ROTATION SHEET MUST BE USED – NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Each player shall rotate to a new position each inning using the Mars Baseball Positional Rotation sheet. During the season players must play all infield and outfield positions. Players must play at least three innings in the infield and at least two innings in the outfield per game. No one player can play a single position (i.e. shortstop or first base) for more than one (1) inning per game.
- A fielder assigned to a position must play that position the entire inning. The only exception will be due to injury. There is free player substitution on defense between innings (players may be removed and reenter the game freely).
- Each player must play defense at least four (4) out of the six (6) total innings.
- Players should have the opportunity to experience every position multiple times during the season.
- A coach or player is allowed to call time-out once per inning.
- The home team, as designated by the schedule, shall be responsible for preparing the field prior to each game (dragging field, lining field, preparing batters boxes, setting bases, preparing surface as needed). The “visiting” team is responsible for field tear down (dragging field, putting equipment away, and any field repairs). Each team will be responsible for making sure it’s bench area is clean of all garbage after the game.
- Bases shall be set at a distance of 60 feet.
- Second base to the tip of home plate will be 84 feet and 10 inches.
- The pitcher’s rubber shall be 44 feet from home plate. A 10 foot diameter circle shall be lined around the pitchers mound. The coach should pitch from the near the front of this circle – at a distance of approximately 35 feet to the back of home plate.
- Reduced Injury Factor baseballs shall be the standard baseball for the Farm American league. A.D. Starr 100 baseballs, or equivalent, shall be the standard baseball for the Farm National 7U and 8U Leagues.
- Only 2¼” barrel non-wood bats which are manufactured to achieve a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.15 or less through the life of the bat are approved for play in this league.
- Chalk lines will be drawn at the halfway point between the first and second base, second and third base, and third base and home plate to help determine whether runners are entitled to advance to a base. A chalk line arc may be drawn in the outfield approximately 20’ from the edge of the infield dirt. All outfielders must start behind this chalk (or imaginary) line before every pitch.
- Each player will be equipped with a MBA jersey and hat. Players will provide their own pants and socks. These must be worn during each and every game. All jerseys must be tucked in during play.
- All male players are encouraged to wear protective cups while playing. Protective cups are highly recommended for catchers.
- Batting helmets and full catcher’s equipment will be provided by MBA.
- Batting helmets must be worn by all batters and base runners.
- Batting helmets with masks should be available but are not required.
- Catchers must wear shin guards, chest protector, face mask/head protector, during play. A catcher’s mitt will be provided, but a fielding glove will be permitted at this age.
- Each game at the Farm American level shall consist of five (5) innings. Each game at the Farm National level shall consist of six (6) innings. An official game shall consist of at least four (4) innings, 3 ½ innings if the home team is ahead.
- Weekday games start at 6:15 pm. Each team gets to practice on the field a 15 minutes prior to game start. On weeknights, new innings will not start after 8:00 pm on school night games regardless of when the game starts. No new inning should start after 8:15 pm on non-school nights.
- There is a 2 hour time limit for weekend games that have scheduled games following. If the time limit applies, no new inning shall begin after 1 hour and 45 minutes have passed from the scheduled start of the game.
- The team managers may cancel a game for weather or field conditions upon mutual agreement. If they do not agree, the league commissioner will determine whether fields are playable.
- All coaches are encouraged to re-schedule games canceled due to bad weather. All rescheduled games MUST go through the commissioner for field assignment. The commissioner must be notified of a cancellation.
- A team may only score five (5) runs per inning. After the 5thrun has scored, that team’s at-bat is over. The final at bat is to be completed. The half inning is over when either all runners have scored, an out is made, or infield possession has been made with runner advancement complete.
- When play begins, the player-pitcher must begin inside the 10’ pitcher circle until the coach pitch has been released. Then the player pitcher is free move outside the circle to field the ball.
- Coaches should pitch overhand.
Offensive Team
- All players present at the start of the game will bat in rotation (including those on the bench). Players arriving late will be added to the end of the batting order.
