Expository Teaching


Grace Baptist Church

20 Sep 2014

Care Group Ministry

(in collaboration with the Christian Education on Sunday Ministry)

(1) Introduction

1.1 Goal of the Seminar

To provide an introductory understanding of how to teach in an expository fashion.

1.2 Schedule for Today’s Seminar

Time / Scheduled Items
(9.30 am – 12.30 pm) / §  Welcome & Prayer
§  Section 1. Introduction to Expository Teaching
§  Sections 2-3. Developing a Teacher’s Understanding for Teaching
(12.30 pm – 1.30 pm) / Free-and-easy
(1.30 pm – 4.30 pm) / §  CLOBS Study on Matt. 6:7-15
§  Section 4. Developing a Lesson
§  Q&A (if time permits)
§  Closing Feedback

1.3 Filming of the Seminar

To help others who cannot attend the seminar learn from today’s seminar, we will be filming the seminar and uploading it onto the GBC website. It will only be accessible via password (to be circulated later to all seminar participants) to GBC members only.

If you do not wish to be filmed, please inform Eddie during the first break. He will edit you out of the video. If you do not inform Eddie in this way, we will assume that you have given implicit consent to be filmed and to allow the video to be uploaded online for GBC member use.

1.4 References

Much of the material in this set of notes is drawn from Dr Rick Griffith’s teaching in Singapore Bible College. Other relevant insights were also drawn from the teaching of Dr Jeffrey Arthurs (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), Dr Haddon Robinson (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), Dr Bryan Chapell (previously Covenant Theological Seminary) and Dr Richard Ramesh (Dallas Theological Seminary).

Specific references footnoted in this set of materials:

Arthurs, Jeffrey. Preaching with Variety: How to Re-Create the Dynamics of Biblical Genres. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel Academic & Professional, 2007.

Broadus, John A. On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Edited by J.B. Weatherspoon. New York, N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1944.

Chapell, Bryan. Christ-Centred Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2005.

Liefeld, Walter L. New Testament Exposition. Zondervan, 1989.

(2) what is “expository teaching”?

/ Learning Goals
In this section, you will:
a.  Learn what expository teaching is and is not
b.  Learn why you should teach
c.  Orient yourself rightly as a Christian who teaches

2.1 What is Expository Teaching?

Definition: Expository teaching “… explains a passage in such a way to lead the congregation to a true and practical application of that passage.”[1]

Note the following features of the above explanation:

a.  “Passage” – Explains one primary passage of Scripture, i.e. all the main learning points (“main points”) of the teaching session are drawn from the text.

b.  “Practical Application” – Goal is application of the primary passage and the changing of lives of Christians today.

c.  “True” – The application is faithful to the author’s intention of the primary passage. Expository teaching is “saying what God says and doing what God does”.[2]

2.2 What Expository Teaching is Not

§  It is not the only way to teach. Consider the following:

Table 1. Different Types of Teaching Approaches[3]

of the
Teaching Session / Starts from a Primary Passage / Others
Expository / Textual / Topical
Broad Theme / From the
primary passage / From the
primary passage / From the
primary passage / Examples:
(1) Content-focused teaching
(2) Training on apologetics
Main Points / From the
primary passage / From the
primary passage / Elsewhere
Application / From the
primary passage / Elsewhere / Elsewhere

§  It is not characterised by a verse-by-verse teaching style but rather is focused on communicating the main ideas that the author intends from the text. However, expository teaching often takes a verse-by-verse style, especially if the passage studied is short.

§  It is not inductive Bible study.

§  It is not that different from expository preaching! When compared to preaching, teaching has the same goals (transformation) and has the same authoritative source (a Scriptural passage) while appearing in a slightly different context (a classroom or a small group or a family group, instead of a pulpit). This suggest that we can apply insights from the field of preaching to the field of teaching and vice versa!

2.3 Why Learn Expository Teaching?

2.3.1 Why Learn to Teach in an Expository Manner?

Given that there are so many different teaching approaches, why are we focusing on expository teaching? Consider the following advantages and disadvantages of expository teaching:

Table 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Expository Teaching

Advantages / Disadvantages
§  Guards against our deceitful hearts
Balancing Holy Spirit inspiration and the Heart’s deceitfulness
§  Guards against our human fallibility
Balancing Holy Spirit inspiration and Human limitedness
§  Protects the Teacher
ú  Source of authority
ú  Allows us to rebuke without pointing fingers
ú  Easiest way of teaching to pick up / §  Relatively Narrower in Focus
Single passage vs multiple passages
§  Can lead to problems if not done right (applies to all styles of teaching but expository teaching has its own set of typical problems, e.g. unwarranted principalizing)
§  Can lead to a “this-is-the-only-way-to-teach” mentality (applies to all styles of teaching, but seems particularly prevalent among those who advocate the expository style)

2.3.2 Why Learn to Teach?

Consider the following familiar passage:

18 And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Mat 28:18-20 ESV)

Question: What does the passage say about teaching?

Answer: ______

The Great Commission is not just a Great Commission to go forth in missions, it is a Great Commission to go forth to teach as well! Thom Rainer, the Founding Dean of the Billy Graham School for Missions, Evangelism, and Church Growth (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “The role of preaching [/teaching] is the number one correlated factor related to the evangelistic growth of the church.”

Similarly, consider the logic therefore of Grace Baptist Church’s Vision and Purpose Statements:

Purpose Statement: We are called by God to glorify Him by obeying the Great Commission through proclaiming the Gospel, teaching His Word, and living it out together.

Vision Statement: A disciple-making church that transforms lives with the gospel and love of Jesus Christ

2.3.3 Obstacles to and Benefits of Teaching

/ Discuss: What sort of challenges/obstacles do you encounter when you are asked to teach?

