Prof. Victor Karnaukhov(Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems)
7th semester, Lectures: 54 hours
The requirements to the level of the acquiring of the contents of the discipline
To get knowledge of basic experimental facts from the field of nuclear and elementary particle physics. To get insight into nuclear models and theoretical approaches to the description of nuclear reactions.
The first 10parts of the programme are devoted to the qualities of stable nuclei, nuclear models, different types of radioactivity, transmission of radiation through substance, fission physics and nuclear reactions (experiment and theory). In the following parts the qualities of elementary particles and their interactions are described, their classification is offered. Basic information about quantum chromodynamics on the basis quark model is given.
The contents of the discipline
I. Qualities of stable nuclei
1. Mass number and charge of nucleus, isotopes, isotones, isobars.
2. Mass of nucleus and nucleon.
Mass and energy. Units of measure.
Methods of measuring nuclear masses:
mass spectrometry,
energy analysis of nuclear reactions,
alpha decay balance,
beta-decay balance,
microwave radiospectroscopy.
3. Nucleus-binding energy.
Binding fraction; energy surface.
Beta-stable nuclei.
Energy ofseparation of nucleon and nucleonic clusters.
Nucleon-stable nuclei and qualities of nuclear forces
4. Nuclear radius
Assessment of radius of alpha-radioactive nuclei by their lifetime
Assessment of radius by beta-decay of mirror nuclei.
Assessment of radius by fast neutron scattering crossing
Measuring of fast electron scattering by nuclei
Measuring of X-ray radiation of muonic atoms
Comparison of results
5.Spin and magnetic moment of nucleon and nucleus
Study of hyperfine structures
Determination of spin and nuclear magnetic moment, using external fields:
Zeeman effect and Paschen-Back effect;
method of deflection of molecular beams;
magnetic resonance method and other radio frequency methods
6. Parity
7. Quadrupoleelectric moment
8.Isotopic spin, isobaroanalogous state
II. Nuclear models
1. Drop nuclear model
SemiempiricalWeizsäcker formula for mass and energy of nuclear connection. Field of application of drop nuclear model.
1.3 Disadvantages of drop nuclear model
2. Fermi gas model of independent particles
3. Model of nuclear shell
Experimental justification of the model of nuclear shell.
a)Regularities in variation of binding energy with the variation of the number of nucleons
b)Abundance of isotopes
c)Regularities in the variation of energy of alpha-decay
3.2 Schemes of construction of shell models for spherical nuclei
3.3 Experimental consequences of shell model and the field of its application
4. Generalized nuclear shell model
One-particle states in the aspherical well
Collective states (rotational and vibrational levels)
Gigantic states
a)Dipole resonances (E1, 1ˉ)
b)Quadrupole resonances (E2, 2+)
c)Octupole resonances (E3, 3ˉ)
5. Superfluid nucleus model
III. Radioactive nuclear decay
1. History of discovery and basic regularities
Half-life period
Laws of radioactive decay
2. Alpha-decay
Basic experimental results
Energy consideration of alpha-decay, role of conservation laws.
Fine structure and long-range alpha particles.
