FacetsAgni Yoga, 1971

1997 - year of the 100 anniversary since the birth of Boris Nikolaevich Abramov'.
The feat it brought Light in our life. Its appeal was: respect each other, show patience and tolerance, carry out the Precept of the Savior – "Love the neighbor, as it".
1971.** 001. (January. 1). There is no justification to the people knowing that they cause other sufferings or the troubles, and still doing it. Ignorance still can excuse, but knowledge – never; this already conscious causing evil to people. It is necessary to pay at a rate of the done harm. Suffering from it isn't easier, and they are ready to forgive if spirit is rather high, but the Law of the Karma isn't considered with it and has to be executed up to the end. It is possible to regret torturers heartless because their fate is unenviable. Be sorry dark, tormenting you the cruelty because they should pay for each tear. The law is relentless! In the ignorance think that are unpunished. Blind ignoramuses! Regret the blind men, digging the own grave own hands. Better when don't know that create. For them it is possible to pray, but when know, neither forgiveness, nor prayers not to help with forces. It is possible to make attempts to explain not knowing, what harm they cause. But if it is results won't yield, it is possible to depart, both to wash hands, and to provide them to own destiny, and already not to interfere any more during their karma, and, not to have the main thing, the evils in the heart against your torturers. The mankind tragedy that bad people create the evil and think that are unpunished. What wild delusion! If knew that it is necessary to pay for each particle of the done harm completely, would arrive differently. Imagined impunity and irresponsibility generated the evil in the world. The law of the reasons and consequences corresponding to the reasons operates the world. From it nowhere not leave. And if you are sorry and you forgive your torturers and even are ready to pray for them, the benefit to you, but nevertheless know that the Law doesn't forgive. Not to enter the debtor into the New World: it is necessary to pay off at first. It concerns all inhabitants of your planet. Also you look: already pay, it is so much misfortune around, diseases, sufferings and a grief. It also is payment for the past. Here rescues anything: neither money, nor power, not situation. And it occurs on all space of a planet. Time of deadlines accelerates events, and also consequences of the generated reasons. Know about invincible power of action of Space Laws. The knowledge force allows sustaining everything up to the end.
002. The end of Cali Yuga will be noted by an unknown press of karmic conditions both in all-planetary scale, and in private life of each person. The last payment on accounts for last debt is necessary. The person burdened with debts can't enter into the future. Satia the South has no consolation for debtors. To remain behind a threshold of the New World is the most terrible that can expect the person. There are conscious attendants of darkness. But everyone will enter in whom is though Light sparkle. Time of final accounts will define destiny of each person. Terrible time goes solutions of destinies human.
003. (M. A. Y.). You can accept, and you can reject. The benefit accepted because, rejecting behind whom there is a Lord, reject it. The litmus piece of paper works unmistakably. Not you reject or you accept, and not you, but Light which in you, reveals Light or darkness in those who comes nearer to you. And from this reaction to luminosity it is impossible to leave. So one, without knowing why, are kindly favorable disposed and it is friendly, others start bearing malice and harming without any occasion on that of you. Be very attentive to these manifestations in people of darkness or light. Not for you, but for them it is important because by the relation in the present determine to itself the place in the future. Mankind division on poles goes inevitably and naturally.
004. (Guru). Friends Mine, you keep, all strength of mind having collected. The hardest time approaches closely. All of Rowers Light it in the unprecedented tension, and also the darkness.
005. (January. 2). We Attach special significance to the Communication moment. Why? The spirit perceives our vibrations and eats them. The harp of spirit sounds on a wave sent by us. It chooses from an uncountable set of energy surrounding spirit of energy of the Beam sent by us, focusing consciousness on it. The right and freedom of choice belong to the person. The uncountable quantity of the various phenomena of a various order crowds at an entrance to his consciousness, but he chooses that considers as the most necessary at the will. Thoughts and images from last fulfillments crowd around, demanding to itself attention, but it chooses that to conformably its aspiration to Light. When Communication comes to an end, it is surrounded by thoughts usual, surrounding it in daily occurrence. But also here at consciousness patrol the power it has thoughts not light and dark, allowed in the past once, not to allow. The receiver of the consciousness which has been adjusted on a wave of thoughts of fine and pure, dirty thoughts doesn't permit to enter. Protection of consciousness is necessary a constant because darkly around, and useless it is necessary to be preserved against invasion of thoughts sharp-sightedly. Thoughts such, going as from outside, and from depth of own past when acts and manifestations of subjects and get rid of properties of the lowest nature and willfulness of an astral were allowed are dangerous. These echoes of the past come to light in views alluring bright and attractive to tighten consciousness in the funnel and to cause a combination of consciousness to them. This recurrence of the past is dangerous if to fall under their influence. Therefore patrol has to be severe and continuous, and the will – not to allow indulgences and concessions to an astral. The power is approved over all covers and over an astral first of all. It unknown to awake consciousness can cherish in windings and dark back streets attachment to that was once allowed in the past, and doesn't want to leave this freight. But the lord over an astral – the person, his master, and it can force to reconcile this irrepressible cover and to lead it to silence. Fight against the astral is difficult test for ways of each pupil. Exceptions we do not know. Though forms of this fight are very various, but its essence that the astral strongly seeks to involve consciousness in an orbit of the desires and desires. There is no number to them and a limit. It is enough to concede to them in something as desires start growing, amplifying and inflaming, demanding satisfaction. The drunkard and the addict serve as a graphic evidence of impetuous desires, appetites and willfulness of this ardent cover when the person gives it the power over.
