Stakeholder Analysis Matrix

Stakeholder / Priority / Position / Role on Project / Stakeholder Objectives / Facts, Passions, and areas of interest / Communication Style / Emotional Connections and Relationship Strategies / Action Steps to Maintain and Nurture this Relationship
Debbie Brown / H / + / Executive Management /
  • Increase role and visibility of her organization
  • Strives for excellence
  • Enjoys fine dining & likes to try new restaurants
  • Likes to work over lunch
  • Has 3 children
  • Prefers informal communications and welcomes voicemail updates
  • Likes to go out and talk shop over lunch
  • Stay in touch; keep Debbie informed and current
  • Schedule regular lunches (1 per month)
  • Find ways to provide interesting updates from the “project front lines”

Bob Hague / H / N / Client /
  • Use project as stepping stone for better job
  • Look as good as possible
  • Maintain control over other client stakeholders
  • Interested in database technology
  • Concerned with project’s impact on career
  • Distrustful of new team members
  • Can be hard on his own staff
  • Starts early each day and leaves early
  • Prefers written status reports and updates
  • Dislikes all meetings
  • Maintain formal and informal communications
  • Keep very short accounts
  • Submit well written and accurate status reports
  • Bring issues to him immediately
  • Make it a point to stop by for informal chats
  • Provide advance notice of staffing changes

Jim Smith / M / + / Subcontract Labor Manager /
  • Interested in putting more of his people on the team
  • Wants feedback on his resources so they can improve
  • From Iowa and follows Big Ten college sports
  • Enjoys travel
  • Likes to call and chat or to go out and talk shop over lunch
  • Maintain informality & full disclosure
  • Plan for short bi-weekly meetings before work.

Tom Donahue / M / - / Software Vendor /
  • Use project as reference project
  • Increase Sales of Produce
  • Wants to use project as reference
  • Can come off as arrogant and uncaring; takes relationship for granted
  • Is defensive about product shortcomings
  • Prefers face to face communications
  • Regular meetings to discuss issues; have offline discussions to build relationship
  • Bi-weekly status call; publish notes and action items from the calls

Stakeholder / Priority / Position / Role on
Project / Stakeholder
Objectives / Facts, Passions, and areas of interest / Communication Style / Emotional Connections and Relationship Strategies / Action Steps to Maintain and Nurture this Relationship

Stakeholder Analysis Matrix