Go to:
Study the respective web sites and answer the questions below:
Bernie Dodge: Professor of Educational Technology at San Diego State University
01 -Professor Dodge is the 'originator' of the WebQuest concept.
In his essay "Some Thoughts About WebQuests" he defines this instructional activity as follows:
"A WebQuest is an ...... - ...... activity in which some or . . . of the ...... that learners ...... with comes from ...... on the internet". Fill in the blanks.
02 - What are the two 'levels' of WebQuests that Bernie Dodge contrasts?
What does he say about how long they each take to complete?
03 -What are the names of the 6 building blocks a WebQuest should comprise?
What are their respective functions?
04 -'Adapting an Enhancing Existing WebQuests' is the title of Bernie Dodge's most recent site. It is about "taking advantage of the WebQuests that others have already done": Fill in the blanks in the following list of steps.
Step 1: ...... a Standard or Topic
Step 2: Search for ...... WebQuests
Step 3: Determine if You Can . . . One . . Is
Step 4: ...... Those with High ......
Step 5: Identify ...... Needed
Step 6: Get Author ......
Step 7: ...... the WebQuest
Step 8: ...... and Enhance
Step 9: ...... and Revise as Needed
Step 10: ...... and Share
05 - How does Professor Dodge expect WebQuests to make use of a learner's time? Why?
Look for the answer in the section entitled 'Critical Attributes'.
06 - Go to Bernie Dodge's PowerPoint presentation "A Road Map for Designing WebQuests" and complete the missing words in the following statements on slide 6.
Does it ...... a lesson you're ...... with?
Does it . . . the web . . . . ?
07 - Bernie Dodge is the author of a brilliant tutorial that allows people to become power searchers: "Seven Steps Towards Better Searching".
What 'goofy' sentence does he want web searchers to remember?
Which search engine is his tutorial based on?
Explain 2 tricks.
Tom March – Co-founder of the WebQuest Concept
08 - In his Why WebQuests? paper, Tom March calls the idea that 'The Web is the World's Biggest Encyclopedia' a misconception.
Study the section on Myth #1 and explain why he does so. [3 arguments]
09 - What aspect of the Web does Tom March address under the Myth #3 heading?
Why doesn’t he condemn the Web altogether in spite of this aspect?
What valuable resources does he mention as positive examples?
10 - Study Tom March's 'Final Thought' paragraph.
Determine from what perspective he sees the Web and what kind of resource the Internet can be in his opinion.
What skill should students be learning as opposed to merely 'surfing the Web'?
11 - 'Student Motivation' seems to play a central role in the WebQuest concept.
a) Why is it so important in Tom March's opinion?
b) What makes him confident that the WebQuest strategy provides plenty of it? [several answers]
12 -Have a look at the chapter on 'Developing Thinking Skills' and describe what March thinks of limiting student assignments to simply retrieving information from the Internet.
What do 'real' WebQuest assignments require students to do?
13 - How does Tom March define the ideal relationship between WebQuests and other curricular activities? Go to the 'Process and Access' section to find the answer.
Other Relevant (mostly American) Sites
14 - Make a list of 3 questions that are dealt with by the Disney Learning Partnership workshop about WebQuests.
Complete the following statements about characteristic features of WebQuest:
- usually (though not always) involve ...... with ...... among students who take on ...... or perspectives.
- are built around resources that are ...... by the teacher. Students spend their time . . . . . information, not ...... for it.
15 - Kathleen Schrock converted Bernie Dodge's concept into both a PowerPoint slide show and a PDF-file.
Consult either of them and find both the title and the subtitle of Schrock’s summary.
Copy the text of the 'Cooperative Learning Process" slide.
16 - What does the tutorial on the Trip1.org web site teach you?
What does the site invite teachers to print out?
17 - "I hear and I ...... / I see and I ...... / I do and I ...... "
Go to the Education-World.com-site, fill in the blanks.