006. At understanding of a bipolarity of internal essence of the person fight against the lowest nature of a message it is already easier if the consciousness concentrates on a pole light. The freedom of choice always remains behind will what it was. It should be understood up to the end. The power over always belongs to the person, even then, when he abuses it and sends it to the evil. And the power over itself gives self to an astral, of his the own power. It having realized it isn't so difficult to take it and back, claiming a primacy of spirit over everything that occurs in covers. Covers temporary, the spirit is eternal. This temporariness and mortality of covers causes the power of spirit over them. And at resistance and constancy of aspiration to improvement of a cover are compelled to concede the Supreme power to spirit. The spirit the winner will be always if it is realized.
007. (M. A.Y.). When will ask why a lot of time is found for thoughts and experiences of personal character, answer: the advantage or harm which the person can bring to the world, depend on a light-bearer of its aura, and the last – with its feelings, thoughts and experiences that is on a condition of his consciousness. Therefore so much attention in the course of transformation of human essence also is paid to the last.
008. (Guru). More and more strain in the aspiration to Light, so that strengthen the luminosity and the Light which in you, the good bear to the people, and the world. Each your effort is immutable will yield a fruit, and sang you will reap from the diligence to serve as the Light to General Welfare.
009. (January. 4). The spirit of the person was given the power "over any flesh", that is over a matter of all worlds on all plans of existence: on the plan terrestrial, astral, mental and fiery. But people directed energy the on mastering only the plan terrestrial, losing these opportunities of the highest. Directed to mastering by a matter of all worlds the power over it receives to create because creativity – destiny of the person on Earth and in the Worlds; rower of spirit not of ghost, not Maya, not of groundless dreams, but of fiery reality, attainable in of Boundlessness. Allocating the Deity with omnipotence, an omniscience and pansophy, people that was told them forget: "You are gods". And not they who have refused Me, Told to them it, but you, you who directed to Me and have betrayed to Will My, – the benefit to you, sons of Light and Life, My children.
010. (January. 5). Work and of aspiration – it keys to the future. They will lead to the purpose. How to define the validity of the phenomenon? Heart. It moves forward on a proscenium. "Depart from the evil" heart and "you will create the benefit". Withdrawal only a brain doesn't yield results: roots after all in heart. Fires of heart burn all litter. When they brightly burn, the person is released from are nasty. So, the first care of those fires of heart didn't die away. In a fiery hearth on fires of heart Agni's wings are forged; the liberator of spirit – it the fire. Fire is supported by communication with Hierarchy of Light.
011. (January. 6). "There is a Prince of this world and has in Me no anything" is a powerful formula of protection against coming nearer darkness, from dark, from the evil in any form. She acts powerfully and protects if in the heart of people has no anything able consonance with darkness, any elements of the evil or darkness if heart is cleared of everyone are nasty also litter. Then the dark are powerless to harm and cause reciprocal vibrations of not get rid properties in its essence; means, the first condition of immunity of spirit – it the heart of cleansing. Addressing to Me always the help I Give in fight on darkness and with myself. But also he has to be ready without a regret and concealment to leave century litter. There are the things not compatible to the statement of Light in. They should be set aside, and in the spirit of from them to be averted, and to uproot them from heart. And to the person will seem then that he most from itself tears off part. But it is deception. Not itself, but the crude rough astral matter is thrown out by him from an astral cover. The astral is not it. The astral cover should be dumped from itself in general as it is necessary to dump a physical body and all other temporary covers. Therefore astral cockroaches it is in the bosom inexpedient to hold. When all litter able consonant to darkness jumps out, and in a microcosm of the person remains nothing from darkness, then no approximations of dark substance because they are powerless are dangerous to harm or angrily and to force to vibrate in unison with the evil-tricks, inventions, of allure, seductions and delusions. Such condition of consciousness also will be armor, not perforation darkness. Immunity of spirit is based on it. Unnecessary freight we will leave below, our way goes to Light.
