Faculty of Economics, Belgrade


Application for doctoral thesis may be submitted only by an applicant who fulfils the following legal and statutory terms:

1.1.holds a master's degree in Serbian formerly known as “magistar nauka”i.e. provides nostrification/validation of the master's(in Serbian formerly known as “magistar nauka”)diploma in one of the following scientific fields: economics, statistics, commercial law or agricultural economics, or who has successfully completed doctoral studies;

1.2.whose proposed topic is suitable for doctorate ineconomic or statistical sciences, business administration and demographics;

1.3.has published papersin the relevant field;

1.4.if- expounding the subject, objectives, the basic hypotheses which are to be put forward, as well as research methodology– the candidate definitively proves that "the doctoral thesis will be the result of original scientific work conducted in the candidate's corresponding scientific field" (Law on University, Article 52);

1.5.if the candidate submitsdoctoral thesis application in 22 copies, printed on the form no.1;

1.6.if the candidateprovides other evidence statedon the form no.1.

1.7.prior to submitting doctoral thesisapplication the candidate must get the approval of an active teacher of the Faculty of Economics, Belgrade who holds the relevant title and who has been appointed for the fieldcorresponding to the one the candidate applies for.

Applications which are not in compliance with these legal and statutory terms will be turned down.

The DoctorateCommission of the Teaching and Scientific council

Form 1


Teaching and scientific council

Faculty of Economics


I kindly request you to grant approval forwork on the doctoral thesis entitled:


In the preparation phase of the thesis I consulted:



  1. A certified copy of graduate diploma;
  2. A certified copy of postgraduate diploma;
  3. A receipt to acknowledge the payment for doctoral thesis application to current account of the Faculty of Economics, in Belgrade no: 840-1109666-73, ref no: 206

The applicant:


(surname, middle name, first name)

(residential address)

(home number)



(office number)

  1. Subject and objectives of the dissertation:

(Prove that it is the result of original idea, important for the development of science, its application, that is, the development of scientific thought in general)

  1. Basic hypotheses which are to be proposed in research:

(Hypotheses which are to be scientifically confirmed or rejected)

  1. Description of contents (organization of chapters) of the dissertation:

(New pages can be added, if need be)

  1. Methods which are to be applied in research:
  1. Expected results and the contribution to science:

(State the expected contribution to a particular field of science)

  1. References which are to be used:

(The list of references should follow the attached sample: new pages can be added, if need be, the reference list should not exceed 100 items)

  1. A list of the candidate's published papers:
  1. The candidate's professional CV:

Note: The application should not exceed 10 pages.

Blarel, Hazell, Place and Quiggin 253


The word “processed” describes informllay reproduced works that may not be comonly available throught library systems.

Anthony, Kenneth R. M., Bruce F. Johnston, William O. Jones, and V. C. Uchendu. 1979. Agricultural Change in Tropical Africa. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Bentley, Jeffery. 1987. “Economic and Ecological Approaches to Land Fragmentation: In Defense

of a Much-Aligned Phenomenom”. Annual Review of Anthropology 16: 31-67

Bauer, P. T., and Basil S. Yamey. 1957. The Economics of Under – developed Countries. University of Chicago Press.

Brinns Bernard O. 1950. “The Consolidation of Frnangmented Agricurtural Holdings.” PAO Agricultural Studies 11. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.

Buck, G. L. 1964 Land Utilization in China. New York: Paragon.

Carter, Michael, and Peter Matlon. N.d. “An Empirical Characterization of Risk and Potential Household Differentiation in the Semi-Arid Tropics of West Africa”. Department of Agricurtural Economics, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Processed.

Charlesworth, Neil. 1983. “The Orgins of Fragentation of Landholdings an British India: A Comparative Examination”. In Peter Robb, ed., Rural India. London: Carson Press Ltd.

Dahlman, Carl. 1980. The Open Field System and Beyond. Cambridge University Press.

Dorner, Peter. 1977. “Land Ownership and Tenure”. In E. R. Duncan, ed., Dimensions in WorldFood Problems. Ames: lowa State Univerzity Press.

Douglass, Larry W. 1969. Death in Murelaga: Funerary Ritual in a Spanish BasqueVillage. Seatlle: University of Washington Press.

Downing, T. E. 1977. “Partible Inheritance and Land Frangmentation in an Oaxaca Village.” Human Organization 36 (3, Fall): 235-43.

Farmer , B. H. 1960. “On Not Controlling Subdivision in Paddy Lands”. Transactions of the BritishGeographes 28: 225-35

Fenoaltea, Stefano. 1976 “Risk, Transaction Costs, and the Origin of Medieval Agriculture”. Explorations inEconomics History 13: 129-51.

Georgescu – Roegen, Nicholas. 1969. “The Institutional Aspects of Peasant Communities: An Analytical View”. In Clifton R. Wharton, ed., Subsisstence Agriculture and Economic Development. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.

Grigg, Daavid. 1970. The Harsh Lands: A Study in Agricurtural Development. New York: St. Martin,s Press.

Holmberg, A.R., and H.F. Dobyns. 1969. “The Cornell Program in Vicos, Peru” In Clifton R.Wharton, Jr., ed., Substitence Agriculture and Economic Development. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.

Hopper, W. David.1965 “Allocation Efficiency in a Traditional Indian Agriculture”. Journal ofFarm Economics 47 (3, August): 611-24.

Hyodo, S. 1963 “Aspects of Land Consolidation in Japan”. In Kenneth H. Parsons, Raymond J. Penn, and Philip M. Raup, eds., Land Tenure. Medison: Univerzity of Wisconsin Press.