Living Institute

Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy Diploma

208 Carlton St, Toronto, Ont., M5A 2L1,

416 515 0404

Year 1, 2018 - 2019

Enrolment Information

Entrance Requirements

Admission Criteria: A psychological and spiritual orientation is basic to this program. A concern for cultural and social issues is significant. Educational requirements include an undergraduate degree or professional qualifications in a related field or equivalent work and life experience. A background in the arts is useful. Candidates need to be open to experiential learning, committed to their own self development process and be ready for challenge. People exploring career change and retraining will find this program rewarding. Current and past student’s career backgrounds include psychotherapy, business, the arts, psychology, social work, nursing, medicine, teaching, law.

Key admissions criteria concern the candidate’s psychological and spiritual orientation, readiness for challenge and growth, and the ability to engage in an academic and experiential learning process with others.

Enrolment Procedure: An interview is required. There is an application form to fill out. This includes a brief outline of work and academic history, therapy, spirituality, personal growth, workshop history, and a statement of interest. A brief biography is asked for according to guidelines given below in this form. Transcripts from educational institutions should be forwarded directly to the Programs Director. Two letters of reference from significant people in the candidate’s life are required. These should comment on how long the referee has known the candidate, under what circumstances, the candidate’s personal characteristics and capacity for application to the task at hand. These are for orientation purposes, and are not determinative of a candidate's suitability. There is an application fee of $120.

Admission to the Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy Diploma program is based upon an interview and completion of the application form. Other documentation must be completed for the record.


Total: $5125 + 13%HST if paid in full by Sept 1, 2018

Note: Individual therapy costs are negotiated separately with your therapist.

Note: There is an additional fee for a year 1 online course. $75 .

Note: Application fee: $120. Annual review fee: $120

●Payment Plan 1 - total due by Sept 1, 2018

Total: $5125 + 13%HST

$120 + 13%HST - submitted with application form, non-refundable

$600 + 13%HST - deposit on acceptance into the program, due by July1/2018

$4405 + 13%HST - postdated cheque for Sept 1/2018, due with deposit July 1/2018

●Payment Plan 2 – spread over the year

Total: $5695 + 13%HST

$120 + 13%HST - submitted with application form, non-refundable

$600 + 13%HST - deposit on acceptance into the program, due by July1/2018

$1842 + 13%HST - postdated cheque for Sept 1/2018, due with deposit July 1/2018

$3133 + 13%HST - postdated cheque for Jan 1/2019, due with deposit July 1/2018

Living Institute

Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy Diploma

208 Carlton St, Toronto, Ont., M5A 2L1,

416 5150404

Year 1, 2018 – 2019

Refund Policy

Notice of withdrawal from the program needs to be received in writing by the Programs Director.

For those who have paid their fees in full (Payment Plan 1)

●Withdrawal prior to start of classes gives full refund of fees paid, less admin fee of $275. Application fee is non-refundable.

●Withdrawal after start of classes gives partial refund of fees paid, depending on date of withdrawal: Withdrawal by Oct 1, 2018 gives refund of 100% of fees paid less admin fee of $275 and prorated fees for classes and resource material to date; Withdrawal by Nov 30, 2018 gives 50% of fees paid; There is no refund for withdrawal after Nov 30, 2018.

For those who are paying by instalment (Payment Plan 2)

●Withdrawal prior to start of classes gives full refund of fees paid for Fall Semester, less admin fee of $275. Application fee is non-refundable.

●Withdrawal after start of classes gives partial refund of fees paid for Fall Semester, depending on date of withdrawal: Withdrawal by Oct 1, 2018 gives refund of 100% of fees paid for Fall Semester, less admin fee of $275 and prorated fees for classes and resource material to date; There is no refund for withdrawal after Oct 1, 2018; There is no refund for Spring Semester fees.

Biography Guidelines

Give a brief outline of your life story, starting from birth, and giving some highlights of developmental periods. Give family details including a brief description of mother, father and siblings. Comment on your school and work experience. Comment on your relationships history. Note any challenges you have met or are continuing to deal with. Note your strengths and gifts. Include some comment on your current life situation.

Give some idea of your extended family background, particularly grandparents, and what kind of people they are or were, noting people with any problems, unusual characteristics or particular strengths and gifts, as well as your relationship with them.