Fairfield High School
Assessment Task No: 2 artmaking practiceBody of Work 1 / Date Due: Fri 2nd,9th & 16th Dec 2011 / Weighting: 20%
SUBJECT: HSC Visual Arts / NAME:
FACULTY: Visual Arts / CLASS: Yr 12 VAR, 2012 / TEACHER: Ms Hannigan
Submit a body of artwork in progress which encompasses a minimum of 2 metres and a maximum of 4 metres square in space. You may submit one large work, or a series of work. As these due dates are towards the very end of the year you must assure you attend school to get this work submitted.
You will be assessed at three stages:
Development of idea including researching topic/theme and draft works: (5%) week 8 term 4 ( 2nd Dec 2011)
Maintaining Visual Arts Process Diary including visual and written documentation of your art making progress [5%] week 9 term 4 ( 9th Dec 2011)
Submission of completed and resolved body of work: week 10 term 4 (16th Dec 2011) (10%)
Marker: ______Signature: ______Date: ______
Grade / Mark: A B C D E ______/ 30
I certify that …
r The following assignment is all of my own work.
r I have not copied any material from other sources.
r No one else (including tutors, parents or other family or friends) have completed the work for me.
r I have provided a list of sources (bibliography) that I have used to help me to complete my assignment.
r I have provided referencing throughout the assignment to indicate where I have quoted someone else’s work.
r I have kept a copy of my work
Student’s Signature: ______
TASK RUBRICIn your assessment you will be assessed on how well you:
§ Demonstrate your technology skills in assimilating research and compiling creative ideas for an artwork
§ Utilize your knowledge of artistic styles, genres and conventions
§ Show insight and knowledge of the art production process
§ Your on-going records of your participation and development of the project in your VAPD
A Student:
H1: - explores the conventions of practice in artmaking
H3: - identifies the frames as the basis of understanding expressive representation in the making of art
H4: - investigates subject matter and forms as representations in artmaking
H5: - investigates ways of developing coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art
H6: - explores a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intentions
Students apply their knowledge, skills and understanding of the practice of art making by developing and submitting a body of work. Students explore how areas of interest (subject matter) represent an interpretation of their world. Students evaluate what these works mean for selected audiences, the effectiveness of the images, how their meanings resonate in various ways, and review technical and conceptual aspects of the work.
Stage 1: Development of idea and draft works:
Write about your concept or theme in your Visual Arts Process Diary, using the guide sheets used in class.
Be careful to estimate the size of your intended submission, and to check the size restrictions as published in the Visual Arts Stage 6 Syllabus. Explain your initial idea and update your developing conceptual layering. Investigate various subject matter which is relevant to your concept or theme. Explore a range of techniques using art materials based on your previous experiences in class, from the Gifted and Talented Program, or other experiences. You could consider the styles of artists studied in class. Use a digital camera to document the progress of your work. Aim to produce small scale drafts in a range of art materials and colour schemes of your intended idea. You should expect to spend approx 3 hours per week in class time, and 1 hour a week at home in this stage of the task. You should make regular posts to Edmodo of images and documents about your progress. Due Friday week 8 term 4 ( 2nd Dec 2011)
Stage 2: Maintaining Visual Arts Process Diary (VAPD) with visual and written documentation of your artmaking process.
At this stage, you have finalized preparations for the surface/s and attained the canvas, or masonite board or paper surface, or even 3D media. Or you have priced the digital outsourcing required for professional printing of your work.
Use a digital camera to document the progress of your work. Collect images of artists’ works which are stylistically similar to you. Update your records in your VAPD, explaining the material, physical, transient or virtual qualities of expressive forms you have chosen to explore. In your VAPD, explain the value of how significant interpretations and meanings in your work are sustained. In the final stages of submission, your VAPD should reflect how your intellectual autonomy is advanced through the making of art. Due Friday week 9 term 4 ( 9th Dec 2011)
Stage 3: Submission of your body of art work in progress.
Your artwork needs to adhere to the size, weight and time restrictions for the ‘forms of expressions’ on pages 32 to 35 of the N.S.W. Visual Arts Stage 6 Syllabus. Your body of work will demonstrate your conceptual strength and will exhibit coherence and should be interpreted in a range of ways. Your body of work should also demonstrate technical accomplishment, refinement and sensitivity appropriate to your artistic intentions. Digital images should be taken of the work when it is finalized and a record kept in your VAPD.
