Reclassification Request

Part I – Request

I request reclassification from:

 / Associate to Member /  / Member to Fellow
 / Other
(please specify)

Part II– Basic Member Information

Prefix or Title:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Election Year:
Member Number:

Part III – Sponsors

If an Associate,you require two sponsors to become a Member.

Please print clearly the names of your sponsors below.


Part IV – Exploration Résumé Update

Please update your expedition and research field work experiences, both vocational and avocational, to support this request for reclassification. For each separate endeavor, include dates, objectives, sponsoring institutions, if any, your specific role, the results, and how they were used and distributed.

Add extra pages as required to present your accomplishments and contributions.

Part V – Exploration Profile Update

Please use the space provided and add pages as required.

To support this request, list honors, awards, special recognition, speaking engagements, or additional publications you have authored to your bibliography relatedtoexploration.

Part VI – Signature


Part VII – Reclassification Check List

Please mark the checklist below.

Have you …


 / Completed Part I and Part II?
 / Provided your updated Exploration Résumé in Part IV?
 / Included and labeled any additional pages for Part IV or Part V?
 / Signed the form in Part VI?

Associate requesting Member

 / Entered the names of your sponsors in Part III?
 / Attached the two sponsor letters?

Part VIII – Instructions and Policies

When preparing your request for reclassification, remember that neatness counts. If you are writing the request by hand, please be legible. If you are entering information into the Word or PDF document, please honor the formatting. If you are adding pages to the Word or PDF document, please label them. When a reviewer has to wrestle with a hard-to-read form, your request gets less attention that it merits.

The Complete Request

Only a complete request formis eligible for review. A complete request satisfies the checklist on Page 3, which means that all information asked for is provided, your signature is in evidence, and, if you are a Friend, your sponsor letters are attached. Send the complete request,with sponsor letters, to:

Chairman, Membership Committee

The Explorers Club

46 East 70th Street

New York, NY10021

Qualifying for Member or Fellow

To become a Member or Fellow, your request for reclassification must convey the justification for the change through additional field studies or scientific accomplishment. When preparing your request, keep in mind that you must meet the qualifications for the membership category you are requesting.

A Member is someone who has evidenced a sustained interest in some aspect of field exploration and has contributed in broad terms to the cause of exploration, which includes furthering the scientific knowledge of the world (for example, by leading or accompanying appropriate expeditions).

A Fellow goes beyond the basic requirements of Member to include actual contributions to scientific knowledge in the field of geographical exploration or allied sciences. Such accomplishments are usually evidenced by scientific publications documenting fieldwork or explorations.

Please note that extensive travel without a scientific purpose or objective, big game hunting, photography or similar pursuits in remote parts of the world does not represent sufficient qualification for reclassification. On the other hand, active participation in field expeditions sponsored by recognized scientific organizations, universities or museumsis given serious consideration, even if the results of the effort are part of an ongoing study.

Student Members wishing to become Members or Fellows must submit a new Application for Membership.

How a Reclassification Request is Processed

The Membership Committee reviews your request to determine whether you are eligible for reclassification. If you are not, you are notified by letter. If you are, the committee assigns the membership category and places your name on the approval list for the next meeting of the Board of Directors. Once the Board approves, you are notified by letter and issued a new certificate.


No fee is charged for making a request for reclassification. The reclassification goes into effect immediately with the approval of the Board of Directors. The rate of dues for your new membership category goes into effect at the next annual dues billing. No dues refunds are given for dues already paid for the year.

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