Cardio Zone


An exciting, fast-paced cardiovascular workout. Whilst having loads of fun you will be getting fitter and healthier, burning calories and reducing stress, from this fantastic feel-good



Bokwa is a new and completely different approach to group exercise that is rapidly spreading across the globe. Bokwa participants draw letters and numbers with their feet while performing an energizing and addictive cardio workout routine. With no choreography or counting steps everyone can do Bokwa


A fun and exciting group cycle workout. An excellent all round workout, suitable for all levels of fitness, but be prepared to work hard.

Easy Aerobics

Haven’t exercised for a while? New Year resolution to get fit and lose some weight? Come along to this

low intensity exercise class which will incorporate exercises suitable for your level of fitness and will help you develop your confidence and fitness to move onto other activities.

Mind/Body Zone


This is a 1.5 hour session of Hatha Yoga with a focus on creating space in the body, mind and spirit. We will practice postures which release tension in the body whilst building core strength and flexibility. The practical session will be followed by a deep relaxation, the perfect antidote to the pace of hectic modern life and a chance to recharge your batteries.

Please bring warm socks and a blanket to the class.


A mat-based exercise class to strengthen and lengthen the muscles, improve posture and overall well-being. Pilates will help to improve your body awareness by teaching you correct bodily alignment, posture and breathing.

Conditioning Zone

New for 2013 – Power Yoga

High Intensity. Quick results. Calling all sports men and women. Do you want to go further than the gym and develop deep core strength? Improve flexibility and manage injuries and recovery time after training………….and work on that 6 pack!

Total Resistance

A group weights workout, using barbells and dumbbells to improve your muscular strength and endurance, your ability in performing everyday tasks and also enhance the benefits you will get from your own fitness training.


An all over body conditioning class. Start with an aerobics warm up and move onto exercises which will tone and sculpt your whole body.

Body Conditioning

A combination of aerobic and full body conditioning exercises. Excellent workout to get you fitter, stronger and feeling great.

Abs ‘n’ Back

A quick 30 minute session specifically targeting the core muscles.

Circuit Training

An energising class where you move from one exercise station to another, performing a mixture of cardiovascular, strength and conditioning, and core exercises. An excellent workout where you’ll definitely feel like you’ve worked hard when you’re finished the class.

Sport Zone

Nike Training Club

Nike Training Club is a unique, sport inspired class which can take your body to a whole new level of fitness. It is an interval style group workout that incorporates skills and drills to work the whole body in a multi-dimensional way. Each week the class will focus on either strength; cardio; core; balance or flexibility. The class is suitable for anyone who wants to improve all aspects of their fitness and enjoys working in a team environment. An amazing workout and great fun.

Beginners running

Suitable for anyone who is completely new to running or is just getting started. There is a common misconception that you need to be able to run already before you start.... this is not true. The beginners running sessions are designed to allow you to gradually progress the amount of time you run for. This means you will start with a combination of walking and running, with sessions also including fun activities to improve your running. Run leaders will be able to provide advice on running technique and developing your training.

New for 2013 – Dance Zone

Why not try something different in 2013. Join some of our BA (Hons) Dance students while they teach you some different dance styles, from Jazz to Contemporary to Ballet and Irish Step. Classes will run for 10 weeks every Wednesday, starting on Wednesday January 9th, 5-6pm in the Mercuria building dance studio. See below for details:

9th January Contemporary

Come and try something different. The class will focus on working with music and connecting your mind and body through movement.

16th January - Ballet

Learn the basics of ballet technique in a relaxed and friendly class, working on body alignment, posture and strength. If you have ballet shoes that’s great but otherwise socks or bare feet are fine.

23rd January - Ballet

This class will focus on the basic components of ballet which will improve stamina, flexibility posture and core strength. If you have ballet shoes that’s great but otherwise socks or bare feet are fine.

30th January - Contemporary

A fusion of bothtraditional Chinese and Contemporary dance techniques.Come and try a new style of moving.

6th February - Modern Jazz

This class focuses on exercises using controlled power and strong dynamics, danced to popular music. Modern Jazz improves coordination, strengthens muscles and works on flexibility.

13th February - Modern Jazz

This class will include exercises and a routine in the style of Jazz based musicals, touching on the styles of choreographers such as Bob Fosse.

20th February - Street/Hip hop

This class will explore and develop new movements that involve an original and diverse mixture of both freestyle and commercial street dance styles.The class will be high energy and will improve your stamina! So get out your sweatpants and come join us. If you have footwear with non- marking soles that are only used indoors that’s great but bare feet are equally good!

27th February - Contemporary

A dynamic, class that includes floorwork and builds to a final choreographic phrase. This class gets the brain and body connected and focuses on rhythm and ease of movement.

6th March - Contemporary

Contemporary is a style of dance where you can really express yourself. In this class we will be focusing on the basics of Contemporary technique by using your weight and connecting with the music through the use of different dynamics. All of this will help with stamina, flexibility and most importantly connecting your body and mind.

13th March - Irish Step

In this class for beginners you will learn the steps while focusing on posture and your core. Irish step gives you a good cardio workout too.