Fairmont Youth Hockey Association

March Minutes

Holiday Inn

March 15,2017

6:30 pm

Jason Hegdal-President (2016) (P)Chad Lutterman-Vice President (2016) (E)

Randy Lubenow-Treasurer (2015) (P) Connie Havnen Gustafson (2015)-Secretary (P)

Lisa Kuhl-Gambling Manager (E) – D.O.H.O ()

Travis Goerndt (2017) (P) Ryan Gronewald (2017) (P)

Aaron Haycraft (2017) (P)Lynn Becker (2015) (P)

Kris Olson (2015) (P)Jess Wiederhoeft (2016) (P)

Greg Sokoloski (2016) (P)Brent Legrad-H.S. Rep. (2016) (E)

Greg Ingvolstad (2016) (P) Maggie Malo (2017) (P)


Ashley Olson -H.S. Girls Coach (P ) Kris Olson -H.S, Boys Coach (P )

(P)=Present(E)=Excused(U)=Unexcused (L)=Late

  1. Call to order: 6:38 pm
  2. Approval of minutes from last meeting: Motion by Wiederhoeft to approve minutes from last meeting, second by Olson. All in favor, motion passed.
  3. Gambling Manager Report

a)Allowable expense – rent, payroll, office supplies, games. Motion by Gronewald to approve allowable expenses for March, second by Ingvolstad, all in favor, motion passed

b)Lawful Purpose –donations: No report

c)Bank Register: No report

  1. Treasurers Report: Finances are looking good
  2. Coaches Report-None
  3. Tournament Committee Report: Regional tournament will be next month, the new tournament head will be Lynn Becker
  4. Fundraising/PR Committee Report: Golf tournament donations are needed, yes we will be in the parade this summer. Many compliments on CER skate and hockey-will return
  5. Director of Hockey Operations Report Motion by Olson to give Gronewald up to $1200 for concession stand improvements (refrigerators, point of service), second by Sokoloski, all in favor motion approved
  6. New Business/Open Floor

a)Amendment to have 14 board members and one President

b)Motion by Olson to approve Haycraft as ACE coordinator, second by Wiederhoeft, all in favor, motion passed.

c)Motion by Olson to spend up to $75 on a plant for Kuhl family for Scott’s mothers passing, second by Sokoloski, all in favor, motion passed

  1. Adjournment - 10:03 pm

Next Meeting: April 19th at 6:30pm @ Holiday Inn

Respectfully submitted by Connie Havnen-Gustafson, Secretary