Inland Empire Consortium


Explanation of Required Health and Immunizations Requirements

Two Step TB screening

The requirement is to have an initial two step TB screening and annual single step,or quantiferon level, or a chest x-ray (every four years). If the first test reading is positive, no further skin testing is done. The person would then require follow-up by their health care provider including a chest x-ray to rule out active disease and evaluation for appropriate medication and follow-up therapy. If the first test reading is negative, the second test is performed up to 3 weeks later. If the second test is positive the person is referred to their health care provider.

For persons who have documentation of a previous positive PPD, no skin testing is performed and follow-up including health evaluation, symptom screening, and periodic chest x-rays is required per current CDC guidelines. Symptom screening review is to be completed yearly (seeAnnual Health Screening Questionnaire for History of Positive TB Skin Test form).


Titer showing proof of immunity to all three diseases is required. If results are negative, 2 doses of MMR are recommendedunless medically contraindicated

(CDC, 2012;


Documentation of titer showing proof of immunity is required. If titer results are negative, 2 doses of varicellaare recommendedunless medically contraindicated. Vaccines are given one month apart(CDC, 2008). The students must have received two scheduled doses prior to placement in the clinical facility.

Tetanus (Td/Tdap)

Individuals who have had a primary series of Tetanus/Diphtheria containing product (TDP, TDaP, DT, Td) should receive a booster every 10 years and a one time dose of Tdapis recommended for all health care providers under the age of 65(CDC, 2012).

Hepatitis B (3 step series, positive serology, or waiver)

Documentation of titer showing proof of immunity or three step immunization series is required. If results are negative, 3 doses are recommended with the second dose given one month after the first dose. Third dose is given 3-5 months later. Titer is repeated with follow-up if the titer is negative (CDC. 2008).

History and Physical Clearance

A report, signed by healthcare provider, shall be provided to the school. This report shall indicate that the student does not have any health condition(s) that would create a hazard to themselves, employees, or patients(Title 22).

Required Seasonal Influenza Vaccination:If student declines, refer to IECStudent Declination of Annual Influenza Vaccination form.

*Facility requirements may supersede this document.

Created/Adopted: 3.2013 Page 1 of 1