Family Tree (Antigone)

Family Tree (Antigone)

(pinned ankles together and sent to die)

Oedipus___→___→___→___ given by___→___→___→___ adopted parents

(Swollen Foot) Corinthian

Son of King Laios shepherd to King Polybus

and and

Queen Jocasta of Thebes Queen Merope of Corinth

(oracle said son would (never told Oedipus he was kill father and marry adopted)


Killed King Laios (arrogant old man on road)

Married Queen Jocasta (Creon’s sister) after

encountering Sphinx and solving riddle

Euridices + Creon (Jocasta’s brother) Jocasta + Oedipus


Megareus Haimon Eteocles Polyneices Antigone Ismene

(died in war) (engaged to Antigone) 1st ruler 2nd ruler wandered

in exile with

Oedipus until

of Thebes he died at Colonus

(brothers were to share rule in

alternate years)


Eteocles refused to give up the throne to Polyneices


Polyneices went to Argos and raised an army, fought Eteocles at Thebes


the brothers killed each other.

Creon became ruler and declared Polyneices a traitor (no burial) and Eteocles a hero who protected Thebes (hero’s burial)