Mechanism of alpha-decay, tunnel transition
The role of angular momentum barrier
Some theoretical information
Parity-forbidden alpha-transitions
3. Beta-decay
Three types of beta-decay. Qualities of beta-active nuclei
Neutrino hypothesis, experimental findings about the existing of neutrino
Neutrino mass
Introduction to beta-decay theory
a)Fermi theory
b)five types of beta-decay interaction/weak interaction
c)forbidden and non-forbidden transitions, selection rules
d)the shape of β-spectrum. Curie diagram
e)beta interaction constant
f)the choice of theory variant
3.5 Parity violation and C-invariance violation in β-decay
3.6 Review of beta-decay theory
3.7 Beta-decay of neutron. (V-A) theory variant
a) half-life theory, electron spectrum
b) formulas
с) angular correlations
d) (V-A) variant, impurity of other variants
3.8 Rule ofisotopic-spin selection
4. Nuclei gamma rays
γ-transition probability and selection rules
Internal conversion of electrons
Nuclear isomerism
Mossbauer effect, the essence of the effect and its application
Parity failure effects in γ-transition
5. Proton radioactivity
5.1 Delayed protons
5.2 Proton decay from the normal state
5.3 Double-proton decay
IV. Material-radiation and material-particle interaction
1. Ionizationslowdown of charged particles
1.1 Bohr formula for linear specific ionization. Effective charge of particles in the medium.
1.2 Dependence of ionization losses on the medium
1.3 Connection between particle tracks and energy
2. Radiation slowdown of electrons
3. Synchrotron radiation
4. Cherenkov radiation
5. Material-neutron radiation
6. Interaction of gamma-rays with material
6.1 Photoeffect
6.2 Thomson scattering of soft electromagnetic radiation
6.3 Compton scattering
6.4 Pair creation
V. Models of nuclear reactions
1. Bohr theory of nuclear reactions
1.1 Compound nucleus, its creation by neutrons and charged particles
1.2 Levels of a compound nuclei, its lifetime
1.3 Nuclear temperature
1.4 Decay of compound nuclei. Distribution of energy of emitted particles
1.5 Breit-Wigner formula
2. Cloudy crystal ball model of nuclear interaction
2.1 Formulation of the model
2.2 Application of the cloudy crystal ball model
VI. Nuclear fission
1. History of discovery and basic properties of the process. Measuring of the kinetic energy of fragments.
1.2. Registration of beta-activity of fragments and fission neutrons.
2. Elementary theory of fission
2.1 Fission energy
2.2 Fission mechanism
3. Possible applicability of fission energy
3.1 An average number of secondary neutrons in a fission act
3.2 Delayed neutrons
3.3 Fission cross-section and implementation of a chain process
4. Additional questions about fission physics
4.1 Properties of fission fragments
4.2 Mechanism of formation and time of emission of fission neutrons.
4.3Neutron energy spectrum
4.4 Prompt fission gamma-ray quanta
4.5 Fission asymmetry, dependence of the structure of mass distribution of fragments on energy of system
4.6 Spontaneous fission. Shape isomers
4.7 Parity failure at fission
VII. Nuclear reactions,induced by light charged particles
1. General characteristics:
1.1 Coulomb barrier for fusion of a charged particle with a target-nucleus
1.2 The role of an angular momentum barrier
1.3 Nuclear reaction yield
2. Direct interaction reactions
2.1 Process of incomplete penetration of deuteron into nucleus
2.2 Deuteron stripping reactions
2.3 Direct reactions (p,n) and (α, n)
3. Reactions with the formation of compound nuclei at the beams of protons and alpha-particles
VIII Nuclear reactions, induced by gamma-quanta
1. Direct ejection of protons by gamma-quanta
2. Giant dipole resonance
IX. Nuclear reactions, induced by heavy ions
1. Classification of nucleus-nucleus reactions, depending on the collision parameter
2. Coulomb excitation of states in a target nucleus. Extended rotational spectra.
3. Elastic scattering
4. Transfer reactions. Multineucleon transfer reactions.
5. Reactions through compound nuclei, quickly rotating nuclei. Dynamic deformation of rotating nuclei, polarization effects
X. Nuclear reactions at high energies
1. Properties of compound nucleus decay, depending on excitation energy
2. Reactions of deep cleavage and fragmentation on relativistic charged particles
3. Nuclear multifragmentation on beams of heavy and light ions
XI. Tasks and questions (seminar)
1. Types of interaction. Hadrons and leptons
2. Fermions and bosons
3. Quarks
4. Gage bosons
5. Quantum fields and virtual particles
6. Nucleons and pions, their lifetime
7. Pion-nucleon collision
XIII Strange particles
1. K-mesons and hyperons. Quantum number “strangeness”
2. Properties of production and decay of strange paticles
3. Quark construction of strange particles
4. Tau-theta puzzle. Parity nonconservation
XIV. Conservation laws
XV. Quarks and gluons
1. Confinement
2. Colour (quantum number)
3. Nucleon structure
XVI. Phase transition in nuclei
1. The idea of nuclear phase transitions: liquid-gas, liquid-fog
2. Quark-gluon phase
3. Critical temperature for nuclear phase transition.