Family & Consumer ScienceMrs. Wilson
TEXTS: “Parenting Rewards and Responsibilities” by Verna Hildebrand, Ph.D. “Guide to Good Food” byVelda L. Largen / Deborah L. Bence
a)Keep it in the room unless you sign it out
b)Use it and take care of it
c)Overview of content
d)Handouts will compliment and add to the textbook
Sr. High Family and Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Science, formally Home Economics, has gone under many significant changes on the last few years to help ensure our students are prepared for the Twenty-First Century at work and in the home. GHS’s Family and Consumer Science classes will reflect those changes in PA and National Standards. Family and Consumer Science builds upon the foundations for managing individual, family, career, and community roles and responsibilities introduced in 8th grade. In FACS, students focus on areas of individual growth such as personal goal achievement, responsibilities within the family, and accountability for personal safety and health. They also explore and practice financial management, clothing maintenance & design, food preparation, positive and caring relationships with others, and self-assessment as related to career exploration. Childcare is also an area of focus. Students apply problem solving and leadership skills as they progress through the course. Mathematics, Science, English, Social Sciences, Fine Arts, and technology are integrated throughout the program.
A. See handbook for “Discipline Code”, FOLLOW IT!!
- As for my specific rules:
- Be on time.
- Be prepared.
- Respect your peers, property, and me.
- Complete assignments.
- Stay out of the kitchen unless we are doing a lab.
- Clean up after yourself and put things away where you found them.
- Do Not eat or drink anything that you have not been approved to use for a lab.
- Computers are to be used for class work and projects, not games or other social activities.
- Cell phones out during class discussions, lectures, or when work is expected to be done will be taken.
- GRADING: You will be graded on:
A. Homework
B. Class work and participation
C. Labs and projects
- Quizzes
- Chapter Test
- All work assigned is due on the day of a student’s absence is due on the day he/she returns to school.
- Those who fail to make up missed assignments within one week of their absence will receive a zero for that assignment.
- Students are responsible for asking the teacher what he/she missed.
- Any absence on the day before a test will not excuse the student from the test/quiz if it was announced before their absence.
- Any missed food labs must be made up at home. A small sample and a note from a parent/guardian indicating the student made up the lab are necessary to get a grade for the lab. The lap must be made up in a week.
- Students who cut class, skip school, or are absent without an excuse will receive no credit for the work done on that day nor will they be allowed to make up any work or tests.
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80- 89 %
C = 70- 79%
D = 60- 69%
E = 0 – 59 %
The syllabus is subject to change. Thank you.
The best way to reach me is through e-mail at kwilson@greenville.k12, If you wish to speak to me the best time to call is 7:00 – 8:30 A.M. at 724-588-2500 x 2116.