19th/20th/21st APRIL 2013


We have great pleasure in inviting you to attend the LMBBS Family Conference at the

Hilton Hotel, Northamptonon 20th April 2013.This conference is aimed at those with

Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, their families and carers and also the experts and professionals

who have an interest in the various conditions associated with this syndrome.

Registration is from 8.45am, complimentary tea and coffee will be available upon arrival.

The conference begins at 9.30am, with a luxury buffet lunch scheduled for 1pm. There

willalso be a refreshment break during the morning. During the afternoon there are

workshops which allow for a more informal approach with the conference scheduled to

finish at around 4.45pm.

Professor Philip Beales will open the conference with an update on the research and

study of LMBBS. The final programme is yet to be confirmed, howeverit promises to be an extremely informative event and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kindest regards

Chris Humphreys

Chris Humphreys

Conference & National Co-ordinator

LMBBS Conference 2013
ProfessionalsBooking Form

Accommodation arrangements should be made direct with the hotel toJacky Jowers, 01604 702851quoting reference number GLMBE.

Hotel Tariff:

Single Room (1 double bed) Bed/breakfast - £55.00 per person per night

Double Room (1 double bed) Bed/breakfast - £39.50 per person per night 2 sharing

Twin room (2 double beds) Bed/Breakfast- £39.50 per person per night 2 or more persons sharing

Some rooms have sofa beds, but cots and rollaway beds available on request at an additional cost.

To complete your conference booking, please return the form below to

Chris Humphries:

Booking Details:


Area of interest/Place of Work……………………………………………………………..





Full names of all in your party, including yourselves:






Children are more than welcome and can be cared for in the crèche or they can go

to Drayton Manor Theme Park or alternatively(depending on interest shown) visit to Bowling Park. Our superb carers will be available to accompany your child/children. Please provide names and ages below

Names……………………… d.o.b………… Drayton Manor/Bowling park ……. T’shirt size……….

……………………………..… d.o.b………… Drayton Manor/Bowling park ……. T’shirt size……….

Please tick one of the following:

I/we have booked accommodation with the Hilton Hotel for both Friday and Saturday night.

I/we have booked accommodation with the Hilton Hotel for Friday night only

I/we have booked accommodation with the Hilton Hotel for Saturday night only

I/we will be attending the conference as Day Delegate/s(lunch included)and enclose a non refundable cheque for £40.00 per person made payable to LMBBS

Please tick one of the following:

I/we will require …………meals on Friday evening @ £20 per person (adult and 15+yrs)

I/we will require………… meals from Children’s menu @£8.50 per child(5-15 yrs)

Children 0-5yrs free of charge.

I/we will require …………meals on Saturday evening @£20 per person (adult and 15+yrs)

I/we will require………… meals from Children’s menu @£8.50 per child(5-15 yrs)

Children 0-5yrs free of charge.

Please give any special dietary requirements of any member of your group

e.g. diabetic, vegetarian, allergies to nuts, dairy/wheat products etc.



Please return your completed booking form by 21stFebruary2013 with a non refundable cheque of £40.00for Day Delegates (with any additional payments for evening meals) made payable to LMBBS to:

Chris Humphreys, 10 High Cross Road, Rogerstone, Newport, South Wales NP10 9AD.

Chris can also be contacted on 01633 718415 or email onfirmation of your booking and balance will be sent to you.

Please note that the hotel has a Fitness & Health Suite as well as a Swimming Pool for your use, so don’t forget to pack your gym kits and costumes.

On arrival, rooms may not be available until 3pm. If you wish to avail yourself of a late departure of 5pm, please make the necessary arrangements with Reception on arrival.

We look forward to seeing you.

LMBBS Committee