- When a coach is pitching, an at-bat will be considered 7 or 8 pitches total balls or strikes. (8 for Farm American. 7 for Farm National). If the last pitch (or any thereafter) is fouled the batter will be awarded another pitch. If the batter does not swing at the last pitch, he or she will be out. After the pitch limit is reached the at bat is over. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- In order to teach the kids not to swing at anything (Strike Zone), a 3 swinging strikes rule will be implemented. If a batter swings and misses at 3 pitches, they are out (whether or not the pitch would have been a called strike). As in baseball, foul balls count as the first 2 strikes. There are no walks, and the batter must swing at the last pitch.
- Helmets must be worn by all batters and runners.
- Runners may not advance on overthrows from the infield at any base. Play is live on overthrows from the outfield until infield possession has occurred. Once infield possession takes place, no advancement on overthrows.
- Any player throwing a bat will be called out (each team will receive one warning per game).
- Unsportsmanlike like conduct will not be tolerated. This includes but not limited to throwing gloves, bats, and helmets. This will be considered an out for the team at bat or, if in the field, during the next ½ inning. NO WARNINGS!
- A runner will be called out if a base coach grabs the runner (for purposes of stopping or starting forward progress) during live play. (One team warning per game).
- Only two players are allowed to handle a bat at one time - the batter at the plate and the on-deck batter who must stay in the on-deck area. All other players must remain on the "bench". An assistant coach/bookkeeper or parent must monitor this requirement to avoid injuries.
- Three outs or five runs or batting around concludes a team’s at-bat.
- Bunting is NOT allowed.
Defensive Team
- The defensive team will consist of ten players including four outfielders. Minimum of eight players are required to start a game or continue a game.
- Players may re-enter the game as needed (free substitutions), however, players may not be substituted or change positions for a particular batter.
- Outfield positions are defined as left field, left-center field, right-center field, and right field. Outfielders must start play behind the outfield line. The line should be approx. 20' behind the baseline.
- Outfielders may not cover a base for an infielder.
- Infielders must play their own defensive positions. The catcher (not the pitcher) will take all throws to the plate (except when catcher is chasing down a ball or involved in a “run-down”). Coaches are encouraged to start teaching catchers their position.
- One coach must be behind the catcher to assist in getting balls not in play. (In order to speed up play). This coach can help instruct proper batting stance of his players, and clear the bat out of the way of any plays at home while trying not to interfere with the play.
- Play is stopped either by a play at any base or when an infielder has possession of the ball while in the infield. Any runners that have advanced at least ½ way to the next base will be awarded that base. If the halfway line was not reached then, the runners must return to the previous base. The infielders can still make a play on the runners and the runner must secure the base that they are going to (i.e. just getting ½ way to a base doesn’t make a runner safe).
- A maximum of two defensive coaches are allowed in the field at any given time. These coaches should be positioned behind the infielders and try not to interfere with any player’s line of site.
- The pitching coach will make “½ way calls” on the bases. The base coaches will make out calls at the bases. NO ARGUING CALLS! THIS INCLUDES SPECTATORS.
- Runners may not take a lead and cannot leave the base until the ball has crossed home plate. If a runner leaves his base early then, the pitched ball is considered a dead ball and all runners will be put back on the base they last occupied at the time of the pitch. A team warning will be given by the umpire. If any runner on the same team leaves their base early any additional times, they will be called out, the pitched ball is dead, and all runners must return to the last base occupied.
- Sliding will be allowed in this division but it is highly recommended that coaches teach the proper sliding technique.
- Head first sliding is not allowed.
- Sliding into first base from home plate is not allowed.
- No warnings!!! Any player sliding into first base or sliding head first in to any base will be called out!
- At no time shall any offensive player try to knock down a defensive player to gain an additional base. ALL PLAYERS MUST AVOID CONTACT! Failure to avoid contact will result in the base runner being automatically called out. Players should slide at all bases (except first base) when there is a play being made.
- There is no infield fly rule in this division.
- Managers, please remember YOUR conduct is being watched by players, parents and coaches on BOTH sides of the field.
- Parents are encouraged to us the “24 Hour Rule” before discussing the game or situation with the coach.
- Concerns regarding poor conduct by a coach, player or parent should be brought to the attention of the Commissioner within a timely manner.