May 20, 2012
2243 Burbank Avenue (Corner of Rose & Burbank)
Nashville, TN 37210
Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship Services 11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship Services 6:00 p.m.
Church Website: http//
Pastor: Elder Barry Armour 615-822-4681-615-812-6204
Pastor Email:
Music Director: Bro. Bert Lanier
Sunday School Supt.: Bro. Terry Parker
Church Clerk: Bro. Billy Clemons
Deacons: Bro. Jimmy Hicks Bro. Bert Lanier
Bro. Don Langford Bro. James Quinn
“Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways , and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way. And walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”
Jeremiah 6:16
God With Us Women’s Fellowship
The May meeting was changed to May 17 and was held in conjunction with Victory Baptist Church in Hendersonville.
Meetings will be suspended for June and July to allow
Members to be able to attend Revival meetings at our
Sister churches.
Begins Sunday, the 17th of June. Elder David Swindle and Elder Jeremy Sisk will assist our pastor, Elder Barry Armour. Please keep the Revival in your prayers that the lost will come in and be saved.
East Carthage Missionary Baptist Church [ 228 McGinness Avenue, Carthage, TN. Revival beginning Sunday, May 20, 7:00 p.m. Pastor, Elder Van Mathis, will be assisted by Elder Rickey Hall.
Green Valley Baptist Church – Horseshoe Bend, Elmwood, TN. Revival beginning Sunday, May 20, 7:99 p.m. Pastor, Charles Allen Gentry will be assisted by Elder James Gibbs.
Hogan’s Creek Missionary Baptist Church – Hogan’s Creek Road, South Carthage, TN. – Revival beginning Sunday, May 20, 7:00 p.m. Pastor: Elder Ricky Hackett assisted by Elder Junior Dickerson.
Calvary Missionary Baptist Church – South Carthage Tennessee. Revival beginning Sunday May 27th, 7:00 p.m. Pastor: Elder Matt Brown. Helper not yet named.
Old Fashion Gospel Hour – Sundays, 9:00 a.m. – Channel 17 and 28.
Mayrene is continuing to make progress in her recovery. Continue to pray for her. We hope to see her soon.
Request was made for Mitch, a friend who works with Billy Clemons, who is having problems relating to family issues. Let’s remember him when we pray that things will work out for him in a positive way.
Continue to remember Bro. Barry’s brother-in-law who recently had a stroke. He is getting therapy and is some better.
Mrs. Ezma fell and struck her head last week and has been in ICU at Southern Hills. Pray for her recovery. She now at home and is doing very well. Also, her sitter has been diagnosed with cancer and will begin treatment very soon. Pray for her also.
Ian has been on a trip to Mississippi and we trust that he had a safe trip and is home by now.
Linda Burgess has had some tests and I believe so far, so good. She has fluctuating heart beats and they will be running additional tests. Keep Linda in your prayers.
The following has been in the Bulletin early on but
I felt it would be good to have it again for folks who have joined us and visited us since we had it in the
The Baptist Church at Faith was organized by Robert W. Gregory in 1956,
who came from McFerrin Church in Nashville.
McFerrin Church was organized by Henry Smith in 1948, who came from Ebenezer Church.
Ebenezer Church was organized by L. A. Minick in 1871, who came from Mt. Tabor Church.
Mt. Tabor Church was organized in 1836 by Daniel Smith, who came from Peyton’s Creek Church.
Peyton’s Creek Church was organized by John Wiseman in 1812, who came from Round Lick Church
Round Lick Church was organized by Centrel Bethel in 1803, who came from Brush Creek Church.
Brush Creek Church was organized by John Hightower in 1802, who came from Old Union Church in Warren County, KY.
Old Union Church was organized by Alexander Devine in 1795, who came from the Welsh Neck Church, South Carolina, which was an offspring of the Welsh Tract Church.
