Vern and Betty Morris

277 Rustic Road

Stockbridge, GA 30281

You can send a card,

say a prayer

or make a phone call

to let our members know we care.0

Your help is needed to assist with the preparation of our communion trays ~ please see Barbara Cooper if you can

help out.

March 12, 2017

57 a.m./31 p.m.



March 22, 2017

Ben Born

Ladies Day

Piedmont Road Church of Christ

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Speaker: Lori Boyd

The Buford Men’s Ministry

Buford Church of Christ

March 24th and 25th

Speaker: David Decker

Ladies Day

Tara Church of Christ

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Speaker: Luann Rogers


If you would like to pass out

Bibles to our community,

please meet here at 9:00 a.m.

on March 25th.


Please join us for

Snak & Yak next

Sunday after the evening

service ~ bring your sandwiches ~ chips and drinks will be provided.



Wyman Clark had pneumonia ~ he is home and doing better.

Tom Collins is scheduled for surgery this month.

Allen Dailey requests prayers ~ he has gall stones and a fatty liver.

Bill Dempsey, a former member here, had surgery ~ his wife, Irene, is not feeling well. Cards can be sent to:

Bill and Irene Dempsey

63 Oak Ct.

Toccoa, GA 30577

Sue Ellwood, Barbara Cooper’s sister, has been diagnosed with cancer and is taking chemo treatments. Cards can be sent to:

Sue Ellwood

13345 N. Teal Blue Trail

Tucson, AZ 85742

Libbie Hudson requests prayers ~ she has been having chest pains and pain in her knees that may be caused by low potassium.

Alice Johnson is having tests to determine the cause of her health problems.

Betty Lamberth was in an auto accident several weeks ago and is now in rehab ~ her husband, James, was one of the first preachers here at Fairview. Cards can be sent to:

Betty K. Lamberth

361 New Haven Boulevard

Montgomery, AL 36117

Mama Ada, Dot Harbin’s friend, fell and is in ICU in Birmingham, AL ~ she is 105 years old.



Brenda Born, Dean Bruce, Lula Childs, Sue Collins, Tom Collins, Gwinnell Goss, Willard Mann, Bill Queen, Sonny Vaughn


Myrt Hunter (Wyn Miller’s aunt)

Pearl (Dean Bruce’s sister)


Fairview Church of Christ

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

March 19, 2017


Jerry Whitmire

678-432-4953 Home

678-492-0383 Cell

Church Info:

1048 Swan Lake Rd.

Stockbridge, GA 30281

Phone: 770-474-7107

Fax: 770-506-0136




Bible Study . . . . 9:30 a.m.

Worship . . . . . 10:30 a.m.

Worship ...... 6:00 p.m.


Bible Study . . . . 7:00 p.m.

Worship Assignments

March 26, 2017

Announcements/Opening Prayer: Jeff Weathers

Lead Singing: Ted Brown

Lord’s Supper:

David Samples, C. Atchison, Charles Killian, Allen Dailey

Reading: Allen Dailey

Prayer: Jack White


How can one develop a proper attitude toward God? First, our attitude toward God must be based on our conviction that “He is,” and that “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). This kind of faith will produce a good attitude of godly fear, and “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7). Second, God is absolutely holy, absolutely perfect, and absolutely wise. He is grieved by evil. He loves man and wants us to love and obey Him. All of this should motivate us to want to be true to Him all the days of our life. Our attitude toward God will then be such as expressed by the heavenly hosts: “Worthy are thou, our Lord and our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power: for thou didst create all things, and because of thy will they were, and were created,” (Revelation 4:11).

The churches of Christ greet you.

Romans 16:16

Love and Marriage

A member came to a preacher and said, “My wife and I are having problems in our marriage. We are not getting along.” The preacher said, “The answer to your problem is simple: ‘Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.’” The man answered, “But preacher, the problem has grown so much that we live at opposite ends of the house.” “Well,” said the minister, “the answer is still simple. The good Lord said, ‘Love your neighbors.’” The man said, “But preacher, we hate each other.” “Well, now,” said the preacher. “It is still an easy dilemma to answer. Jesus said, ‘Love your enemies …do good to them that hate you.” The man turned away in disgust.

The above story is an illustration of where some marriages have gone. When hatred grows in a person’s heart, it resides in the very space where love should be abiding. But because the hatred is allowed to stay, love must move out. It is like oil and water; love and hatred do not reside at the same time in the same space.

In the illustration above, the man who came to the preacher failed to realize that love is more powerful than hatred. When the world hated God and was working as the enemy of God, God demonstrated His love for the world by sending His Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save the world (Romans 5:8, 10; John 3:17). God, in His infinite wisdom, understood that love conquers hate.

Jesus praised His Father to show His love (Matthew 9:6; John 8:49).

Jesus gave glory and honor to His Father to show His love (John 17:4).

Jesus did the work His Father gave Him to do to show His love (John 8:29; 17:4; 19:30).

Jesus obeyed His Father, even to the point of His own death, to show the depth of His Love for His Father (John 14:31; Philippians 2:8).

Hatred is much like a weed. You do not have to water or fertilize it for it to grow. It seeks out its own source of nourishment to sprout and take root. And, if left alone, it will grow, and it will suck the life out of other plants around it. Hatred cannot be overcome by ignoring it. Neither can it be wiped away by apathy. It must be pulled out by the roots and cast into the fire.

The power of love can overcome all hatred. But love, unlike the weed of hatred, must be cultivated, watered and fertilized if it is to grow. After Paul gave the command to husbands to love their wives, he went on to say, “So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.” (Ephesians 5:28-29). The man in the illustration above failed to realize the power of love to conquer hatred. May such never be said of the children of the One of whom it is said, “God is love.”

Steve Vice