Due week 10, term 4 (Fri 16 Dec 2011)
In order to undertake this task you will need to:
*work on your artwork both in the classroom, and outside of the classroom. There should be ongoing discussion about the development of your idea and progress in class.
*come to class prepared to work on your body of work in class. This means having your VAPD, sketches, drawings, artists’ research, images, materials and assessment task on hand.
*research your technique: the best place to learn about expressive forms is through study and observation of the way artists work. Look at the techniques, materials, rules and processes that practicing artists use.
*research your theme: use brainstorming, use the internet, use art books. If you have no idea which theme to start with, begin with yourself: a self portrait! Study the themes that other artists explore through their work: this may give you some ideas.
*regularly take digital images of your developing work, to show the processes. These should be printed out, and put into your Visual Arts Process Diary, dated and annotated.
*regularly post to Edmodo images and documents related to your progress.
*your completed work should show:
-sensitivity: demonstrating awareness and understanding of materials and techniques:
-refinement: possessing well developed skills that allow the artist to display delicacy, elegance and
sophistication in their works.
-discrimination: making suitable and appropriate choices: moderation: demonstrating control and restraint
*continually check with the technical guidelines for submissions to ensure your project is not developing outside of the boundaries and restrictions as imposed by the Board of Studies for the submission of a body of work.
Fairfield High School
Name: ………………………………..…….
Unit: Artmaking progress Task Number: 2
Task Title: Body of Work submission 1 Weighting: 20%
Outcomes Assessed - H1, H3, H4, H5, H6,
/Mark Ranges
Thorough exploration of the conventions of artmaking Exemplary use of the frames in understanding the expressive representation in the making of art
Inventive and sustained investigation of subject matter and forms as representations in artmaking
Demonstrates a developed sense of coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art
Sophisticated exploration of a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intention
Outstanding conceptual strength in the production of a body of work
Outstanding technical accomplishment, refinement and sensitivity appropriate to the artistic intentions within a body of work
Processes recorded in written and digital form in Visual Arts Process Diary / 30 /
High level of exploration of the conventions of artmaking
Definite use of the frames in understanding the expressive representation in the making of art
Inventive investigation of subject matter and forms as representations in artmaking
Demonstrates a developed sense of coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art
Sustained exploration of a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intention
High level of conceptual strength in the production of a body of work
High level of technical accomplishment, refinement and sensitivity appropriate to the artistic intentions within a body of work
Processes recorded in written and digital form in Visual Arts Process Diary / 24 /
Some sustained exploration of the conventions of artmaking
Use of the frames in understanding the expressive representation in the making of art
Investigation of subject matter and forms as representations in artmaking
Demonstrates a developing sense of coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art
Some exploration of a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intention
Satisfactory level of conceptual strength in the production of a body of work
Satisfactory level of technical accomplishment, refinement and sensitivity appropriate to the artistic intentions within a body of work
Processes recorded in written and digital form in Visual Arts Process Diary / 18 / C
Some exploration of the conventions of artmaking
Use of the frames in understanding the expressive representation in the making of art
Some investigation of subject matter and forms as representations in artmaking
Demonstrates a sense of coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art
Some limited exploration of a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intention
Satisfactory but incomplete level of conceptual strength in the production of a body of work
Unresolved level of technical accomplishment, refinement and sensitivity appropriate to the artistic intentions within a body of work
Some processes recorded in written and digital form in Visual Arts Process Diary / 12 / D
Little exploration of the conventions of artmaking
Limited use of the frames in understanding the expressive representation in the making of art
Limited investigation of subject matter and forms as representations in artmaking
Developing sense of coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art
Limited exploration of a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intention
Incomplete level of conceptual strength in the production of a body of work
Unresolved level of technical accomplishment, refinement and sensitivity appropriate to the artistic intentions within a body of work
No processes recorded in written and digital form in Visual Arts Process Diary / 6 / E
Reflecting on Learning …
STUDENT REFLECTION (to be completed before submission)(Circle a number: 1 = strongly agree to 5 = strongly disagree)
This is my best work / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I was organised / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I understood the task / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I took notice of the marking guidelines / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I checked the meaning of key words in the Glossary of Terms / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
§ What I have learnt most about the Assessment task: ______
§ What I found most challenging about the Assessment Task was: ______
§ This assessment took me 0–1 2–3 4–5 6–7 8+ hours to do (circle one)
§ Next time I will: ______
§ My strengths in the task were: ______
STUDENT REFLECTION (To be completed following return of the task)
I would like to seek further clarification or assistance with:
§ ______
§ ______
§ ______
Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Comment (Optional): ______