Table 2. Obstacles to and Benefits of Teaching

“Obstacles” to Teaching / Benefits of Teaching
§  Fear …
§  of getting it wrong / “unequipped”
§  of having nothing to give
§  of criticism
§  of public speaking
§  Not my job
§  a wrong theology of gifts
§  gifts are for edifying
§  developing a gift
§  levels of teaching
§  Time / §  Teaching helps us grow us Christians
§  Teaching helps us learn to rely on God more
§  Obedience
§  Be a blessing to others
“We learn how to do things by doing the things we are learning how to do.”
– Aristotle
Pastoral Observation: Many obstacles to teaching are based on a “me”-centric vision of teaching. But teaching is never about the teacher; rather it is about The Teacher – His Word, His power and His mission!

2.4 The Right Orientation towards Teaching

As we think about teaching, we need to have the right mindset:

§  Passion to want to teach others God’s Word

o  It is our duty and our joy

§  Joy in growing in the process of teaching God’s Word

o  We learn more when we teach

o  We have to apply it to ourselves before we teach it

§  Humility as we teach God’s Word

o  Humility is required because teachers are sometimes exalted and sometimes criticised.

§  Diligence as we teach God’s Word

o  A typical sermon preparation time is between 10 (very seasoned) to 25 (newbie) hours

o  Teaching is (usually but not always) an easier task, but for newer teachers, it is still usually a ratio of 5-10 hours for each hour of teaching.

/ Discuss: How do you feel about teaching? How do you feel about the four points above?

(3) developing a teacher’s knowledge for teaching

/ Learning Goals
In this section, you will:
a.  Appreciate how a teacher’s understanding is crucial in teaching
b.  Understand the difference between a teacher’s and a learner’s understanding
c.  Learn and use a series of questions to use to develop a more nuanced teacher’s understanding to strengthen your teaching
d.  Learn how to clearly articulate the purpose and learning outcome of a specific biblical text

3.1 The Teaching Iceberg

If the various teacher-related factors contributing to the success of a teaching session is compared to an iceberg, we can make the following observation:

/ Above the surface (visible)
§  Notes
§  The delivery of the lesson
§  Ability to answer questions
Below the surface (invisible)
§  Teacher’s Understanding
o  Understanding of the text
o  Understanding of the audience
§  Teacher’s Planning
o  Of the learning journey (what ideas, feelings does the audience experience, in what order)
o  For possible questions
o  Of time
o  Preparation of venue

Just like how ships crash against the iceberg that is below the waterline, similarly, it is a teacher’s failure to prepare carefully that can often wreck a lesson.

Hence, the rest of today’s teaching is divided into two halves, to investigate these things that are below the surface.

§  Morning. Teacher’s understanding.

§  Afternoon. Teacher’s planning.

3.2 What Does a Teacher Need to Understand?

Compare the knowledge that a learner needs to know against that which a teacher needs to know:

Table 3. Christian Learner vs Christian Teacher: Difference in Knowledge

The Learner Needs to Know … / The Teacher Needs to Know …
§  What the text means (“passage meaning”)
§  What the text wants him/her to do (“application”) / Same as the learner, but he/she needs to know more!
§  Details of the text (e.g. more nuanced understanding, different interpretations of the text)
§  Concrete ways that the learner can apply the text
§  How the learner will understand/misunderstand the text
§  How to teach the text to the learner effectively

But note: depending on the context, it may not always be necessary to be fully equipped. Formal settings tend to require more preparation that informal settings.

please turn over

3.3 Skill 1: Questioning to Develop a Deeper Understanding of the Text

Reminder of Learning Goal. Learn and use a series of questions to use to develop a more nuanced teacher’s understanding to strengthen your teaching

Step 1

§  Read through the passage you are going to teach carefully.

§  As you read through the passage, keep in mind the people you will be teaching.

§  Then list down as many questions as possible your learners may have about the text. If you yourself have any questions about the text, this is a good time to list them down as well.

§  Do not “censor” your questions at this point. Ask as many as possible, even if they sound silly.

/ Try Step 1 in your small groups with the following passage
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt,
so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (Col 4:6 ESV).

Key Observation: Learning is often more about asking the right questions than knowing the right answers!

Looking through the questions that you stated, you will notice that they tend to fall into two main categories:

Text-Centric / Learner Centric
For example (not exhaustive):
§  What does this word/phrase mean?
§  Who is this text addressing?
§  What is the context of this verse?
§  What is the text trying to do?
§  Why does the text say to do this? / For example (not exhaustive):
§  How will my learner understand or misunderstand this text?
§  What possible objections or challenges may he/she raise?
§  How can my learners apply this text?
§  Where in my learners’ lives can they apply this text?
§  Why should my learner obey this?

Step 2

§  Answer the questions you deem relevant.

§  Solutions can include (not exhaustive):

o  Taking time to study the Word by yourself / Reading a good commentary

o  Coming to CLOBS and asking your questions then

o  Asking a senior member of your group

3.4 Skill 2: Articulating what the Lesson is about (Main Idea & Action)

Reminder of Learning Goal. Learn how to clearly articulate the purpose and learning outcome of a specific biblical text

After the previous two steps, you will likely have clarified your understanding of the passage to a substantial degree. However, it will not then do to go to a class and “teach the passage”. One reason is that you need clarity about what the lesson should be about. Without clarity about what the lesson will be focused on, you will end up confusing your audience.

“A mist in the pulpit is a fog in the pew.” – Howard Hendricks

But what kind of objectives should a lesson have? Consider the earlier quotation: