

1st/2nd Sem.


Course Disclosure

Course Description:

If you enjoy hands-on education, chances are you’ll have an awesome experience exploring technology in Tech I! This class is an action-based educational program that will introduce you to technologies related to communications, construction, manufacturing, biotechnology & energy/power technologies.


The objectives and goals of these courses are designed to provide an opportunity for students to gain a feel for industrial technology to investigate technical engineering education. The activities are primarily hands-on, & encourage thinking skills, creativity, exploration application of technology principles taught in class.

Academic Grade:

Students will be awarded an academic grade based on the over-all average of test scores, quizzes, project points and assignments. The scale below shows the low cut-off.

Citizenship Grade:

Students will be given a citizenship grade based on these guidelines:

1) Respect for teacher, students & facility

2) Adherence to class & school rules

3) RMMS citizenship policy (tardies/absences, refer to handbook)

Required Materials:

In order to have a successful experience in Tech I, students will need to come to class with a good attitude, a desire to learn & prepared with the following:

1) Required: #2 pencil, folder/binder brought to class daily.

2) Optional: combination lock, safety glasses (also provided by the instructor)


To insure that students are competent in safe procedures in the lab, students are required to pass safety tests with 100% accuracy before using potentially dangerous equipment. Safe practices are demonstrated, stressed and modeled. Safety glasses must be worn at all times while working in the lab. Students who are unwilling to practice safe practices are a threat to themselves and others, and will be removed from the lab.


Students who turn in late work will be docked 10% per day until the total possible drops to 70% where it will remain for two weeks. Assignments turned in after two weeks will not be accepted. Non-legible and nameless assignments will be discarded. Student’s projects or assignments may be displayed on the school’s web site.

Parent Donations:

If you are in a position to donate materials (to benefit a classroom, shop or

computer lab) such as: paper (computer, colored, lined or graph), pencils, masking tape, ¼” or ¾” dowels, wire, wood, 9 volt batteries, magnets or other useful materials that could be used for a technology project, please contact the instructor. Thanks.

We look forward to an exciting and challenging year spent with your son/daughter. Please feel free to contact me Mr. Heaton at RMMS (654-9350 ext 2622) or email for questions or concerns. Remember to visit the district web site often at http://www.wasatch.edu/wcsd/districtSite to check your student’s grades on SIS & to visit my website for missing assignments.

Student Name:______Period______Tech I

Dear parent/guardian & student;

Please sign and date this slip to indicate that you have read the above disclosure and understand the nature of the course. Please return this section to school with your son/daughter. (20 pts) Thank you.


parent/guardian date email