Exploded view of the Autolite 2100 carburetor
Exploded view of the Motorcraft 2100D carburetor
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PATH:Fuel SystemCarbureted Fuel SystemAutolite 2100 & Motorcraft 2100DAutomatic Choke Thermostatic Spring Housing
Automatic Choke Thermostatic Spring Housing
Refer to the procedures listed for the Carter RBS carburetor
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PATH:Fuel SystemCarbureted Fuel SystemCarter RBSAutomatic Choke Thermostatic Spring Housing
Automatic Choke Thermostatic Spring Housing
- Remove the air cleaner assembly from the carburetor
- Loosen the thermostatic spring housing retaining screws. Set the spring housing to the specified index mark and tighten the clamp retaining screws.
- If no other carburetor adjustments are required, install the air cleaner assembly on the carburetor.
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PATH:Fuel SystemCarbureted Fuel SystemAutolite 2100 & Motorcraft 2100DChoke Plate Pull-Down
Choke Plate Pull-Down
- Remove the air cleaner.
- With the engine at its normal operating temperature, loosen the choke thermostatic spring housing retaining screws and set the housing 90° in the rich direction.
- Disconnect and remove the choke heat tube from the choke housing.
- Turn the fast idle adjusting screw outward one full turn.
- Start the engine. Use a drill of the specified diameter to check the clearance between the lower edge of the choke plate and the air horn wall.
- To adjust the clearance, turn, the diaphragm stopscrew (located on the underside of the choke diaphragm housing); clockwise will decrease the clearance, counterclockwise will increase it.
- Connect the choke heat tube and set the choke thermostatic spring housing to the proper specification. Adjust the fast idle speed to specifications.
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PATH:Fuel SystemCarbureted Fuel SystemAutolite 2100 & Motorcraft 2100DFast Idle Cam Clearance
Fast Idle Cam Clearance
- Loosen the choke thermostatic spring housing retaining screws and position the housing 90° in the rich direction.
- Position the fast idle speed screw at the kick-down step of the fast idle cam. This kick-down step is identified by a small V stamped in the side of the casting.
- Be sure that the fast idle cam is in the kick-down position while checking or adjusting the fast idle cam clearance. Check the clearance between the lower edge of the choke plate and the wall of the air horn by inserting a drill of the specified diameter between them. Adjustment may be accomplished by turning the fast idle cam adjusting screw clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to decrease the clearance.
- Set the choke thermostatic spring housing to specifications, and adjust the antistall dashpot, idle speed, and fuel mixture.
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PATH:Fuel SystemCarbureted Fuel SystemAutolite 2100 & Motorcraft 2100DFuel Float Level Adjustment—Dry
Fuel Float Level Adjustment—Dry
This preliminary setting of the float level adjustment must be performed with the carburetor off the engine.
- Remove the air horn and see that the float is raised and the fuel inlet needle is seated. Check the distance between the top surface of the main body (with the gasket removed) and the top surface of the float. Depress the float tab to seat the fuel inlet needle. Take a measurement near the center of the float, at a point 1/8 inch from the free end. If you are using a prefabricated float gauge, place the gauge in the corner of the enlarged end section of the fuel bowl. The gauge should touch the float near the end, but not on the end radius.
- If necessary, bend the tab on the end of the float to bring the setting within the specified limits.
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PATH:Fuel SystemCarbureted Fuel SystemAutolite 2100 & Motorcraft 2100DFuel Level Float Adjustment—Wet
Fuel Level Float Adjustment—Wet
- Bring the engine to its normal operating temperature, park on as nearly level a surface as possible, and stop the engine.
- Remove the air cleaner assembly from the carburetor.
- Remove the air horn retaining screws and the carburetor identification tag. Leave the air horn and gasket in position on the carburetor main body. Start the engine, let it idle for several minutes, rotate the air horn out of the way, and remove the gasket to provide access to the float assembly.
- With the engine idling, use a standard depth scale to measure the vertical distance from the top machined surface of the carburetor main body to the surface of the fuel in the fuel bowl. This measurement must be made at least 1/4 inch away from any vertical surface in order to assure an accurate reading.
- Stop the engine prior to making any adjustment to the float level. Adjustment is accomplished by bending the float tab (which contacts the inlet valve) up or down, as required, to raise or lower the fuel level. After making an adjustment, start the engine and allow it to idle for several minutes before repeating the fuel level check. Repeat as necessary until the proper fuel level is attained.
- Reinstall the air horn with a new gasket and secure it with the screws. Install the identification tag in its proper location.
- Check the idle speed, fuel mixture, and dashpot adjustments. Install the air cleaner assembly.
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