012. Each approach dark can be used as a powerful push to Light. Energy of their impact, calling of powerful power counteractions of spirit, address for useful work. So dark the heart cleared of any litter can force to serve Light. Let's be glad to each victory over darkness because it is got hardly. The Teacher Rejoices to each victory because we work together and together we go the merged heart. When dark see that all their efforts yield results, absolutely the return expected by them, in rage powerless recede in darkness from which came.
013. Release from the astral conductor while the person on Earth, is Archat’s achievement. Having executed the appointment, the astral doesn't become necessary. And therefore, while it to eat, reckon with it, to concede to it, to his willfulness, requirements and desires we won't be. It not we, but only our tool, the spirit tool, its tool subordinated to our will and, perhaps, taught us that now doesn't correspond to extent of development of our expanded consciousness. "The slave is afraid of the owner", an astral – the lord, the person Highest "I". Let's so joyfully and victoriously enter new understanding of new relationship with the covers which are subordinated to spirit and are under its power and control. Understanding by the person of the power over the covers gives this power to it in hands for full mastering by them.
014. When the destructive wave of force hostile manages to be stopped and directed on useful work is a victory over darkness. And then the pupil reaches that step at which both dark and Light forces start serving him, and nothing can already stop his advances on the way to Boundlessness. Gradually the consciousness, and problems personal extends, terrestrial will start being replaced with problems space, leaving a framework of a present situation of Earth. The thought directs in the future in which everything is achievable; thought magnetic. It attracts from space of possibility of future stays and breaks through message channels with the Distant Worlds where that isn't reached yet on Earth is already reached. Thus, the vision horizon extends, and already specific tasks of his evolution are set for the person: mental energy, cooperation with spatial fire, transformation of the person and planet on which it lives and to decorate which the power is given it. Many the immediate and urgent tasks on decoration of a garden terrestrial arise now before mankind which in the ignorance and darkness destroys Earth, kills and makes the life on it miserable and prepares for itself awful destiny if doesn't come round and won't address to light creation and construction. Let thoughts of it and of responsibility for Earth, for the Space House, fill space and reach probably bigger number of consciousness’s that people understood that they create in the madness on Earth as seek to blow up and destroy it and that to lose the only shelter in Space. Where will continue the way where will find the shelter mankind if the planet blows up? For life on the Highest Planets the few are ready, and to adapt to new conditions on the lowest planets be required eons times.
015. (M. A. Y.). The person is a magnet, attractions terrestrial attract it to Earth, attractions the highest – up; to which to prefer, that is the choice, depends on his will. Otherwise it is possible to appear in position of the person who is torn apart on part by opposite energy. The choice is made firm and final: either up, or down. It is impossible to serve God and a mammon or to sit on two chairs. At a known step the choice has to be resolute, final and irrevocable.
The Mammon (Greek) – an evil ghost of money-making.
016. (Guru). To the friend tell: it is easy to you to distribute, you distribute not the – read of books or received from others. But when the Intimate Knowledge is acquired by long efforts, work and aspiration, protection of treasures of spirit becomes obligatory and their delivery is accompanied by understanding of responsibility for each told word. And, if the donation happens incommensurably to consciousness receiving or excessively lawful, it is necessary to pay. The knowledge not, others, is got from books or from other people. The knowledge gathers on particles on the basis of experience of life and the receipts going from depths of spirit and sent by the Teacher in the Beam when the beams self-proceeding already from essence of the pupil are approved; in this it a difference in knowledge of the person.
017. (January. 7). The card of a horoscope shows, what spatial energy and in what angular combinations sate a microcosm of the person. Being a particle of Space, the person isn't separable from it. Influence of the Far Worlds happens on lines of magnetic communication. Energy these affect both a dense body, and mentality of people. Stars induce, but don't force, that is the known freedom of action is provided to human will. One live by the principle: "Float My boat at will of waves", others take strong a wheel in hand and direct a spirit castle at the chosen course. The will is a powerful factor in spirit life if it is put in action. And if this will is merged with of Will Teacher Light, even at very difficult horoscope of people victoriously moves ahead on the way of Light.