“Advertisement of a position of Professor”
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Applicants are invited for one position of Professor.
1. Position: Professor
2. Division: Mass Transmutation EngineeringDivision
3. Terms: Ten years (Five-year extension is possible by the committee judgment, but twice at most)
4.Retiring age: Sixtyfive
5. Research fields and duties:
(1) Promotion of the research and education in the field of the innovative nuclear science and engineering such as
-the design of nuclear energy systems with improved safety,
- the design of long-life reactor cores
-technologies reducing nuclear wastes, breeding nuclear fuel, producing and utilizing proliferation resistant nuclear fuel, or others,
(2) Education of graduate students in aboveresearch fields.
6. Qualification: Ph. D. or doctoral degree is required.
7. Starting date: April 1, 2010 or later
8. Application documents to be submitted:
(1) Curriculum vitae with photo, e-mail and mailing addresses, education and professional careers, and prizes or awards
(2) List of publications (classify into refereed (peer-reviewed) journal papers, non-refereed journal papers, conference proceedings, books, commentaries, and patents, with all authors in the same order as in each publication.)
(3) Off prints or copies of five significant articles
(4) Acquired research funds (titles, budgets, and periods of researches, clarify representative or not, for each research,allotted budget if not representative)
(5) Summary of activities in academic societies, government committees and so on (within A4 two pages)
(6) Summary of past research and teaching activities (A4 two pages)
(7) Future plan of research and teaching (A4 two pages)
(8) Letters of recommendation (from two academic persons)
9. Deadline for applications: November 13, 2009
10. Selection procedure: After drawing up a short list on the basis of the applicants’ documents, interviews will be performed.
11. Mailing address for the application
Office of Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1-N1-16 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
12. Notice:
Applicants must write “Application documents for faculty position” in red on the front page of the envelope. Applicants should send the application documents by post mail or express shipping service. We do not accept the applications by e-mail or internet file attachment. The application documents will not be returned.
13. Contact persons:
Prof. Masayuki IGASHIRA, E-mail:
or Prof. MasakiSAITO, E-mail:
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors,Tokyo Institute of Technology