External assessment materials available for return

Centres can submit requests to SQA for the return of the assessment materials listed below.
Please note that any assessment materials submitted as evidence for the Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Servicewill only be returned following a request from the centre. Candidates cannot request the return of this evidence.

National 5

Course / Item
Art and Design / Portfolio*
Biology / Assignment
Business Management / Assignment
Care / Project
Chemistry / Assignment
Classical Studies / Assignment
Cruinn-eolas (Gaelic medium Geography) / Obair (Assignment)
Dance / Practical Activity
Eachdraidh (Gaelic medium History) / Obair (Assignment)
Economics / Assignment
English / Portfolio: Writing (MFI)
Geography / Assignment
Health and Food Technology / Assignment
History / Assignment
Media / Assignment
Modern Studies / Assignment
Nuadh-Eolas (Gaelic medium Modern Studies) / Obair (Assignment)
Philosophy / Assignment
Physical Education / Portfolio
Physics / Assignment
Psychology / Assignment
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies / Assignment
Sociology / Assignment


Course / Item
Art and Design / Portfolio*
Biology / Assignment
Business Management / Assignment
Care / Project
Chemistry / Assignment
Childcare and Development / Project
Classical Studies / Assignment
Cruinn-eolas (Gaelic medium Geography) / Obair (Assignment)
Dance / Practical Activity
Eachdraidh (Gaelic medium History) / Obair (Assignment)
Economics / Assignment
English / Portfolio: Writing (MFI)
Environmental Science / Assignment
Fashion and Textile Technology / Assignment
Geography / Assignment
Health and Food Technology / Assignment
History / Assignment
Human Biology / Assignment
Media / Assignment
Modern Studies / Assignment
Music Technology / Assignment
Nuadh-Eolas (Gaelic medium Modern Studies) / Obair (Assignment)
Philosophy / Assignment
Photography / Project
Physics / Assignment
Politics / Assignment
Psychology / Assignment
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies / Assignment
Sociology / Assignment

Advanced Higher

Course / Item
Art and Design / Portfolio** (Expressive and Design)
Biology / Project
Business Management / Project
Chemistry / Project
Classical Studies / Project: dissertation
Economics / Project: dissertation
English / Project: dissertation / Writing portfolio
French / Portfolio
German / Portfolio
Geography / Project-folio
Health and Food Technology / Project
History / Project: dissertation
Italian / Portfolio
Latin / Project: dissertation
Modern Studies / Project: dissertation
Physical Education / Project
Physics / Project
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies / Project: dissertation
Spanish / Portfolio

* Extra charges will apply for requests that include 3D artwork.Please refer to the guidance on our website and the table of charges.

**Advanced Higher portfolioswill no longerbe returned to centres free of charge afterthe external assessment event. Any artworkthat does not fit neatly within the portfolio case/plasticwallet will be regardedas 3D artwork and will be charged accordingly.

Marked From Image (MFI)

For National 5 and Higher English portfolios that are marked from image, the original portfolio will not be returned.Instead, we will supply centres with a hard copy scanned image of the portfolio.

Please note: If any of the materials listed above aresubmittedfor Results Services, SQA isrequired to retain these materials for 12 months after the final decision is made on the grade(s) awarded. This includesboth Exceptional Circumstances Consideration requests and Post-results Services requests.