Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology

Doctoral Programme Course

Scientific review ofdrying-related research texts

Course Approval

The syllabus was approved by the Board of the Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology on 11 June 2014 (Dnr HNT 2014/86), and is effective from the Autumn of 2013.
Course Code 7MIE005

Discipline/Main field of study

Environment and Energy Systems

Course Title

Vetenskaplig granskning av torkrelaterade forskningstexter
Scientific Review of Drying-relate Research Texts

Higher education credits

2 ECTS credits

Language of Instruction

Swedish or English

Degree Level



Eligibility for admission to a doctoral programme in Environment and Energy Systems

Learning Outcomes

The course provides a better understanding of the publishing process in the research field of drying. The overall aim is that demonstrate ability to assess and evaluate drying-related research on the basis of given assessment criteria. They should be able to demonstrate:
-a systematicand broad understanding and expertise in the field of drying,
- ability to analyse and synthesise scientifically, and independently perform a review,
- ability to assess new and complex phenomena, questions and situations in the field of drying,
- skills in oral and written presentation and ability to discuss research and research results in dialogue with the science community,
- ability to make research ethical assessment, especially in terms of sustainability.

Course Content

Senior researchers often serve as peer reviewers of conference presentations in the field of drying. Doctoral students in this course partake in this task and discuss texts with each other and with senior researchers on the basis of the the assessment criteria applying to the conference in question and the learning outcomes specified above.

Course literature

Course literature consists of five to ten research texts to be reviewed and assessed on the basis of given assessment criteria.


Assessment is based on participation in seminars and written text assessment assignments.

Course Certificate

Course certificate is issued on request.

Quality Assurance

The course convenor has a duty to encourage a continuous dialogue on learning processes and goal fulfilment. A written evaluation is carried out at the conclusion of the course combined with a joint student-teacher discussion of all aspects commented on. The result of the evaluation is collated and made available in accordance with the faculty’s current quality assurance procedures.


One of the grades Fail (U) or Pass (G) is awarded in the examination of the course.

Reading List

Not applicable