Exploring Brazil: A Window into the Language & Culture of a Country on the Rise
Grades 6 – 16 (adaptable)
By Jamie L. Patterson, World Languages Program Specialist
Fulton County Schools, Georgia
RELATED CONTENT AREASPortuguese Language, Social Studies
Overview / Unit Big Idea: Basic greetings and introductions, sequential information, family and daily activities
Essential Question: How does one introduce oneself? How does one ask for and give basic information? How does one express likes and dislikes? How does one describe oneself and others?
Standards / MLI.IP1 The students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. The students: A) Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy, in both oral and written forms. B) Express likes, dislikes, emotions, agreement and disagreement. C) Make simple requests. D) Give simple directions. E) Ask questions and provide responses base on topics such as self, family, school, etc. H) Use sequenced information, such as the alphabet, days of the week, months, seasons, and numbers 0 to 100 in context.
MLI.IP2The students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in the target language. The students A) Initiate, participate in, and close a brief oral or written exchange.
MLI.P1 The students present information orally and in writing that contains a variety of vocabulary, phrases and patterns. The students give basic information about self and others including school, family, activities, etc.
MLI.P2 The students present brief, rehearsed material in target language.
Objectives / Know Greetings, alphabet, numbers, family members, daily activities
Understand How to ask and answer questions, the structure of conversations
Do Introduce oneself, describe one’s likes / dislikes / preferences, ask and answer questions about likes / dislikes, daily activities and family / Materials / List of Vocabulary (below)
Partners or small groups of students
Concept 1: Greetings
- Vocabulary: Bomdia, boa tarde, boa noite, cudobem, tudo, bom, muito, ótimo, mal.
- Artifact and Evidence: Introductory oral dialog with partner
- Quiz: greetings and salutations
- Vocabulary: um/uma, dois/doas, três, quarto, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez, onze, doze, treze, quatorze, quinze, dezesseis, dezessete, dezolto, dezenove, vinte, trinta, quarenta, cinquenta, sesenta, setenta, oltenta, noventa, cem
- Artifact and Evidence: Number song, math worksheet
- Vocabulary: meu/minha, seu/sua, familia, pal/papal, măe/mamăe, pais, irmă/irmăo, primo/prima, tio/tia, avȏ/avó, filho/filha
- Artifact and Evidence: Project – family tree
- Vocabulary: eu gusto, não gusto, falar, caminhar, ajudar, cantar, dançar, estudiar, gostar, trabalhar, escutar, assistir, escrever, ler, comer, beber, fazer, ir
- Artifact and Evidence: Oral presentation – “This is Me”
- Vocabulary: Arrogante, elegante, fascinante, inteligente, importante, liberal, otimista, pessimista, popular, terrível, animado/a, atlético/a, generoso/a, sério/a, tímido/a
- Artifact and Evidence: Oral presentation – “This is Me”
•Inner/outer circles for introductions
•Sing: ABC, 1-2-3, days/months (“Clementine”)
•Number game (Zut!) with prizes
•“Quem é?” game with adjectives
•“Que horas são?” BINGO
•Dice game for numbers and math
•Visual family tree (standing/chairs/seated on floor)
Diagnostic Assessment: Classwork introductory dialog; class participation; homework
Formative Assessment: Singing, games, Q&A: Quiz-greetings and salutations; Project – My family
Summative Assessment: Oral Presentation – “This is Me”
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