Expression of Interest to invite NSF to co-organize Scientific Meetings / Events

(To be completed by the organizers and submit to NSF at least 2 months prior to the commencement of the activity. Please refer to the sponsorship guidelines before completing this application)

  1. Name and address of the Principal Organizer
(to be used in all correspondence) / STMIS Reg. No.
Telephone / Mobile
Fax / E mail Address
  1. Type of Meeting

International ( ) / Regional (Asian/ SAARC) ( ) / National ( )
Conference ( ) / Workshop ( ) / Training Programme ( ) / Other ( )
  1. Title of the proposed event

  1. Have you already met with the NSF management and discussed about the event? Yes/No

  1. The purpose and the nature of the event

  1. Description of the level of importance (national/international )of the proposed event and expected outcomes

  1. Statement on why NSF should co-organize this event

  1. Venue ( Please specify)
/ Dates
  1. Organizing Committee:
Chairman : Other members :
Coordinators :
  1. Main field/fields on which the activity will concentrate:

i.Medical Science / Engineering / Agriculture
ii.Biology / Chemistry/ Physical Sciences / Computer Science
iii.Biochemistry / Molecular Biology / Nanoscience & Technology etc.
iv.Environment / Energy / Natural Disasters, Air & Water etc.
v.R & D, Commercialization / Industry Links etc.
vi.Other areas (please specify)
  1. Estimated number of participants

From the host institution / From Sri Lanka (excluding the host institution)
From the Asian /SAARC region / From outside the region
  1. Recourse Persons / Invited Speakers

Name and the institution / Topic / title of the lecture / No of Hours / Confirmed or not
  1. Outline of the tentative programme

  1. Estimated total budget of the activity

  1. Support requested from the NSF

Support requested / From Host Institution
LKR / From Local Sources
LKR (please specify source) / From Foreign Sources
LKR (please specify source) / From NSF
Confirmed / Pending / Confirmed / Pending / Confirmed / Pending
i). Registration fees of local participants
ii). Sponsoring for foreign resource person ( Air fare / Accommodation)
iii). Board and lodging for local participants (Hotel/Guest House/Hostel)
iiv. Meals / Refreshments (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Tea)
v). Course Material and handouts, photocopy
vi). Printing Conference/Workshop proceedings
xi). Other costs (please specify)
  1. Proposed area for participation by NSF*

  1. Panel Discussion
/ Yes / NO
  1. Sessions
/ Yes / NO
  1. Keynote speech
/ Yes / NO
  1. NSF video clip (5 mins)
/ Yes / NO
  1. NSF stall
/ Yes / NO
  1. NSF banner
/ Yes / NO
  1. NSF nominee to the organizing committee
/ Yes / NO
*Not all activities are essential
  1. i). Is this activity directly related to a research project carried out by the applicant and sponsored by the NSF?
If yes,
  1. Ongoing? Please give the Grant No. and the Grantee/s
  1. During the past 5 years? Please give the Grant No. and the Grantee/s

ii). Are the organizers holders of NSF research grants?
If yes, please give the Grant No. and the Grantee/s
  1. Specify previous support received from the NSF during the last 5 years for organizing activities by your organization

Year / Title / NSF Support (LKR)
  1. I confirm that I am in agreement with the NSF policies and guidelines on NSF grant for
Scientific Meetings

I confirm, if the grant is awarded that the NSF- Sri Lanka Logo will be displayed on
program and proceedings of the event
Before signing please make sure that all questions have been answered.
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Signature and Rubber Stamp of the Principal Organizer Date
20. Recommendation of The Head of Hosting Institute.
Name and address of Head of Host Institute :
...... ……… ......
Signature and Rubber Stamp of Head of the Host InstituteDate