7th September 2015

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Graduate Research Committee

Policy Document on Professional Behaviour among Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students

Postgraduate research (PGR) students should ensure that they read, understand and comply with the University’s Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes http://www.shef.ac.uk/ris/pgr/code/ in particular to the responsibilities of PGR students which are outlined therein. They are also referred to the formal University regulations governing progress of students and student discipline available by following links from the Student Conduct and Appeals Office at http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ssd/sca/index.

Briefly, all students are expected to maintain appropriate standards of professional behaviour when dealing with others. They are expected to regularly attend the programme of study for which they have registered and to agree and seek appropriate permission in advance for any periods of absence from the programme. They are expected to comply with the procedures in place in their Department for monitoring their attendance and engagement, and to submit written work in accordance with the agreed timetable, without use of unfair means (e.g. plagiarism, collusion). They should familiarise themselves with the health and safety, and other, regulations governing their work, and are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of themselves and other persons who may be affected by their actions and/or omissions. They should not cause damage to, or deface property owned by the University. The misuse, or unauthorised use of premises or items of property in premises owned or managed by the University, including computer misuse is considered to be misconduct under the regulations of the University as is the unauthorised removal of items of University property (e.g. including laboratory notebooks). Students should also ensure that their work is carried out in accordance with the University’s financial directives. Where a student’s behaviour is likely to present an immediate risk of harm (e.g. physical assault) their case will be referred to immediately to Student Services for action under the disciplinary regulations.

Where a student’s ongoing conduct, or behaviour when dealing with others, is considered to fall short of the standards expected, it is anticipated that this will be addressed by the supervisor(s) at an early stage by speaking informally with the individual concerned, and reminding them of their responsibilities. Examples of unacceptable behaviour might include being dishonest, incidents of verbal (e.g. shouting or swearing) or physical assault or harassment (e.g. an unacceptable number of visits, telephone calls or emails).

Where the student persists in their unacceptable behaviour and/or conduct, the student will be asked to meet with the supervisor(s) and the departmental PGR Lead. The aim of this discussion will be to explain to the student why their behaviour or conduct is unacceptable, to explore reasons why this might be so, to offer support if necessary, and, where appropriate, to signpost the student to professional services. A record of the discussion will be placed in the student’s file.

Where a student continues to fail to observe their responsibilities, the student will be asked to give an undertaking as to their future conduct, and an agreement may be drawn up with a view to taking positive action to change behaviours. As part of the undertaking, students will be reminded of the necessity to comply with the responsibilities of research students as outlined in the University’s Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes and of the University regulations governing student discipline and progress. The undertaking should be drawn up in agreement with the Departmental PGR Lead, and both supervisors and will be presented to the student in person, to ensure that all parties understand the terms and conditions of the agreement. The Student will also be informed that in the event of the undertaking being breached, consideration will be given to referring their case to Student Services for action under the discipline regulations. The student and supervisor should retain copies of the undertaking, which should be signed and dated by the student. Copies should be retained in Department.

Any breach in the undertaking may result in the case being referred to Student Services for action under the discipline regulations which may lead to expulsion of the student from the University. In those cases, where a student’s failure to observe their responsibilities has an impact on their performance, this may be considered as part of an unsatisfactory progress report submitted to Research and Innovation Services which could also result in expulsion of the student from the University.

Student support

Students are advised to seek support locally from their personal tutor and also referred to the Additional University Services and Facilities listed in the University’s Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes http://www.shef.ac.uk/ris/pgr/code/ including the following:

Counselling Service:
36 Wilkinson Street, Sheffield, S10 2GB
Telephone: 222 4134
Web Site: www.sheffield.ac.uk/counselling/
Email: / Central Welfare and Guidance:
Student Services Information Desk
Level 3, Students’ Union Building
Telephone: 222 4321
Web Site: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ssd/ssg/cwag
Student Advice Centre
Telephone: 222 8660
Web Site: www.sheffield.ac.uk/union/student-advice-centre/ / University Health Service:
53 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QP
Telephone: 222 2100
Web Site: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/health
Union of Students
Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TG
Telephone: 222 8500 (Reception)
Web Site: www.sheffield.ac.uk/union/

Flowchart showing stages in process for managing unprofessional behaviour among postgraduate research students