Families for Life Programme - ApplicationForm

We are really pleased that you would like to run one of our Families for Life programme – Please complete this form letting us know what programme you are interested in running and the member of staff who will be leading on programme.

School / CC name
Lead member of staff
Lead member of staff e-mail address

The Families for Life programme we would like to run is:

Families for Life Programme / Programme description / School / Setting agreement: / Tick here:
Early Years (2 – 4yrs) / 4 week healthy eating and active play for families with children aged 2- 4 years. Each session is 90 minutes and includes fun activities and cooking and tasting of simple recipes based on a specific theme such as budgeting, time, limited space, fussy eating. / Weagree to:
  • Identify and recruit between 6 - 10 families
  • Ensure the lead member of staff is available during the delivery of the sessions
  • Ensure you have an appropriate room or space than can accommodate up to 10 parents with 2 children each
  • Ensure the room or space has close access to kitchen facilities
  • Ensure the room and equipment are suitable and ready for families to use during each session
  • Take part in the project evaluation and quality assurance processes

Primary (5 – 11yrs) / 4 week programme of healthy eating and active games for families with children aged 5 - 11 years. Each session is 90 minutes and includes fun activities and cooking and tasting of simple recipes based on a specific theme such as budgeting, time, limited space, fussy eating. / Weagree to:
  • Identify and recruit between 6 - 10 families to take part in the programme
  • Ensure the lead member of staff is available during the delivery of the sessions
  • Ensure you have an appropriate room or space than can accommodate up to 10 parents with 2 children each
  • Ensure the room or space has close access to kitchen facilities
  • Ensure the room and equipment are suitable and ready for families to use during each session
  • Take part in the project evaluation and quality assurance

Family Kitchen (2 – 11yrs) / 6 week programme that supports families to learn to cook and eat healthy meals together. Each session is 90 minutes and includes practical cooking skills and eating a healthy meal. In order to deliver Family Kitchen in your setting staff will need to attend a one day training session. A resource pack including guidance, lesson plans and recipes is available to support settings with this programme. / We agree to:
  • Ensure the programme is run by trained tutors (at least one provided by the school / children’s centre)
  • Ensure the resources and equipment are suitable and ready for families to use during each session
  • Follow the Family Kitchen session plans
  • Take part in the project evaluation and quality assurance

We would like to run our sessions at the following time…………… and on the following dates (please choose consecutive dates):

1st choice / 2nd choice
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6

If you have chosen to run Family Kitchen you will need to complete this additional information:

  • We will provide two members of staff these people have already been trained to run Family Kitchen.
  • We understand we will receive £400 as a contribution to our costs.

  • We will provide two members of staff these people need training to be able to run Family Kitchen.
  • We understand we will receive £400 as a contribution to our costs.

  • We would like the Health and Wellbeing Team to provide one trained CRB checked health improvement practitioner and we will provide one member of staff to run Family Kitchen.
  • We understand that there is no contribution to the school’s /CC costs with this model but that the Health and Wellbeing Teamwill fund the cost of the ingredients
  • Please indicate if the member of school /CC staff has received training:
Yes / No

Signed (headteacher / head of children’s centre): ………………………………………...

Please return completed form to: