ISSUE 2 September 8, 2014

This week the children are learning about our safety rules and coming up with their own rules for the classroom. We are talking about greetings, how to make a friend, and feelings. Be prepared for the children coming home with knowledge of the following rules.

Please be aware of the following playground rules at Ponderosa:

1.  Feet first on the slides

2.  The children must walk up the steps/ ladders and go down the slides

3.  Children are not allowed to hang off the playground equipment

4.  Children are allowed to swing on either their bottoms or stomachs (no standing or running to jump on the swings)

5.  Swings must go back and forth not sidewise or twisting

6.  Children riding bikes must wear a helmet

7.  When snow is on the playground, children MUST remain on the shoveled areas if they do not have boots or mittens.

We are continuing our planner “The Relationship Between Myself and Others”. We will be reviewing the poem Mary had a Little Lamb and the problem she had taking a lamb to school and following the rules. Our shape this week we will be discussing is a “TRIANGLE”. We are very excited to announce, we will be starting our Spanish class two days a week for 15 minutes a session on Monday, September 15th. We will also be starting library that week. Please look for more information to follow in our next news letter regarding Library.

Upcoming Events:

·  Picture Day: Thursday, September 11th. Please arrive promptly we are scheduled to take our pictures upon arrival.

·  Ponderosa Panda Prowl Walk-a-thon

o  When~ Thursday, October 2, 2014 during the school day

o  Why~ For fun, fitness, and to raise money for Global Focus, instructional materials, supporting field trips, PE equipment, wellness initiatives, and other expenses to benefit our students at Ponderosa

This Weeks Homework:

·  Please send in your child’s Baby Picture

·  Help teach your child the following listening poem/song at home to the tune of Where is Thumpkin:

Eyes are watching

Ears are listening

Lips are closed

Hands are still

Feet are really quiet

You should really try it listening well, listening well

·  On Thursday we will be sending home Puppets your children have made named Moe and Zippy. Please encourage your child to share with you who the puppets are and what they do in the classroom

1.  Sharing

2.  Turn-Taking

3.  Trading Toys

4.  Asking Nicely

5.  Using a Timer to wait for a turn

·  Identify Triangle Shapes

·  Second Step Thursday Homework: Link 2 (will be sent out Thursday)

If you have any questions please contact us

Kristen and Betty