Expression of Interest Form
2015 Year 9 Gold Coast Camp
7December 2015 – 11 December 2015
Year 9 Camp is a time when the students celebratetheir year together before they leave Middle Years to go to Senior College. Every year we facilitate activities that build relationships and develop ownership and leadership in our students.The camp helps the Year 9’s celebrate their hard work and the finishing of 3 years of Middle School. As we did last year, we will be taking the Year 9’s to the Gold Coast for a five day trip. We will be visiting the theme parks and the night time will be filled with events and activities.
Thecost of this year’s camp is $525.00.
The process for you and your son/daughter if they want to go to camp is as follows:
- Complete the attached expression of interest form and return to our office with your$100 deposit to secure a place for your son/daughter on the campby Monday 4th May 2015.
- The final date for all payments isMondayOctober12th 2015. The balance of $425.00is due on this date. No late payments will be accepted. To assist with payment the College has prepared a suggested payment plan:
Monday 4th May 2015 / $100 deposit
Friday 19th June 2015 / $100
Monday 3rd August 2015 / $100
Monday 7thSeptember 2015 / $100
Monday 12th October 2015 / $125 Final Payment
NB The deposit and all subsequent payments are non-refundable.
- Students will be provided with a camp pack at a later date. This will include the final itinerary, dietary requirements, medical form and cabin information. Please ensure your son/daughter returns the dietary requirements (where applicable) and medical form by Monday12thOctober 2015.
- Students who have not paid the total amount, prior to the final payment date 12th October 2015, or who have not completed and submitted the medical form will not be taken to Queensland.
- Students whose behaviour does not reflect the College’s expectations and philosophyprior to the camp may be ineligible to attend. WMYC reserves the right to remove from the camp students whose behaviour is not acceptable. A student’s eligibility to attend the camp is determined by the Year Level Coordinator in consultation with the College Principal.
Should you have any further queries please contact Darren Cloughin the Year 9 office at Felltimber campus.
Darren CloughRussell Polson
Year 9 Coordinator College Principal
Expression of Interest
Year 9 Gold Coast Camp
I have read the above information concerning the camp and agree to the conditions regarding payment dates.
Student’s Name______A Team______
Parent/Guardian Name ______
Signature of Parent/Guardian______
Date ______Contact Phone Number______
Please find enclosed $100 deposit.
Please tick:
I wish to pay by instalments.
I will pay the balance by 12th October 2015.