March 2, 2007

Dear OCLB Nursing Education Consortium Members,

On behalf of the Ad Hoc Faculty & Student Clinical Orientation Committee, we would like to discuss some important issues related to orientation procedures for clinical faculty, and for students who will be completing clinical rotations at the various agencies represented by the OCLB Consortium.

Consistent with current OCLB Consortium requirements, all clinical faculty must complete the following prior to taking students to the clinical agency:

1)Contact the facility’s student coordinator at least 2 weeks prior to start of clinical rotation.

2)Complete the Student Profile form (obtained from OCLB Consortium website at

3)Post clinical objectives and/or course syllabus on the nursing unit(s) no later than the first day when students will be providing direct patient care.

4)Arrange for and/or provide orientation to new agencies and/or nursing units prior to bringing students to the clinical agency.

5)Arrange for and/or provide student orientation to the clinical agency and nursing unit(s) prior to students providing direct patient care at the clinical agency.

5)Review patient care standards, policies & procedures specific to the clinical agency.

6)Review clinical documentation requirements (including computer orientation, if appropriate).

Given the high turn-over in clinical faculty and the ongoing need to meet

regulatory requirements of the clinical agencies, we propose that all clinical agencies provide

new and returning clinical facultywith an orientation to the agency and/or nursing units

including, but not limited to, the following:

1)A tour of the facility.

2)Contact information for obtaining room for pre/post-conferences.

3)Copy of the policies & procedures for medication administration.

4)Copy of the policies & procedures for blood glucose monitoring.

5)Procedure for obtaining identification (badges etc. when required by the


6)Information on parking

7)Copy of the policies & procedures for posting of students; assignments.

8)Clinical documentation (including computer access & charting, if appropriate).

Students who will provide direct patient care at each clinical agency should receive an orientation by the clinical faculty or designated other to the agency and/or nursing unit(s) including, but not limited to, the following:

1)A tour of the facility.

2)Copy of the policies & procedures for medication administration.

3)Copy of the policies & procedures for blood glucose monitoring.

4)Information related to:

a.Procedure for obtaining identification (badges etc. when required by the agency).

b.Information on parking.

c.Facility mission, vision, philosophy, and/or values.

d.Patient rights & responsibilities.



g.Age-appropriate care.

h.OSHA bloodborne pathogens and infection control procedures.

i.Hazardous substances & chemicals

j.Hospital/electrical safety.

k.Clinical documentation (including computer access & charting).

Thank you all in advance for your compliance with these orientation recommendations for clinical faculty, students, and facilities. By providing adequate faculty and student orientation to the various clinical agencies, it is our hope to foster better service-academic relationships and provide rich learning experiences for students, as well as quality care for the patients we serve.