Exercise For Fitness /Indoor-Outdoor

Body Fat Burning

Fitness is:

Healthiness; to be suited to or altered so as to fit; the condition of being in fit and be able to nourish, defend and protect your gain…


Prov24:27 (NKJV)–“Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house.”

I Tim 4:7,8 (AMP) – “…On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness [keeping yourself spiritually fit].

For physical training is of some value,but godliness (spiritual training), is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promisefor the present life and for the life to come.”

2 Cor 5:1,6,7 (NKJV) – “For we know that if our earthly physical body, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens…. So we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight.”


Now kindly turn to your neighbor! Share your viewon ‘being fit’… and the role exercise plays. Seek to discover what you may have in common.[Consider the Scriptures already given tonite. How do they edify?]


“Then the Lord answered me and said: Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; Butat the end it will speak, and it will not lie…“

(Hab 2:2,3)


What optimal health goal(s) did you come up with?

Did you write them down?

How specific were you with all

your answers?


How do these goal(s) tie into

quality of life improvement

for you … and

love ones?



(Partial Listing…Get Creative!)


Circuit Training

Exercise VideoWork Out

Family & Home Care

In-home Stretch & Floor Exercises

Stair Climbing

Stationary Cycling


Water Aerobics (Indoor Facility)

Walking the Treadmill



Bicycle/Tricycle Riding

‘Dog trotting’ /Jogging / Walking the Mall

Frisbee Toss

Gardening/Lawn Care

Golfing/ PutPut

Rope Jumping


Tai Chi

Water Aerobics (Outdoor Pool)



(Things to consider…along the way!

Ask, then follow through. Foremost, what is the level of your heart health?

Whether you are struggling with a chronic or acute health challenge, have an honest talk with your health teambefore starting any exercise routine or program. Some movements or intensity of the movement can aggravate or cause grievous outcomes. Pain is not necessarily true gain. Be vigilant and be kind to yourself…always!


Start slow—for a short period of time—then increase.

Make sure you understand clearly the correct way to perform the exercise.

Make sure you understand the purpose for having to do the movement.

Aim to build muscle strength and flexibility. Remember: When you gain muscle, you generally lose fat!

Gradual increase of time intensity brings you closer to your limit. So maintain awareness at all times. And don’t exceed it, unwisely!

Concern yourself with YOU…and not the progress or movement of others. We are all unique in our abilities & talents. You have enough.

Enjoy! Have a good time as you continue to move towards achieving optimal health. Be grateful…with prayerful thanksgiving!


Excess simple carbohydrates (carbs) can usually work against you.

Reduce consumption of sugary fructose-laden sodas and soft drinks—even some flavored water, teas and energy drinks.

Focus in on product ingredients offering organic brown rice, natural whole grains and 100% whole wheat flour when purchasing breads or pastas. Still, monitor consumption of excesses.

When you eat carbs, make it a practice of simultaneously eating protein—which contains some fat.Of course, avoid excess oils.

Reducing consumption of carbs signals the body to burn its stored fat reserves more quickly. Combining protein (with its organic fat), with carbs slows down metabolism; chewing your foodcompletely & deliberately, all help to reduce the urge to overeat.

Three to remember: The body’s principle energy fuel comes via complex carbs. Sugar is simple carbs and is found in natural fruit which quickly converts to fat by the liver. Therefore, limit consumption of ‘natural fructose’ which is found in natural fruit.

Very lean meats are major sources of nutritional protein and include: turkey (breast primarily), chicken, fish (i.e.fresh/frozen flounder,cod, halibut, haddock, and wild salmon); tuna (fresh or water-packed); tofu; shrimp, scallops, crab & clams; venison & buffalo.

A Good idea:

Food journaling helps you keep track of what’s working well for you. Your careful notes gives you a record of your optimal health achievements. Journaling also empowers you to have a more meaningful discussion with your health team.