EYFS Best Fit summaries for Transition Document: Prime Area: Personal, Social and Emotional Development 2012-2013

22-36 months: Best Fit Profile - SEND
Making Relationships
The 22 – 36 month child is interested in others’ play and sometimes joins in. He chooses to be with other people, shows affection and concern for those who are special to him and he may form a special friendship with another child
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
This child separates from his main carer with support from a known adult and is able to expresses his own preferences and fascinations.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
This child seeks comfort when he needs it and can express feelings such as sad, happy, cross, scared, and worried. He is able to respond to the feelings of others and is aware that some actions can hurt others. He sometimes tries to give comfort when others are distressed. This child understands and sometimes co-operates with boundaries and routines. He can stop himself from doing something he shouldn’t do and is beginning to distract himself self when upset, e.g. by engaging in a new play activity / 30-50 months: Best Fit Profile
Making Relationships
The 30 – 50 months child can play in a group and extend and elaborate his ideas e.g. building up a role-play activity with other children. He can initiate play-offering cues to peers to join him and keeps play going by responding to what others are saying or doing. He may demonstrate friendly behaviour, initiating conversations and forming good relationships with peers and familiar adults.
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
This child can select and use activities and resources with help and welcomes praise for what he has done. He enjoys the responsibility of carrying out small tasks and is becoming more outgoing towards unfamiliar people in new social situations. This child is confident to talk to other children when playing and will communicate freely about own home and community. He is confident to ask adults for help.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
This child is aware of his own feelings and knows that some actions and words can hurt others’ feelings. He is beginning to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support. He can usually tolerate delay when his needs are not immediately met, and understands his wishes may not always be met. He can usually adapt his behaviour to different events and social situations. / 40-60 months: Best Fit Profile
Making Relationships
The 40 – 60 month child initiates conversations and takes account of what others say. He explains his own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others. He can take steps to resolve conflicts with other children, e.g. find a compromise.
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
This child is confident to speak to others about his own needs, wants, interests and opinions. He can describe himself in positive terms and talk about his abilities.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
This child understands that his own actions affect other people, e.g. he becomes upset or tries to comfort another child when he realises he has upset them. He is aware of boundaries set and of behavioural expectations. He is beginning to be able to negotiate and solve problems without aggression, e.g. when someone has taken his toy.
Birth – 11 mths:Best Fit Profile -Complex SEND
Making Relationships
The birth – 11-month child enjoys the company of others and seeks contact with others. He gazes at faces and copies facial movements, e.g. sticking out his tongue, opening his mouth and widening eyes. This child responds when talked to, for example, moves his arms and legs, changes his facial expression, moves his body and makes mouth movements. He recognises and is most responsive to his main carer’s voice: his face brightens or activity increases when a familiar carer appears. This child responds to what his carer is paying attention to, e.g. follow their gaze. He likes cuddles and being held. He calms, snuggles in, smiles, gazes at his carer’s face or strokes his carer’s skin.
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
This child laughs and gurgles, e.g. shows pleasure at being tickled and other physical interactions. He uses voice, gesture, eye contact and facial expression to make contact with people and keep their attention.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
This child is comforted by touch and people’s faces and voices. He seeks physical and emotional comfort by snuggling in to trusted adults and calms from being upset when held, rocked, spoken or sung to with soothing voice. This child shows a range of emotions such as pleasure, fear and excitement. He reacts emotionally to other people’s emotions, e.g. smiles when smiled at and becomes distressed if he hears another child crying. / 8-20 months: Best Fit Profile – Complex SEND
Making Relationships
The 8 – 20 month child seeks to get attention in a variety of ways to draw others into social interaction with him. He builds relationships with special people in his life and is wary of those he is unfamiliar with. When supported by a familiar person, he will interact with others and explore new situations. He is interested in what others are doing and responds differently to children and adults e.g. he may be more interested in watching children than adults or pay more attention when children talk to him.
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
This child enjoys finding his own nose, eyes, or tummy as part of a naming game and is aware that his own voice and actions have effects on others. He points with eye gaze to ask for something or share an interest and will engage another person to help achieve a goal e.g. to get an object out of his reach.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
This child uses his familiar adult with whom to share his feelings such as excitement or pleasure, and for ‘emotional refuelling’ when he feels tired, stressed or frustrated. He is more able to soothe himself, and may like to use a comfort object. He will co-operate when being dressed and during other care giving experiences and is beginning to understand ‘yes’, ‘no’ and some boundaries. / 16-26 months: Best Fit Profile –Complex SEND
Making Relationships
The 16 – 26 month child plays alongside others using a familiar adult as a secure base from which to explore independently in new environments e.g. he can venture away to play and interact with others, but returns for a cuddle or reassurance if he becomes anxious. He can play co-operatively with a familiar adult, e.g. rolling a ball back and forth.
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
This child can explore new toys and environments but he will ‘check in’ regularly with a familiar adult as and when he needs to. He is beginning to engage in pretend play with toys and has a sense of self as an individual, e.g. he wants to do things independently e.g. says ‘No’ to adult.
Managing Feelings and Behaviour
This child is aware of others’ feelings e.g. looks concerned if he hears crying or looks excited if he hears a familiar happy voice. He has a growing sense of will and determination which can result in feelings of anger and frustration which can be difficult to handle e.g. he may have tantrums. He can respond to a few appropriate boundaries with encouragement and support, and he is beginning to learn that some things are his, some things are shared, and some things belong to other people..