External review school checklist
Quality assurance of Authority-registered subjects
School checklist
Prior to the external review, schools should have:
  • conducted annual internal reviews at the school

  • addressed issues identified at moderation meetings and collected evidence of such action

  • addressed issues identified at previous internal and external reviews and collected evidence of the strategies for action and implementation

  • notified school personnel of the external review

  • nominated and organised for a representative to liaise with the QCAA’s quality assurance officer — the school moderator or their nominee.

Schools are required to provide the following materials for the external review:
  • a copy of the school’s last external review and related evidence of corrective action

  • current approved study plans with the Form R10 attached for each Group A Authority-registered subject, English Communication and Prevocational Mathematics and/or current approved study plans with QCAA approval (QCAA officer name and date on cover page) for each Group B Authority-registered subject offered by the school

  • current study plans for all short courses offered by the school with the school self-checklist for readiness to offer the course attached

  • a complete set of clean instruments to date, including Year 11 instruments

  • two sample Year 12 student folios, from the current Year 12 cohort of each Authority-registered subject offered by the school, which include evidence of:
the school’s use of the relevant dimensions and standards or criteria and standards
all student work to date, including Year 11 work
student profiles completed to date
  • one sample student foliofrom the current Year 12 cohort, for each short course offered, that contains all work to date (which may include Year 10 and/or Year 11 work)
  • a similar folio for each year since the previous external review, for each short course offered

  • for each year since the previous external review:
annual internal review reports and related evidence of corrective actions for each Authority-registered subject offered by the school
Forms R12 for each Authority-registered subject offered by the school and related evidence of corrective action.

More information

If the external review is scheduled during the moderation meetings period, a second submission will need to be prepared to provide the required materials for both processes.

Always keep copies of Forms R10 and R12, internal reviews, study plans for short courses, student profiles and clean tests.

Further information can be found in the Quality assurance of Authority-registered subjects and short courses handbook,available at

External review school checklist
Quality assurance of Authority-registered subjects / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
July 2014
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