The Welsh Tract Church was organized in 1701 in Delaware, by Thomas Griffith. The Welsh Tract Church was a member of the Philadelphia Association, Hill Cliff Church, Wales, England. E.H. Roller came to the Philadelphia Association . (See minutes of the Philadelphia Association)
Hill Cliff Church was organized by Aaron Arlington 987. Aaron Arlington came from Lima Piedmont.
Lima Piedmont Church was organized by Balcolao in 812. Balcolao came from the Church at Timto in Asia Minor.
Timto Church was organized by Archer Flavor in 738. Archer Flavor came from Dorethla Church .
Dorethla Church was organized by Adromicus in 671. Adromicus came from Pontefassa (or Pontifossi) at the foot of the Alps in France.
Pontefassa Church was organized by Tellestman from Twran (Turan),Italy in 398.
Twran (Turan) Church was organized by Tertwllan (Tertullan) from Bing Loy Africa in 237.
Terwllan was a member of the Partws (Partus) Church
at the foot of the Tiber which was organized by Polycarp in 150.
Polycarp was baptized by John the Beloved.
John the Beloved was baptized by John the Baptist and was with Christ on the Mount. Mark 3-13-14 & Luke 6-12-13.THUS YOU SEE DEAR FRIENDS THAT FAITH CHURCH HAS AN UNBROKEN CHAIN OF SUCCESSION BACK TO CHRIST ON THE MOUNT AND WILL STAND FOREVER. Daniel 2:44
Polycarp: Martyr of Smyrna
Dean Robinson - Compiled from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs by John Foxe; Memorials of Baptist Martyrs by Thieleman J. Van Braght; and A History of the Baptists by Thomas Armitage.
In the year of 156 A.D., an old Baptist preacher was put to death with fire and sword for his faith in the Son of God. His name was Polycarp.
Polycarp was at one time a student and disciple of the apostle John. He was pastor of a Baptist church in the city of Smyrna. Historians considered Smyrna the most beautiful city the Greeks ever built. Some called Smyrna the "glory of Asia." It was here in this city that Caesar-worship was established and located for all of the eastern part of the Roman Empire.
According to the Bible and history, this church in Smyrna of which Polycarp was pastor suffered tremendous persecution. ` The church was despised and disdained because of its supposed insignificance in the eyes of unbelievers. While most people were worshipping idols in huge impressive shrines and in towering temples, the Christians were huddled in homes where they simply and quietly worshiped the Lord. The pagan Jews and Greeks of the city literally hated these early Christians.
The greatest reason for the persecution of the Christians in Smyrna was in the fact of in whom they worshiped. By the time the book of Revelation was written, emperor-worship was mandatory. Since the Christians refused to declare Caesar as Lord and burn a pinch of incense in the temple dedicated to the emperor, they were considered disloyal to the government.
They were looked upon by others as traitors to their country, therefore their persecution was as much for political reason as well as for religious reason. As a result, Christians were being tortured and killed. Some were burned in boiling oil or burned at
the stake; others were crucified; many were thrown to the lions in the coliseum. Obviously, to live in Smyrna as a Christian was to live in jeopardy every day.
The story is told that Polycarp lived out in the country side. When those who sought to capture him kept getting close, his friends would try to hide him from place to place. One day when his captors entered the house in which he was hiding, Polycarp, instead of running again, was heard to say: "The will of the Lord be done."
As he came down the stairs Polycarp met his persecutors with a kind and friendly greeting. In fact, before they were to go, he prepared for them a meal and offered the best of food that he had. While they were eating, he requested that he be allowed one hour to pray alone in peace and quiet. when the hour was up, they set him on a donkey and headed for the city.
