8th grade Mondays / Sept. 25 / Oct. 2 / Oct. 9 / Oct. 16 / Oct. 23 / All Stars
Oct. 30
6th grade Tuesdays / Sept. 26 / Oct. 3 / Oct. 10 / Oct.17 / Oct. 24 / All Stars
Oct. 30
7th grade
Wednesdays / Sept. 27 / Oct. 4 / Oct. 11 / Oct. 18 / Oct. 25 / All Stars
Oct. 30

TIME: 3:00pm until 4:30pm

PICK-UP: Students should be picked up at 4:30pm. Students not picked up

within 15 minutes of the end of the session will not be permitted

to attend further sessions.

SPECTATORS: Spectators (friends, siblings, etc.) are not permitted to stay

and watch. Only registered dodgeballers permitted.

ELIGIBILITY: Students must have a 2.0 or above GPA and are subject to all

WCBOE extra-curricular activity policies. A signed

permission slip is required. Students without a signed

permission slip will not be admitted.

DODGEBALL DETAILS: Teams are limited to 6 players. Team names must school appropriate. Games last 3 minutes. Absolutely no

head shots. Top teams will be invited back for the All-Star Tournament. Students will be sent to the front entrance of the building at 4:30pm for dismissal.

Students will be closely supervised at all times by school staff. However, with any type of physical activity there is the risk of injury. Salisbury Middle School and its staff will not be held liable in the event of an injury.

I allow ______to participate in the Salisbury Middle School dodgeball league.

Parent/Guardian’s Name ______

Parent/ Guardian’s Signature ______

Emergency Phone Number ______

Please list any medical conditions that could possibly be a concern during activity: ______

Student’s grade level (circle one) 6 7 8

 My child will be picked up at 4:30pm (***students not picked up on time will be dismissed from the program****)


 My child has permission to walk home after practice

RETURN PERMISSION SLIPS TO Mrs. Simmons or Mr. Tretina no later than 1:00pm on Friday, September 22nd . NO LATE PERMISSION SLIPS WILL BE ACCEPTED