St.Stanislaus Kostka

Faith Formation for Grade 7


“Let the Children Come to Me.”

Dear Parents of our 2016-2017 7th Grade Students,

It is time to register for the 2016-2017 Faith Formation year. The details to register are enclosed. As I hope you are aware, the 7th Grade experience that your child will begin in September will be quite different from their past Religious Education classes.

Years ago we evaluated our upper grades, and began to research how successful parishes and Master Catechists conducted Religious Education for these students. It was clear that the standard weekly classroom schedule was not the way to proceed, so for 12 last years we conducted what we called “Super Sunday.” In these sessions the students met 4 times a year for 6 hours in a workshop style day. Response to these classes has been very positive however we were beginning to see that the long lapse between classes led to a lack of consistency and understanding in their faith formation. We put our heads together, did some research and believe we have developed a program that will meet the needs of all involved.

The sessions will be held, for the most part, on the 3rd Sunday of each month beginning at 12noon and ending at 2pm. At these sessions the 7th grade students will be interacting with the members of the St. Stanislaus Teen Club not only receiving 7th grade curriculum but also community service opportunities, team building and leadership experience. The combination of the teen club and Faith Formation will now be called CROSS FFIT. Enclosed you will find an explanation of the name and logo.

There is another very important piece that is more fully explained in the enclosed letter but regular, weekly Mass attendance for all those in preparation for a Sacrament, (7th, 8th & 9th grade students are all in formation for Confirmation) will be expected and tracked. Mass attendance is central to the full understanding of all that is taught and passed along in our Faith Formation. Please carefully read the details in the letter regarding this vital aspect of your child’s participation in CROSS FFIT.

Students will bring their lunches to these sessions and we also ask that no cell phones be sent to class. More of the details will be explained at the parent meeting on Sunday, September 25th at 12:15pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me in the Parish Office at 635-1700. I hope you have a restful and peaceful summer and I look forward to seeing you at our parent meeting in September.

God Bless,

Andrea M. Tighe

Coordinator of Faith Formation

7th, 8th & 9th Grade Confirmation