F12 Plan the development of organisational products, services and processes to meet market needs
F12.2 Plan the development of new and innovative operational processes, methods and techniques to meet market needs
Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...(a)identify operational and contextual constraints and realistic objectives for the development of new and existing products and processes
(b)evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of existing processes, methods and techniques and whether they are suitable for achieving the required products and processes
(c)analyse available data and information and identify needs and requirements for operational change and development
(d)estimate, accurately, what funding and resources will be needed for development and the added value which will be obtained
(e)commission suitable projects to specify and test new and improved products and processes which will achieve the identified operational needs
(f)identify and implement valid and realistic development programmes which will maximise added value
(g)monitor the compliance of projects with the objectives, investigate variances and restore compliance with the development plan
(h)analyse available data and information and propose potential alternative users and markets for new products and processes
(i)recommend the introduction of successful new products and processes into the organisation's operations and develop programmes for their implementation / The Range...
[1]Operational constraints:
• site locations;
• natural environment;
• availability of competent people;
• transportation;
• infrastructure;
• market conditions
[2]Contextual constraints:
• social;
• political;
• cultural;
• financial;
• economic;
• environmental
• raw materials;
• manufactured materials and components;
• systems
[4]Processes, method and techniques:
• design services;
• advisory services;
• management services;
• production systems;
• control systems;
• information systems
[5]Strengths and weaknesses:
• market share;
• scope of products and services;
• availability of resources;
• working practices;
• productivity;
• profitability and cost factors;
• corporate values;
• climate change, energy demand and carbon neutrality;
• environmental impact;
• socio-econometric factors;
• ability to innovate;
• efficiency of systems (including information technology);
• product life-cycle;
• understanding of clients' needs;
• standardisation
• competence of staff;
• feedback and claims
• feasibility studies;
• Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analyses;
• against industry performance benchmarks
[7]Data and information - sources:
• professional journals and publications;
• data from within the built environment;
• information from other industries
F12 Plan the development of organisational products, services and processes to meet market needs
F12.2 Plan the development of new and innovative operational processes, methods and techniques to meet market needs
The Evidence - performance and processProduct Evidence:
(1)Record(s) of identified needs and requirements for operational change and development which includes identified constraints and objectives, evaluated strengths and weaknesses of existing processes, methods and techniques, analysed data and information, estimates of funding and resources (a,b,c,d) [all]
(2)Record(s) of projects and programmes commissioned, implemented and monitored, including the investigation of variances (e,f,g) [4]
(3)Proposal(s), recommendation(s) and programme(s) for potential alternative users and markets for new processes, methods and techniques (h,i) [4,5,6]
Process Evidence:
None applicable / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1)What do you identify as operational and contextual constraints and realistic objectives for the development of new and existing products and processes? (understanding) (a) [1,2]
(2)What do you identify as valid and realistic development programmes which will maximise added value? (understanding) (f) [4]
(3)How do you implement valid and realistic development programmes which will maximise added value? (application) (f) [4]
(4)How do you restore compliance with the development plan? (application) (g) [4]
(5)How and why do you estimate, accurately, what funding and resources will be needed for development and the added value which will be obtained? (analysis) (d) [2]
(6)How and why do you monitor the compliance of projects with the objectives and investigate variances? (analysis) (g) [4]
(7)How and why do you recommend the introduction of and develop programmes for the successful new products and processes into the organisation's operations? (synthesis) (i) [4]
(8)How and why do you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of existing products and processes and whether they are suitable for achieving the required products and services? (evaluation) (b) [3,4]
(9)How and why do you commission suitable projects to specify and test new and improved products and processes? (evaluation) (e) [4]
(10)What do you identify as needs and requirements for operational change and development? (understanding) (c) [1,2,5]
(11)How and why do you analyse available data and information? (analysis) (c) [6,7]
(12)How and why do you analyse available data and information? (analysis) (h) [3,4,6,7]
(13)How and why do you propose potential alternative users and markets for new products and processes? (synthesis) (h) [3,4]