Extracts from Nelson Proposal to Adj/Tos, 2015

Extracts from Nelson Proposal to Adj/Tos, 2015



(R)”… A new 1.2 m post and wire fence will be constructed where required, on the perimeter of the licenced area within one (1) year of commencement of quarry operations (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”


E)” Importation of material (i.e., topsoil, inert fill, etc.) for rehabilitation may occur with prior approval of the MNR if required. Aggregate products may be imported for blending, processing and resale. Recyclables (ie. concrete, asphalt, etc.) may be imported onto the site. (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

1)”Recyclable asphalt materials will not be stockpiled within 30 m of any body of water or made-made pond; or 2m of the surface of the established water table(Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

2)”Any rebar and other structural metal must be removed from the recycled material during processing and placed in a designated scrap pile on-site which will be removed on an on-going basis.”(Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

3)”Removal of recycled aggregate is to be on-going(Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

4)”Once the aggregate on-site has been depleted, there will be no further importation of recyclable materials permitted (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

5)“Once final rehabilitation has been completed and approved in accordance with the site plan, all recycling operations must cease (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

(F)” The types of equipment to be used will include, but not be limited to, trucks, front-end loaders, scrapers, draglines, excavators, bulldozers, portable crusher(s), wash plants and screening plants (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plant 2 of 5).”

U) “If Insufficient topsoil/overburden is available within the extraction area to construct the requisite visual and acoustic berms, application will be made to the MNRF to import fill. If written approval is received from the MNRF material may be imported (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan,Plan 2 of 5).”


3) “Removal of recycled aggregate is to be on-going (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

“annual extraction limit of 1,000,000 tonnes (Cullip, M.pg. 2);”


“ A number of environmentally significant land forms, natural heritage and water resource areas are present in the Township. These include part of the Oak Ridges Moraine, part of the Borden Sand Plain and the valleys of Bailey Creek, Sheldon Creek, Mad River, Pine River, Boyne River and the Nottawasaga River (Adj/Tos Official Plan, page 12).”

7. “Future impacts if the Boyne River meanders into the upstream ponds: Our photography…shows that the Boyne River is continuing to meander in the narrow parcel of land between the upstream ponds. The fluvial geomorphologist should consider if the meander belt in this area is sufficient and if not what would the future impacts would be if the river is redirected. What precautions can be taken now to prepare for possible flow redirection and if possible redirect the flow back into proper floodplain (Letter to Jacquie Tschekalin from Chris Hibberd, July 20, 2012, pg. 2, extracted from White, T)?”

“It is recommended that a domestic water well survey be completed to confirm the location and details of the domestic water supplies within 500 m of the extraction area, if a license to extract aggregate from below the water table is issued. It is also recommended that two representative domestic water wells within 500 m be incorporated into the long-term groundwater monitoring program, if permission by the property owner is granted (White, T., pg. 8).”

“…the Boyne River appears to have undergone alteration to accommodate the extraction of aggregate from the adjacent pits…Tributaries of the Boyne River (such as Tosorontio Creek) have often been altered to drain agricultural lands. At the site, the Tosorontio Creek has been altered by straightening and dug into the shallow water table (White, T., pg. 6).”

16. Section 2.0 “Private Well Inventory: It is requested that the proponent provide a figure/map of the private well locations. Nothwithstanding the above comment, it is identified that the private well survey was limited to the Study Area, which is assumed to be the proposed licensed area. The proponent is requested to complete a private well survey using the MOE water well records for private wells within 500m of the proposed site (Letter to Jacquie Tschekalin from Chris Hibberd, July 20, 2012, pg. 3, extracted from White, T).”

18. Section 4.4 “Surface Water Monitoring Program: Did the summer sampling event coincide with baseflow conditions? The study lacks any description of site fisheries present and how does this coincide with the thermal regimes presented here (Letter to Jacquie Tschekalin from Chris Hibberd, July 20, 2012, pg. 4, extracted from White, T)?”

“…The fill placed to create the noise berms in these areas will have an immeasurable effect on flood levels and conveyance of flood waters throughout the subject property (Letter to Chris Hibberd from Jeremy Ash, November, 2012, pg. 1, extracted from White, T.)”


(G) “Excavation of aggregate will occur below the water table. The final depth of extraction will not exceed 222.70MASL as shown (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan 2).”

“The shallow aquifer is found in Everett at an elevation range of approximately 220 to 240 MASL, which is a maximum depth of approximately 20 metres below the ground surface (White T., page 10).”

