Fall Conference Interview

Student name


TeacherJan Kragen

Tell about school so far:

It’s going well. Lots smarter this year. Not counting math on fingers this year, which is great accomplishment! Just doing the lessons helped learn the math facts.

What do you do well at school? Outside of school?

Really like math. Do well. Do it fast. Really like reading. Like to read long books.

Riding bikes. Reading at home too. Long projects from school at home—practicing, making, planning. Games on tablet and computer and PlayStation.

What do you need to work on improving in order to do better at school (academic and behavior)?

Need to take notes better. Check the notes, make sure they are accurate. Work on writing.

Be more social but less goofy.

What are your goals for school? For your life?

Be better with computers. Learn to program. (We will do the Hour of Code again. Last year the kids in the 7th grade book went fast enough to do a couple of weeks of coding.)

Be a computer programmer. Program big games.

Or be an engineer. Basically robotics, which incorporates coding.

What do you plan to do to reach your goals?

Take programming classes in high school and college.

How can the adults in your life help?

Give you the links.

Let you pretest for 7th grade math.
Fall Conference Interview

Student name


TeacherJan Kragen

Tell about school so far:

Glad there are new people like S---. Lot of nice new kids. Really like the explorer stuff we’re doing. How they kept pushing for their goal and wouldn’t give up.

What do you do well at school? Outside of school?

Writing. Really like writing. And reading. This year math is favorite subject. Understand it better and it’s more fun.

Running—cross country, 5K. First place in Deer Run in 9-16 age bracket! Amazing!

What do you need to work on improving in order to do better at school (academic and behavior)?

Like to get better in writing in terms of style—stronger verbs. Wanting to work to be a Black Diamond writer.

What are your goals for school? For your life?

Type fluently. Get better at MLA. Become a writer and write stories. Become a ranger in Yosemite National Park.

What do you plan to do to reach your goals?

Work on writing skills to reach advanced levels. Take science classes. Law enforcement training. A BS in nature, forestry, biology, botany, archaeology, museum science, history, natural resource conservation, earth science or anthropology.

How can the adults in your life help?

Teaching the writing skills. More science and history. Tour parks. Is there a summer program for kids interested in becoming park rangers?