Explanation of STAR Reading Levels

This nine weeks, your child took the STAR Reading Assessment. STAR (as we call it) is a computerized, timed, ten minute reading comprehension test. The results give parents and teachers an idea as to what grade level a child is currently reading at. The program is normally used for first graders and up- only. At Bay Colony we have had a lot of success using the program with our advanced Kindergartners.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1:The child takes the timed comprehension test. A sample question goes something like this, “The sky is ______.” The child then selects the correct word to fill in the blank from a short list of words (blue, red, funny). The computer adjusts for difficulty based on right and wrong answers.

Step 2: The program gives us a grade level score. A child with a score of 0.8 reads like the average child in their eighth month of Kindergarten (0 for Kindergarten, eight for the eighth month). A child with a 1.5 would be reading like a child in first grade, fifth month. A child with a 2.0 would be reading on the level of a beginning second grader.

Step 3: I use the STAR score to determine the level of instruction for your child in reading. I also use my own observations and notes from reading group sessions. This score is also a starting point for their AR book level.

As with all testing, you must take the score with a grain of salt. I can see many great skills that are just beginning to emerge that a computer cannot. Therefore, many children score lower than their actual reading level, especially the first time they take the test. There is also an element of guessing involved, as this is a multiple-choice test. However, I believe these two factors act to cancel each other out most of the time. See, I told you to take it with a grain of salt! I am really very, very pleased with the scores I am seeing this nine weeks and I attribute much of my student’s success to you-their parents, because, practice makes perfect! Thank you for all that you do! They wouldn’t be where they are with out you!
