2017-2018 Syllabus for
Mac A. Howard, Jr.
Phone # 256-428-8050 ext. 255
Rm# 255
Textbook – Prentice Hall’s, Psychology
Course Description
This course introduces students to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes of humans and other animals. Topics that may be explored include research methods, biological basis of behavior, psychological disorders and their treatment, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, memory, thinking, language, learning, intelligence, motivation, emotion, personality, human development and social psychology.
This course is designed to meet the Alabama Department of Education requirement for online instruction of high school students. It is the expectation that students will spend a minimum of twenty (20) hours in participation in this online course in addition to normal course requirements.
Psychology is a 1 credit course where students will gain an understanding of individual development as it pertains to mental processes and behavior. Students will continue to develop their critical thinking skills and communications skills through the research of relevant topics in psychology. Building such skills will provide value in other academic disciplines and provide enduring skills for life beyond high school.
Lifelong Learning Standards
Knowledgeable person
Complex thinker
Effective communicator
Self-directed learner
Quality producer
Contributing citizen
Student Supplies Requirement – a notebook –(for required notebook assignments
and taking notes in class)
writing utensils, school issued laptop
Notebooks will be checked after 1 or 2 chapters
Group project and test dates will be announced.
Late assignments: If any student does not complete an assignment a “1” will be used as placeholder INow. Students have until the next test to make up missing or late assignments. The highest possible grade that can be giving is a 70%.
1 day late = 70%
2 days late = 65%
3 days late = 60%
4 days late = 55%
5 days late = 50%
6 days late = 45%
7 days late = 40%
8 days late = 35%
9 days late = 30%
10 days late = 1%
Note: The percentages above reflect the highest possible grade that may be earned. If there are any questions about grade please contact me directly.
Students will be expected to follow all rules of behavior in the student handbook. I do allow water bottles and bottle drinks in the classroom, but no can drinks.
Cheating will not be tolerated. There are no passes out except for emergencies during the first and last ten minutes of class. The attendance policy will be strictly enforced including tardiness.
I will be available for teacher/parent/student conferences or extra help during my planning period and at other times by appointment.
HCS Grading Consistency
TEST/Quiz/Assessment 60% of final grade
Cornell Notes 5%
Do Now/Reflections 5%
General Classroom Behavior
1. RESPECT others and others’ property.
2. RESPECT me.
3. Come PREPARED to learn and work hard.
That is it!! You only have 3 rules to remember. I expect you to respect each other, respect me, and respect yourself. All school rules will apply in my classroom.
Classroom Policies/Procedures
1. Tardy Policy:
At the bell for class to begin, all students should be in the classroom in their seats and should already be working on the DO NOW for the day. I will shut the door as soon as the bell rings
2. Hall Pass Policy:
There will be one person out of class at a time. There are 3 different passes. 1 for restroom 1 for nurse visits and 1 for library and office visits.
Students in the halls during classes MUST have a hall pass!
3. Make up work Procedure:
Attendance is required. If you must be absent, please follow this procedure.
1. Check the make-up work folder for your block or check Coach Howard’s Edmodo page. It is your responsibility to check this folder.
4. Trash Policy:
I do not mind you having snacks or drinks as long as you CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF!! Please put your trash in the trash can. Be reasonable, Don’t bring a full meal in the room.
5. Turning In/Giving Back Papers:
Turn in papers in your designated class period drawer at the front of the room near the door. I will ask a volunteer each day to check the basket on my desk and return papers.
6. Transitioning to and from Groups:
During this class, we will work in groups! After all, two heads are better than one. Therefore, it is important that you know how to behave when going to and from your group. Please follow the policy below:
1. I will tell you to head to your group or back to your original seat.
2. At this time you will get up, and have 10 seconds to your destination (group seat or original seat) and get ready to work.
7. Transitioning out of the room
- When class is over, I will dismiss you, not the bell. Please make sure all of your books and materials are put away before you leave.
- If you must leave the room to use the restroom or see another teacher, please just raise your hand and wait on me to call on you. Do not walk out of the classroom. Walking out of the classroom warrants discipline issues. Make sure you get a pass and sign out and in.
8. Interruptions
- If you must speak about something, please A HAND AND A VOICE. I am only one person to many of you and I cannot speak over you all. If you need to say something, please raise your hand and I will let you speak.
- If you are called to the office, please make sure to get the hall pass .If there is a disaster drill, DO NOT PANIC!! Let’s please act like civilized people and conduct ourselves accordingly as we travel to our destination to get safe.
- If someone walks into the room, please, do not acknowledge them. I know they are coming. You should act as if they are invisible.
9. Seatwork and Teacher-Led Activities
- Please do NOT speak when another person is up presenting or performing. I know you want to speak your opinion, but there is a time and place for that. Hold all comments until someone is finished. This includes when I am talking!! Also, please be respectful and refrain from putting your heads down. If one person does it then we all get to stand up! We are a team!!
- Talking is not allowed unless prompted by the teacher. So, make sure to take care of your personal business before class or after class.
- If you are finished with your work you may do 1 of 2 things:
- You may work on another assignment from another class if you have the work with you.
10. Cell Phones:
If a cell phone or other electronic device is being used without teacher authorization in class it CAN be confiscated by the teacher. Please use GOOD JUDGEMENT!
I have read the syllabus and agree to abide by all classroom school, and district rules and policies.
Student:______Date: ______
Witness: ______Date: ______
I have read the syllabus and agree to encourage my student to follow all classroom, school, and district rules and policies. I agree to contact Mr. Howard with any concerns I have about my student, and to work with Mr. Howard to facilitate my student’s success.
Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______