Falls Church Elementary Parent Teacher Association

November 19, 2008

Draft Minutes



October 08 Minutes



Christine Jones, Debbie Schantz-Hiscott, Rachelle Sharrer, Megan Schlitt, Terri Tornell, Laurie Clark, Kieran Sharpe, Kathy Halayko, Bob Palermo, Jenn Ros, Jody Snyder, Melissa Ward, Sherri & Patrick Fry, Margaret Schwartz, Scott Gilmore, Shawn Russell, Jen Cipriano, Caroline Ye, Elaine O’Neil, James Klemic, Laura Mann, Joe Anderson, Kathy Washa, Emma Kim, Bonita Woods, Sung Jeff Kim, Eileen Brown, Paul & Calla Driggers, Susie Yoon, Fred Janicki, Joyce & Richard Klein, Tim Rowe, Chris Miller, Jason Tibbetts, Kevin Holewinski, Catherine Beddow, Jackie Bossart, Kelly Poort, Jen Tabola, Ted Adams, Peter Oppenheimer, Beth West, Shelyn Gibb, Jennifer Anderson, Karen Broxson, Gina Thacker, Ellen Gilmore, Terri Nelson, April Rollins, Andrew Jones, Parry Norling, Jen Hoyer, Michael Trauberman, John Romps, Tony Cipriano, Gina Leach, Evelyn Horovitz, plus many others who did not sign in.

Program Portion

A. Debbie Schantz-Hiscott introduced herself and thanked teachers for giving up their Wednesday evening to come and be with us.

B. Dr. Gloria Guba, Assistant Superintendent/ Director of Instruction then gave some opening remarks. She recognized the PTA for funding the math magic assemblies which have just taken place. She then briefly reported on the results of the math curriculum report stating that it is important information for PTA members to know as they should be holding the school system accountable for what they say they will achieve. Basically they expect students to learn the language in a way that is appropriate, to develop competency, and to be able to demonstrate the ways in which they solve math problems. She ended with giving a few examples of math questions from the kindergarten curriculum.

C. Suzanne Williamson, Math Recovery Specialist, Mt.Daniel, spoke for a few minutes. She explained the support systems the kids have at Mt.Daniel in order to enrich or support the existing curriculum. While kids are taken out of the class at Mt.Daniel, at TJ the teachers use their paras to work with kids in the classroom and before and after school. She highlighted the Math In Motion curriculum in PE. And she mentioned the enrichment board at TJ that asks “Who uses math?” as a way to demonstrate to kids how math is needed in everyday life.

D. Debbie then gave instructions on how kids were to go to their classrooms for the demonstrations and dismissed the kids by grade.

Business Meeting

Welcome and Introductions

Debbie Schantz-Hiscott opened the meeting at 8:04 and welcomed members and speakers.

The October Minutes were approved

School Board Report

Kieran Sharpe, Elementary School Board Liaison

Mr. Sharpe referred to studies on website, lengthy studies that came out of their last meeting. One document available online is called “Assessments.” This goes thru testing programs, both SOL based and not. It also sets out how we’ve done on these so that we can see trends and other interesting data. Another document discusses “Dashboard Goals.” These tie to the assessments and sets a goal for continuous improvement as well as to close the gap by 2014, a required goal by No Child Left Behind. He urged members to look at those. In a work session as part of meeting there was a public presentation on both the athletic strategic plan and the PRIDE survey. The Board knows that the development of kids outside of classroom is important. He discussed a little bit of the budget – they are envisioning a gap as anticipated revenue is less, maybe 1M less. If one takes into account the desired 4% increase, this gap could be more – say, closer to 4M. Many of his colleagues were in Williamsburg to hear about State funding and budgeting. As for timing of presenting the budget, the superintendent will develop her budget for early 09 and is reaching out to parents about priorities, etc. PYP and MYP will remain a priority. In other news, the high school principal selection is getting underway with a selection committee early next year. He commented that he remains eager to help get grants underway, but hasn’t had the time to address it since last meeting. Yet he is still engaged and realizes importance of grants, esp. for Outdoor Classroom.

Debbie thanked him for the time, under stressful times he (and the rest of the board) are working very hard.

Principals’ Reports

Kathy Halayko, Principal, MountDaniel

Hope you enjoyed the math night! So much math is embedded in what they do everyday that it is not always recognized as math to the children. Currently, the Kindergarten is learning about animals. They are making fantasy animals in art out of shapes and this tied into their trip to the zoo. Parent conferences occurred and the classes celebrated Vet’s day. 1st graders wrote to vets as well as those serving in Iraq and elsewhere. Leading up to election day, the kids voted for Duck or Mouse. The next principal’s coffee is on Dec 10 at 9am talking about “Building life skills thru play.” A parents’ book club starting with “Taking Back Childhood” will be discussed at the coffee. FYI it is less than $6 on Amazon. Book week has been this week and Mrs. Wishy-Washy was here. She showed a great photo from this visit.

Bob Palermo, Assistant Principal, Thomas Jefferson

At TJ they are working on their draft of the budget. In outdoor classroom, the 2nd graders are learning about wind. The 4th grade trip to Williamsburgwas a big success – great weather! Other students had field trips too but without the same luck for good weather! (The 3rd grade walked to Cherry Hill in the cold.)

President’s Report

Debbie Schantz-Hiscott

Debbie announced that we have wrapped up our main fundraisers for the year. The PTA has started a new grant program for teachers and staff. The PTA has already granted one for a germ assembly about the spreading of germs. “They grew germs.” The next deadline is Dec 31stand the PTA has already received some new applications.

Treasurer’s Report

Rachelle Sharrer

Rachelle gave more details on the details of the 4 of the major fundraisers that have just been completed. Art magnets was again a success, with just less than $12K gross. TJ book fair grossed almost $10K (which goes not to the PTA but directly to the TJ library). Spiritwear has grossed $4K and Wrapping paper $9K. We will need to pay for the products, but even so, these numbers are good. We also have spent some PTA money on assemblies.

New Business

Debbie announced a new March program, “March Madness” – Mt D/TJ v MEH parents & staff on March 20th. This will be the alternative to the Elementary party at the community center and is where the baskets will be raffled, and funds raised for 4th grade moving up ceremonies and activities. Finally, Debbie asked for feedback of this math program. She mentioned that there was a great turnout but wants to know if it was what you expected. Also there have been some exciting Outdoor Classroom meetings. Some definite improvements have been planned including the addition of two compost barrels at Mt.Daniel and the development of a front garden. In addition, on the 1.5 acres at end of the Mt.Daniel parking lot there are plans to clear this area this spring for an interpretive trail. This will allow us to have more outdoor space to experience all classroom subjects outside. These projects will make Outdoor Classroom more obvious to visitors and kids. Finally, Debbie & Rachelle are sitting on a committee developing a Facilities study and this is very exciting.


Debbie Schantz-Hiscott thanked the Board for coming tonight to do extra work in preparation to receive the large crowd. She then closed the meeting at 8:28pm and reminded members to come toTJ on Jan21st at 7pm for a student “Fine Arts Night” recognition with your children!