Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday 7th December 2017,
Fairford Leys Centre, Hampden Square, Fairford Leys.
Present: Cllrs Cole 9Chairman), Pattinson, David, Lambert, Minton, Poland-Goodyer, Baughan
K Gray (Clerk to the Council)
3 ResidentsC Lambert (Bucks Herald)
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 7pm.
Presentation: Before the Chairman opened the parish council meeting, a presentation on CCLA investment (Local Authorities Property Fund) was made by Mr Mark Davies. The council received an in-depth presentation on the types of investment made available to parish councils. A number of questions were asked by councillors and the parish council will consider whether, or not, to invest in CCLA in respect of the proposed Riverine Corridor funding on transfer of the land from AVDC.
The Chairman thanked Mr Davies for attending and giving an informative presentation. He then officially opened the council meeting, for council business to be dealt with, at 7.30p,
- Apologies for Absence
To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairmanor Clerk
RESOLVED: To receive and accept apologies for absence from Cllrs Jarvis (family commitment), Wilde (illness), Lambert (prior commitment), James (illness).
- Declarations of Interest
To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest
To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)
To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
- No declarations made or dispensations requested.
- Minutes of the Previous Full Council Meeting
RESOLVED:To accept and sign the minutes of2/11/17as a true record.
- Clerk’s Report
To receive a report from the Clerk on matters dealt with and taking forward.
Nothing to report.
Chairman to suspend Standing Orders to allow questions from the public and any reports from councillors
Questions from the Public & Reports
- Mrs R Harper (Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator) volunteered to keep the parish council updated on neighbourhood watch matters and any information received from the local police. She will forward information to the Clerk as necessary.
- Cllr Poland-Goodyear updated councillors on the Christmas in the Square event to take place this Saturday.
- Cllr David updated councillors on the recent Resources & Personnel Committee, decisions made in line with budget and precept setting and discussions with Coldharbour News printers.
- Cllr Pattinson reported that the February edition of Coldharbour News would be put back to a later date.
- Councillors were reminded that there would be no meeting in January 2018.
RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders
- Decisions by the Resources & Personnel Committee, Leisure Committee & Youth Services Committees
Council is asked to receive and approve the minutes & decisions of the above Standing Committees. Minutes of the committees have been copied to all councillors.
- RESOLVED: Council noted, and agreed, the decisions of the Resources & Personnel Committee – minutes copied to all councillors.
- Co-option of Parish Councillor
Council to consider applications for the vacancy of Parish Councillor.
Application for the vacancy was received from Mrs N Eastwood.
RESOLVED: Unanimously, to appoint Mrs N Eastwood as a co-opted Parish Councillor with immediate effect.
- Riverine Corridor Transfer
To receive any updates on the land transfer of the Riverine Corridor – First Tranche.
Nothing to report.
- 2018/19 Precept/Budget
Proposal from the Finance Committee that the precept be set at £184,100 and that the
Clerk is to inform AVDC to collect this amount. Cllrs have been copied into the full budget/precept review documentation with further correspondence from the Clerk/RFO.
- Cllr David to answer any specific questions relating to the proposal.
- Council to agree to the 2018/19 precept being set at £184,100
- Council to agree to the 2018/19 budget, as detailed in the report sent to all councillors from the Resources and Personnel Committee
RESOLVED: That the 2018/19 Pre3cept be set at £184.100
RESOLVED: That the Budget be agreed as presented by the Resources & Personnel Committee.
- Finances and Orders for Payment
RESOLVED: To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders forpayment:
Haddenham Garden CentreMaintenance£9.982858
Window FlowersPlants£50.402859
Lamps & TubesXmas lights£361.202860
2861 Cheque destroyed
Steve WebbXmas trees£480.002862
Window FlowersPlants£1,284.602863
Fresh Design & PrintPrinting£212.002864
Lamps & Tubesbulbs for lighting£103.202866
Mr B NealSalary Payment£127.002868
Fairford Leys CentreReimbursement£517.302869
Fairford Leys CentreWreaths/Admin£179.202870
RESOLVED: To receive, accept and agree the monthly (Nov 2017) financial report from the Finance Officer.
- Planning Applications
- To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning
- To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.
- To consider Ernest Cook Trust Permission on all planning applications
- To note and formally agree decisions/comments made under delegated authority
17/03572/APP5 Philips Road, FL
Single storey rear extension with new stainless-steel flue to lounge with demolition of existing store and rebuilt with double door rear access doors.
The proposed plans, in the opinion of the parish council, are still deemed to be too large for the site and are considered as over-development.
The steel flue does not comply with the Ernest Cook Trust Covenants and if it is to be installed, it needs to be black in colour to match drainage pipes as detailed in the Fairford Leys Development Guidelines and to adhere to the criteria in order that ECT Covenant Permission be granted.
- 17/04487/APP4 Keen Close, FL
Conversion of existing garage into wc/utility with store to front with raised roof to accommodate existing floor levels.
- 17/04317/APP4 Dalwood Mews
Conversion of garage and extension
Permission is required for the following properties:
- 17/03572/APP5 Philips Road, FL
Single storey rear extension with new stainless-steel flue to lounge with demolition of existing store and rebuilt with double door rear access doors.
The proposed plans, in the opinion of the parish council, are still deemed to be too large for the site and are considered as over-development.
The steel flue needs to be black in colour as detailed in the Fairford Leys Development Guidelines.
- 17/04487/APP4 Keen Close, FL
Conversion of existing garage into wc/utility with store to front with raised roof to accommodate existing floor levels.
- 17/04317/APP4 Dalwood Mews, FL
Conversion of garage and extension
19 Queensgate, FL
Conversion of garage/single storey rear extension.
There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm
Signed: ______Date: ______