As they approached near Smyrna, Polycarp was met on the outskirts of the city by the chief magistrate who took him into his chariot and asked him one simple question (in order to tempt him to denounce the Lord Jesus Christ): "What harm is it to say Lord Caesar?" receive ` me, as a fat offering among the number of thy holy martyrs. I thank and praise thee, above other men and honor thy holy name, through Jesus Christ, thy well-beloved Son, the eternal High Priest, unto whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be the glory, now and forever. Amen"
Polycarp was promised his freedom if he would swear by Caesar and revile and deny Christ. He answered with these words: "Eighty and six years have I served Him and He never did me any harm; how then can I blaspheme my King and my Saviour, who hath saved me?" (He was kicked out of the chariot and in the process of falling he severely injured one of his legs.)
As soon as Polycarp had entered the stadium where he was to be executed, the uproar and noise of the cheering crowd of people was so loud that very few could actually hear what was being said. Polycarp was given another chance to deny Christ and was threatened to be torn to shreds and devoured by wild, savage lions to which he answered and said: "Let them come, for my purpose is unchangeable."
When he could not be moved to blaspheme the Lord by being threatened to be fed to hungry lions, the ruling authorities further threatened Polycarp by having him burned at the stake. Polycarp replied: "Thou threatenest me with a fire which will perhaps burn for an hour and then soon go out; but thou art ignorant of the fire of the future judgment of God which is prepared and reserved for the everlasting punishment and torment of the ungodly. But why do you delay? Bring on the beasts, or the fire, or whatever thou mayest choose: thou shalt not, by either of them, move me to deny Christ, my Lord and Saviour."
A messenger was sent to the middle of this great amphitheater to declare three times the saying: "Polycarp has confessed to be a Christian." Upon hearing the confession, the multitude began to demand his death by crying out in fury to let the lions loose. But the magistrate said: "Let him be burned."
The people immediately began to gather up wood and anything else that would burn and piled it up at the feet of Polycarp. As the guards were about to nail him to the stake, he said: "Leave me as I am. He who gives me strength to bear the fire will hold me to the pile."
Therefore, they did not fasten him with nails but simply used a rope to tie his hands behind his back. As he was about to be offered as a burnt offering to his Lord and Saviour, Polycarp looked up to heaven and began to pray:
"O Father...I thank thee that thou didst call me to this day and hour, and hast counted me worthy that I may have my part and place among the number of the holy martyrs. I pray thee, O Lord, that thou wouldst this day
As soon as he said "amen," the officers lit the fire. The story is told that the flames arched above the body of Polycarp as if the hand of God had built a wall around him. The blood-thirsty mob, believing that his body was not burning fast enough, cried out for a soldier nearby to pierce his body with a sword. When he did so, such a quantity of blood gushed out that the fire was put out or nearly so. To the dismay of the crowd, they still demanded that his dead body be burned to where all that was left was his bones.
Thus did this faithful witness of Jesus Christ, having died both by fire and the sword, entered into the glorious presence of his Saviour, at the ripe old age of 90-years-old.
Smile Awhile
A young farmer who had been converted at one of the revivals went before the next conference and asked for a license to be a preacher. “I know I am born to preach the word,” said the applicant, “for I have had three visions all the same, and it has made a lasting impression on me.” “What was your vision?” asked a preacher, “Wal, I saw a big, round, blue ring in the sky, and inside, in great gold letters were ‘P.C.’ It meant, ‘Preach Christ,’ and I want to join the conference.”
The argument was about to carry when an old pastor stood up in the back part of the hall and said, “Young man, we don’t doubt your intentions, nor do we doubt that you saw the vision with the golden ‘P.C.’; but I am of the opinion that the ‘P.C.’ means ‘Plough Corn.”
The convert is still a farmer.
Jennifer Herlein – May 20 – Birthday
E.W. Hassell – May 20 - Birthday Katie Parker – May 25 – Birthday Happy Birthday to You All!!
Bulletin Committee:
Joyce Callis 352-3070
Susan Coon– 773-5250 ; Betty Coon- 773-5250
Jean Langford-758-7431 Langford
Lisa Parker-274-2783