I) “Washing of aggregate on-site is proposed subject to the issuance of a permit to take water (PTTW) by the Ministry of Environment and climate change (MOECC). The washing operation will be located next to the extraction and will move with the extraction operation. No off-site discharge of water from the washing operation will occur. Water from the washing operation will be discharged to a wash pond for treatment, if required. Discharge of the wash water to the wash pond is subject to the issuance of an environmental compliance approval (ECA) by the MOECC (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”

O) “Dust suppression will be accomplished through the application of water on the internal haul roads and any other sources of dust as required (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).


“250 operating days per year (consistent with year round operations), and 13 operating hours per day (6:00 – 19:00). Although the pit will be open Monday through Saturday, it is assumed that a large majority of the extraction will occur between Monday to Friday, with Saturday operations occurring as demand dictates (Cullip, M. pg. 2).”

“Through the site area the posted speed limit is 80 km/h, hence a design speed of 100 km/hr posted speed limit + 20 km/hr) has been assumed (Cullip, M.pg. 3).”

“As per the Township Official Plan, 5 Sideroad is also a designated aggregate haul route from Concession 4 to County Road 13…There is no speed limit posted on 5 Sideroad, and thus a speed of 80 km/h has been assumed…This results in an assumed design speed of 100 km/h (Cullip, M., pg. 3).”


4) “Prior to any clearing the area to be cleared will be examined by a qualified professional for the presence of endangered and threatened species. (5) If any endangered or threatened species are found breeding within the area to be cleared, the OMNRF will be contacted immediately ( Twigger, D.R.W, Details and NotesPlan 5 of 5).”

General endangered and threatened species mitigation. (1) The species at risk list (saro) shall be reviewed at least annually. (2) All new observations of endangered species or threatened species will be reported to the OMNFR immediately. (3) In consultation with the OMNFR, adequate protection will be provided to any endangered or threatened species observed in the active area if required (Twigger, D.R.W ,Details and Notes Plan 5 of 5).”

(Cuesta Planning Consultants Inc., pgs. 8&9)
Natural Heritage Feature / Licensed Area / Extraction Area
Habitat of Endangered or Threatened Species / Yes – bobolink and bank swallow / Yes – bobolink and bank swallow
Fish Habitat / Yes Boyne River & Tosorontio Creek / None
Significant Valley Lands / Yes, Boyne River Valley Tosorontio Creek / None
Significant Wildlife Habitat / Yes
Riparian Corridors / None

“The bobolink survey results confirm the nesting, territorial defence and foraging presence of 20 to 28 pairs. Only one pair of Eastern Meadowlarks was observed and only on one occasion therefore breeding was not confirmed on the site…Therefore, the 24 ha area in the north half of the site provided nesting, defended territory and foraging habitats for Bobolinks but there was no habitats for Eastern Meadowlarks in 2014 (Craig, R.E, Wren, Christopher, C.D, pg. 19).”


(B) “The existing tree cover within the setbacks outside the extractions limits will provide screening of the operation. During stripping operations only those trees interfering with operations within the extraction limits will be removed. Where possible, trees will be transplanted along the boundary of the extraction limits or within the creek corridor to provide increased screening and/or to rehabilitate the watercourse. All harvested trees will be sold for lumber and/or firewood. Stumps, limbs and brush will be burned and/or stored within the scrap stockpile area and used for wildlife habitat along the shore of the pit lakes during rehabilitation (Twigger, D.R.W., Operations Plan,Plan 2 of 5).”


(11)”…The berms shall have a height of at least 8m relative to existing grade and be located within 30 m of the centre of the processing equipment. (Twigger, D.R.W, Operations Plan, Plan 2 of 5).”


  1. Craig, R.E, Wren, Christopher, C.D. Natural Environment Level 1 and 2 Technical Report,Alliston Pir, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Simcoe County. (November, 2014)
  1. Cuesta Planning Consultants Inc., Planning Report, Alliston Aggregates, Applications to Amend the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Official Plan and Zoning By-Law to Facilitate an Application for a Class ‘A’, Category 1 License for Mineral Extraction. (January, 2015)
  1. Cullip, Michael. (C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd). Alliston Aggregates, Traffic Review (2014)
  1. Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Official Plan, 2000
  1. Twigger, D.R.W. (C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd., Consulting Engineers). Operations Plan. (January 13, 2015)
  1. White, T. (Whitewater Hydrogeology Ltd). Combined Level 1 and 2 Hydrogeological Assessment, Proposed Alliston Pit, Part of Lot 6 and 7 Concession 4, Township of Tosorontio, Simcoe County. (November, 2014)

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