Determine whose statement it is and explain why it can be applied to the WebQuest teaching / learning approach.
At the end of the second paragraph of the 'Well-Planned WebQuest"-section, Mim Faro explains 'the teacher's role in cyberspace'. What is the teacher's role in web lessons?
What were teachers regarded as formerly?
18 - How many questions are there in the Black History Past to Present Internet-Based Treasure Hunt on African Americans?
How many resource links are provided? Why?
19 -What categories are evaluated in a web quest rubric?
How will a team have to perform to get the maximum number of credits with regard to teamwork?
How many credits will a team get for the quality of their presentation if the evaluator's remark reads:
"Presentation provides answers to main questions but lacks supporting detail in a few areas or some support is not relevant."
20 - Go to the Ernest Hemingway WebQuest. What advice is given as to how to deal with the questionnaire?
21 - Go to the WebQuest section of 'Links für Englischlehrer' to find out how you can join the Yahoo groups WebQuest mailing list. By the way: the list is still moderated by Bernie Dodge himself.
What other mailing list deals with WebQuests?
22 - Go to Onestopenglish.com. Find out what subjects are presently covered by WebQuests and explain why other WebQuests are currently unavailable.
Useful German Resources
23 - Eva Bayersdorfer pioneered 'Surfing the Net'-activities with German students. What is our example about and what are the titles of the 5 pages her students had to view successively?
24 - Frau Bayersdorfer created a fine example of a web assignment, called 'A paper-chase through New York City'.
Now it has a broken link problem. What tourist attractions does the activity describe and which site is now unavailable?
25 - What subject does Rudolph F. Rau deal with in his Internet Project Grade 10 and Above? Whose websites does he invite students to consult? Make a list of 4 URLs (= Internet addresses).
26 - Christian Eckhardt offers a WebQuest called "York in Roman Times".
What schoolbook lesson does this unit go with?
In which two file formats can you download his questionnaire?
27 - Reinhard Donath is another source of inspiration as far as web units are concerned.
Make a list of 4 subjects.
What suggestions does he make with regard to the 'Durchführung' of the US National Holidays project?
28 - Neue Medien – Neues Lernen SchülerInnen als aktive Konstrukteure von Wissen...... zum Beispiel eine Web-Unit planen is the title of a PowerPoint slide show created by Uli Bauer.
What are the 4 stages of a web unit?
29 - Go to the download section of Peter Ringeisen's homepage. Among other useful resources you'll find a WebQuest.
Who is it about and what can you download along with the assignments?
"Web Units" made available by German Schoolbook Publishers
30 -Have a look at Ephrem Wellenbrock's web unit about 'British food and cooking' and compare its structure to that of Stephanie Ashford's 'British Politics - The System' (c) Klett-Verlag (Angebot für Englisch > Arbeiten mit dem Internet > web units).
31 - What subjects does Klett cover for Klassenstufe 9 and 10? [Find 3 examples for each grade level]
32 - In what respect is Klett's new 'United States Presidents' web unit different from the other material?
33 -Cornelsen has loads of web units that go with English G 2000.
What support do the individual units offer apart from the downloadable worksheets?
34 - Cornelsen also provides web units that go with English H Highlight.
What are the titles of the units that go with:
(a) Highlight 5 A unit 3 ?
(b) Highlight 4 A / 5 B Unit 1 ?
(c) Highlight 4 B Unit 1 ?
35 - Cornelsen has further web units. Write down 3 titles and translate the webmaster's remarks about the units' merits.
36 - Unterwegs in London's Regent's Park is a fine contribution made by Karin Feldner to the Diesterweg's Internet Detective (DID) series.
Who created the web unit 'Robin Hood and his Merry Men'?
Study the Teacher's Notes that go with Frau Feldner's Dino-DID. What sort of user is she targeting with this activity?
Determine what Manfred Wackert's lesson deals with.
What does Manfred Wackert's other web unit deal with - apart from child slavery?