Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5:00 p.m.

Academy Building, Room 324

Present: Derek Godwin, Mike Propes, Barbara Nichols, Elena Pena, Dolores May, Donna Michaelson, Sheri Beehner, Christina Sekafetz, Jim Clawson, Karen Lippsmeyer, Joyce Wahl, Norbert Hartmann, Dean Anderson, Paul Gehlar, Bernie Faber, Kathy Hadley, Daryl Eash, Tom Thomson, Pam Scharf & Marita Broadus

Absent: Chelsea Pope, John Swanson & Cheryle Kennedy

Overview of Extension

Derek: Listed program areas that agents cover for county, counties and/or state. Extension’s primary funding is like a “three legged stool” – federal, state and county funds.

Polk County Extension still exists and has funding thanks to the remarkable volunteers who worked to get an Extension Service District.

The Advisory Committee represents the people of Polk County. Gives the Extension Office feedback on programs, what is needed, what positions are needed. It is informal and can meet regularly or as needed.

Twenty out of the thirty-six counties in Oregon now have an Extension Service District. Fourteen use county funding and two (Multnomah and Lane) no longer have Extension funding from the county.

Polk County has fantastic support for Extension, and this makes working for Extension and looking into the future very exciting.

Norbert: He represents OSU Extension Services’ Citizens Advisory Network at the State level. They are providing feedback on the organizational structure of Extension for the future. We need people who work across counties like Gene Pirelli, for instance, who is the swine specialist for the State of Oregon.

The committee attends OSU Day at the State Capitol, meeting with legislatures. Extension is a hard sell to people in the Metro area.

Derek is depending on Norbert to relay information to this group from the State level.

Mike Propes: Would like to thank citizens of Polk County for supporting the tax base. A special thanks to Bernie Faber, Karen Lippsmeyer and Warren Lamb. Extension is so important to the county. With schools losing so much of their funding, 4-H can fill in some of those areas.

We need to put together a good plan for the future of Polk County Extension. We need a larger space to run this program. A building shared with Farm Service Agency at the fairgrounds is a possibility. John Burt is heading up a committee that is exploring some of the options.

Advisory Council Minutes

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The Polk County 4-H Center in West Salem is a beautiful facility. We need to start utilizing it more for Polk County businesses, organizations, etc.

Mike thanked committee for their participation. Extension touches so many lives.

What’s Our Charge/Needs?

Derek gave an overview of what Extension needs from this group:

1.  Strategic Plan – a plan that outlines the issues facing Polk County residents and natural resources, the types of education programs Extension will be delivering to address these issues, the expected outcomes from these programs, and how these efforts will affect the community and natural resources as a whole.

2.  Financial plan – need to submit a budget to the county for the service district. This budget will align with the strategic plan. Also, there needs to be a plan for other supplemental funding, such as gifts (foundation accounts), fees for service, and grants.

3.  Public Awareness – Need to tell citizens what services we are providing and the related outcomes/successes. Next year Extension will be 100 years old. I would like to use this as an opportunity for a local celebration. Need marketing plan on using dollars for biggest impact.

4.  Program Planning – Provide feedback, help build partnerships and opportunities, and help faculty plan their education programs. For example: how should we design activities and invest in 4-H to reach more youth?

5.  Networking and Advocacy – Help tell others about our services and create partnerships and opportunities for program development and delivery.

Members Resources & Feedback/Questions/Area of Interest

Derek asked for the members of the group to introduce themselves, share their interests and skills in helping meet these needs outlined above, and provide other feedback on how we might best serve Polk County.

Jim C.: Ag shortchanged last few years. Partner with other counties and groups to meet needs.

Bernie F.: Bad economy – one of worst for ag in recent years. We need to come up with crops in the county to help economy. Of his 42 years in the dairy business, 2009 was the worst year in the dairy industry.

Daryl Eash: Took dairy short course at Washington State. Two of largest dairies in Oregon are in Polk County. Works with 4H shooting sports. Need to teach youth to teach parents to become involved.

Sheri Beehner: Economy bad, families don’t sit down and have dinner together. Outreach needs to be with families and kids. Listened to programs of Debra’s. Sixteen of the 35 families that Sheri works with showed up. Many of the families have no stability and a lack of education.

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Elena Pena: Parents work, tired when they get home, don’t like to come to night meetings. Have been trying to get the cultural center in Independence started for a couple of years – bridging communities important. Many Hispanic people do not know what 4-H is.

Dolores M.: Getting Master Gardener info out to community on clinics, Fall Fling, speakers, Plant Sale.

Donna M.: Most FCE members are 60+ years old. Fantastic lessons, really educational. Need to get younger folks involved. Get word out.

Barbara N.: Get word out about Extension to get more people involved. People who work (not retired) have a harder time participating in organizations/activities.

Norbert H.: Work less by working smarter.

Mike P.: Tap resources. Tie together.

Donna M.: Have booths at Centennial celebration to tell Extension is more than just 4-H.

Dean A.: Think of different way to use technology (example: website calendar), but bridge gap with older folks who don’t use computers/email.

Sheri B. Use 100 Year Celebration to let kids dig in dirt, touch cow, etc. See what Extension has to offer.

Kathy H. Biggest goal – get people to realize importance of Ag. Everyone needs food and clothes. Extension ties with industry. Need pesticide training classes in Polk County. Linn County Extension has an impressive newspaper/newsletter that shows all facets of Extension.

Christina S.: Looks forward to being a counselor and working with kids. 4-H Wild West Camp is great.

Karen L.: After school programs are expensive. Schools lack music, art, p.e. home ec, shop. 4-H could handle these areas for a small fee.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, October 19th (3rd Tuesday of the month) 5 – 7 p.m., in the Academy Building. Will brainstorm in small groups.

Derek will have “Extension” in heading of email meeting notices to make them easier for members to notice.

Derek will work with Jim on teams and ideas. Elena, Norbert & Karen are interested in working with Jim and Derek.

Submitted by

Marita Broadus & Pam Scharf