Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Dependant Travel Fund
Each year the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences offers a Dependant Travel Fund (normally up to $1000 per award) to support female and male staff who have caring responsibilities to participate in a conference held overseas or within Australia. Funding support may be made available to eligible staff as a contribution to the travel costs of the dependant relative or carer, or to employ a carer at the conference location.
The Executive Dean will consider requests for the funding once the conference travel is approved. The number of awards made available is subject to faculty budgeting, and Executive Dean and Faculty GED Committee approval.
Support from the Dependant Travel Fund is available to applicants who have primary caring responsibility for young children, a partner or parents with special needs.
Members of staff appointed on the academic salary scale are eligible for the award, provided they are not full-time postgraduate students.
Please email applications to the Office of the Executive Dean at Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences via Tupp Carmody. Applications close for this round on 1 December 2017.
A further call for applications will be held in early 2018.
Criteria for approval
Applications will be assessed on merit and demonstrated need, and with regard to available funding within the Faculty. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received funding through this scheme. Only one award per year will be made to individual staff members.
Please note: funds must be spent by the end of 2017.
Reporting requirements
Successful applicant(s) must submit a brief statement of their contribution to the conference and benefits to the individual, the School and the Faculty. They must also agree to have the details of their award promoted in communication and marketing by the University.
Name of applicant and current position:
TitleGiven namesFamily namePosition
Contact details:
Phone numberEmail address
Name of Head of School:
Conference details: (name, date, place)
Justification for attendance at conference (<100 words):
- Value and significance of conference within your discipline area;
- Indicate how attendance at the conference/workshop will enhance your research performance or provide other tangible benefits
What is your proposed participation at the conference? (<100 words) (Chair, presentation, panel etc):
Briefly explain the caring responsibilities which would otherwise limit your opportunity to participate in the conference (e.g. what usual arrangements for care would be in place during the period) (<100 words):
How do you propose to spend funding if awarded? (e.g., travel or accommodation for accompanying carer, childcare at place of conference)
Research performance: Provide details of 3-5 recent research outcomes (e.g., grants or publications) within the last five working years including a concise statement indicating the quality of each outcome.
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