Course Title: Independent Living Instructor: Mrs. Janet Warren

Phone #: 240-236-8134 E-Mail :

Course Description: This course provides the opportunity to study survival skills to help students live successfully on their own. Through the use of the textbooks, classroom activities and projects, students will explore decision-making skills, planning and promoting a healthy future, foods, nutrition, cooking, credit, advertising and apartment living ( budgeting, decoration and planning.)

Career Pathway: Human Services

Skills for Success: (These will be taught in many ways throughout the course.)

1.  Learning Skills (Learn financial planning, nutrition, healthy lifestyles and time management skills.)

2.  Thinking Skills (Develop problem-solving and decision-making skills.)

3.  Communication Skills (Develop positive personal and career relationships.)

4.  Technology Skills (Use computers and food prep equipment.)

5.  Interpersonal Skills (Learn to work effectively with others in a group.)

Essential Course Objectives:

·  Develop the skills and behaviors necessary to live a productive and satisfying life.

·  Recognize the importance of individual development and the role of interpersonal relationships in that development.

·  Explain the process involved in becoming a functioning member of the family unit and society through the acquisition of a job and management of related resources.

·  Describe how the personal decision-making process can be applied to the achievement and maintenance of wellness.

Course Content: (Units of Instruction)

1.  Managing your life (The Management Processes and Application, Decision-Making, Improving Communication, Developing Positive Relationships, Managing Family Life, Wellness as a Resource, Managing Crisis, Emergencies and Illnesses)

2.  Managing Work and Money Resources (Planning for Work, Succeeding on the Job, Career Resources, Making a Financial Plan, Using Credit and Investment Resources, Becoming an Informed Consumer, Developing Consumer Skills)

3.  Managing Time and Material Resources (Making Nutrition Decisions, Managing Food Resources, Making Clothing Decisions, Managing Clothing Resources, Managing Housing Decisions, Organizing Your Living Space, Making Transportation Decisions, Managing your Leisure Time, cooking & sewing.)


Shaping Your Future-Eubanks, Sassse & Glosson – Glencoe- McGraw-Hill

Food for Today – Glencoe Publishing

Required Materials: Folder, writing materials, poster board for interior design project.

Behavioral Expectations:

1.  Demonstrate effort, quality and creativity in classroom assignments, projects and assessments.

2.  Demonstration of interest, enthusiasm and positive learning attitude, through class participation.

3.  Participate cooperatively within a group.


Assignments vary in length and quality and may consist of the following: reading from the assigned text and supplemental resources, video-lessons, individual and/or group projects and activities, class presentations, teacher led discussions and lectures, assessments and multimedia applications.

Make-up Policy:

It is the responsibility of the student to make up all missed work due to absences, within one week of returning to school. The student needs to request the work from the teacher. In cases where the student misses an activity or video which can not be made up, an alternate assignment will be provided by the teacher (an article summary).

Grading Policy:

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 69-60%


*Assignments will be varied and point value will be determined by the length and nature of the assignment.

Provisions for Extra Help:

Although it is the responsibility of the student to request missed work upon returning to class from an absence, there may be times when it may be necessary for the student to come in during lunch or remain after school for tutoring and/or extra help. Should this be the case, the teacher will make arrangements with the student and/or parent to provide the needed help.